Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 2: Owl vs RPG.

Okay, let's set the jokes aside for a second.

Can I actually interact with this system interface?

I raise my blood-soaked hand and press the [Race] part. My finger goes right through the interface, but the text is highlighted for a moment, then another window pops up.

[Owl-kin: Half-human, half-owl creature possessing exceptional eyesight and hearing, high intelligence, and stealth abilities.] 

Owl... Considering the color of my feathers, I think I might be a snow owl or something along that line. The description also matches my skills and stats, I suppose.

But what is this [Domination] skill then? Sounds very out of place.

[Domination: Base quality of a ruler. Allow the user to continuously intimidate creatures in their vicinity] [Legendary]

Legendary? That certainly sounds good. But I don't even know what the grades are.

And this seems like a passive skill... That means it doesn't cost MP? I've seen Chloe playing RPGs before, so I know roughly how MP and skills work. From that alone, passive skills seem pretty nice because they don't consume MP.

But then again, it could just be that this one doesn't cost mana, and the others do. Whatever, let's check out other skills.

[Sharp Claw: Enable the user to deal increased power with their claws. Cost: 1 MP, last for 5 seconds] [Normal]

This is definitely an active skill. And the system will display the MP consumed when activating the skill, alright.

[Night Vision: Enable the user to see better in the dark] [Rare]

[Enhanced Hearing: Enable the user to improve their hearing ability] [Rare]

[Stealth: Enable the user to blend in with the environment. Cost: 2 MP, last for 15 seconds] [Rare]

Hmm... Stealth seems pretty useful.

But wait a minute, how do I use skills again? Just thinking about it is enough?

Okay, I want my claws to be sharper.


Instantly, I can feel an unknown power surge up my hands.

I slash at the dead fish with my free hand, and sure enough, my fingers cut through its flesh like butter.

[MP: 13/14]

Pretty cool, but I'm hungry. I can continue looking while eating anyway.

So I walk over to the big tree with a comfortable shade nearby and set the dead fish down.

I've noticed since earlier that there are quite a lot of dead branches and fallen leaves here, maybe I could try to make a fire.

Okay, so gather the dry twigs and leaves in one place like this... Let's choose the driest ones. And then make it into a camp shape... And what did the survivalists do after this again?

Mghm... I think I need a flat piece of wood or something. But there's nothing like it here... Maybe I can use my [Sharp claw] to divide a normal piece?

Let's try it.

I grab a sizable dead branch nearby and hold it with my fingers like I'm about to tear it apart. 


The branch splits into halves when I apply my skill.

Okay, now we need to spin another stick on top of the flat surface.

I grab a smaller branch, and stuff in some kindling...

''Hu... Hu...''

This is pretty hard with the arm muscles of a fifteen-year-old... Oh, I see some smoke now!


Now throw in some more fuel, and we're done.

I can probably cut the fish with my claw if I'm fast enough as well, how convenient. Alright, today's lunch is grilled fish!


The fish is more tasteless than expected. You have lost my respect, mister fish. But thanks for the experience anyway.

Now, I remember there was a message saying that I got 1 skill point. I'm assuming that it is for upgrading skills?

[Night Vision: Enable the user to see better in the dark] [Rare]

Hmm... Tap it once more?

[Night Vision Lv.1 -> Lv.2. Cost: 1 skill point] [Upgrade]

Ah, I see. But not yet, is there a skill shop?


Right then, another board pops up before my eyes.


Total skill point(s): 1.

Normal skills: 1 point.

[Language], [Cooking], [Acceleration], [Clean],

Rare skills: 2 points.

[Auto Regeneration], [Heal], [Detection],
[Charm], [Ice Magic],...>

Epic skills: 4 points.

[Inventory], [Inspect], [Inspect Evasion],
[Parallel Thinking], [Flight],...>

Legendary skills: 6 points.

[Teleportation], [Deception], [Evasion],
[Fixed Hit], [Counter],...>


Okay, that's a lot of skills to consider. Hmm... I can't buy any of these with my single skill point anyway, let's just do window shopping for now.

Window... Shopping... Status window...



[Inspect: Enable the user to inspect the status of others] [Epic]

Hmm... According to Chloe, inspection, or appraisal skills are the most important in an RPG. And it is true that I want to know the level of the enemies I am going to fight in the future, so I'll probably get this one first.

Any interesting skills in the legendary tab? 

Egh. A bunch of powerful-sounding skills. 

Scroll, scroll...


Yeah, this is getting nowhere. Is there anything else that I can play with?

Oh, that's right, the title.

[Brute Force: Violent solves everything. STR +0.2 when equipped] [Normal]

Thanks, mister fish, you gave me a whole 0.2 STR.

And that's it?

''Hah...'' I let out a sigh, standing up.

Alright, let's not procrastinate any longer. If I want to survive here, I need to get stronger. And to get stronger, I need to kill other animals. It's a cruel world out here for sure.

Once again, I am walking along the stream, looking intently at the water.

The first targets will undoubtedly be the fish, mainly because I know that I can hunt them for sure.

Oh, there's another one.


[You have defeated a Lv.3 Zircon Fish]


[You have defeated a Lv.2 Zircon Fish]


[You have defeated a Lv.3 Zircon Fish]

[Proficiency achieved a certain level]

[Being: Aurora Lv.2 has become Lv.3]

[1 skill point acquired]

Three headless fish later, I'm now finally at level three.

I was monitoring the status screen the whole time, and I noticed that [Stealth] automatically activated together with my [Sharp Claw] as well. Which does make sense, because I did want to be stealthy and all.

But anyway, as I thought, leveling up does restore your MP, and I assume HP as well.


Name: Aurora              

Race: Owl-kin                    Title: Brute Force

Level: 3

HP: 14/14                    MP: 16/16

STR: 2.3                     INT: 8.2

AGI: 2.9                    STA: 2.2

Skill: [Sharp Claw Lv.2], [Domination Lv.1],
[Night Vision Lv.1], [Stealth Lv.1],
[Enhanced Hearing Lv.1].

State: Normal.


Alright, let's just keep farming.


[You have defeated a Lv.2 Zircon Fish]


[You have defeated a Lv.4 Zircon Fish]

Hmm... I feel like this is not working anymore. 

I've murdered the whole fish family over the last hour or so now, which was like five fish, but there's no sign of me leveling up anywhere. And I'm almost out of MP.

[MP: 2/16]

I'm starting to feel tired, actually. Not sure if it's because I'm almost out of MP, or because my body lacks stamina.

But in the system's defense, it did regenerate 1 MP for me, so... 

Regardless, I think I need a short break for now. My eyelids are heavy... This is not good.

I immediately make my way to the tallest, biggest tree I can find in the area. After contemplating my life choices for a while, I decide to climb this tree so I won't have to sleep exposed to danger.

I wrap my whole body around the bumpy tree trunk and begin to climb up.


My sensitive areas are rubbing against the tree... It hurts so much.

But it is needed.

I steel my will once more and continue climbing.

''Hah... Hah...''

Okay, I think I got the rhythm, a bit.


Just a bit more...!

After an agonizing minute, my hand finally reaches one of the larger branches of the tree. I immediately pull myself up the branch and lay down on my stomach, panting.

''Hu... Hu...''

Hah... Let's hope I won't turn and drop to my death while sleeping.

I close my tired eyes and let the sleepiness drown me.


Lifting my heavy eyelids, I look around, confused for a moment before realizing that it is dark. Though I can still see the rough outline of everything, likely thanks to [Night Vision].

Just how long I've been sleeping...?

[MP: 13/16]

My MP is almost full again. This is pretty good.



Turning my gaze down, I can see a grey wolf with three glowing eyes glaring at me, mouth drooling.

''I see. Free experience points.'' I mutter.

I immediately use [Sharp Claw] to cut a medium branch nearby into a simple spear.

I wonder how a wolf's meat tastes.

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