Mistress Of The Evil Forest

C-A 2: Getting used to a new life.

clack clack

In the large dining room, all that can be heard is the sound of the tableware clanging against each other. No one speaks, no one makes unnecessary noises. 

So this is how it feels like to live in a noble household. Utterly boring.




Oh, it's me.

''Yes, father?''

''Can you tell me what happened?'' The relatively good-looking middle-aged man with the same blonde hair and blue eyes as me asks.

''...I was just feeling down. Nothing happened, Father.''

''I see. If you have any trouble, just tell me.''

''Yes, father.''

Well, at least this man seems to be a good father, both from the game and from what I've seen so far.

''Or, if you don't want to tell him, then come to me.'' The woman sitting opposite me speaks up.

''Yes, mother.''

Amelia's mother in the game wasn't mentioned much. But I guess this is where most of her beauty came from, with how beautiful her mother is.


It's been a day since I've possessed this body. Getting used to this new environment was needlessly tiring and boring. There is virtually zero entertainment here. On top of that, my interactions with Amelia's family were and still are awkward, mainly because I have no idea how to treat them.

So, I decided to just gloss them over. The only thing I'm caring about right now is how to get stronger. Now, there are three main ways to do that in the game, one is leveling up, two is acquiring skills, and three is acquiring equipment.

Leveling up is straightforward, one just needs to defeat other creatures to gain experience to get to the next level, and your stats, except for INT, will increase along with it.

Skills can be either bought or acquired by fulfilling certain conditions. The main source of skills is from the shop, and therefore, skill points are very important as there are only a few ways to earn them. Fortunately, Amelia wasn't a fool. She chose her skills quite well, in fact. I just need to improve this body and its skills further.

And finally, equipment. These are called 'named items' in this world, and they are scattered all over the maps. I jotted down the ones that are easy to get, and ones that are broken already, so I just need to get them when I can. Most of them are in the academy or the evil forest, some are at other places. 

I personally would love to have something like the absolute barrier necklace, or the gauntlet of severance first... But they're hard to get right now.

So until my admission into the academy, I want to master the control of this body and its skills, and maybe level up some more by going on expeditions. The first major enemy won't appear until the opening ceremony anyway.

Phew... It's time to test this body.

''Please excuse me.'' I stand up and bow lightly before walking out of the dining room.


My sword rips through the air with a loud whistle and runs smoothly through the metal pillar, slicing it in half as easily as if it were butter.

''Hah... Ridiculous.'' I mutter, staring at the rolling piece of metal on the floor.

I've never touched a sword before, and this is what I can do after trying it out just a few times... Well, it's muscle memory, I suppose. And not to mention, Amelia is literally the head of the first-year students - the strongest of them freshmen, counting in both the Magic Department and the Knight Department.

''Let's try fire magic next.''

I aim my hand at the still-standing part of the pillar and will my magic. Instantly, a flock of fire appears in front of my palm, it rapidly inflates until it reaches the size of a basketball.

Strangely, it doesn't feel hot.


When I think about launching it, the fireball immediately runs away from my hand to the pillar, blasting it with a small explosion. It managed to melt a bit of the metal, which is commendable, considering that the skill is only at level five. 


Let's make a flame sword.


The blade of my sword suddenly catches fire, burning ferociously. And how much MP does it cost to maintain this again? This is one of the many inconveniences of the system - not providing enough information. It's not a wonder why they made an entire subject about exploring the system.

Well, considering the state of the system's creator, this does make sense, I guess.

Either way, let's try some more moves. I've always dreamt of being able to wield a flame sword after all.

''Hah... I really want to show her this.''

Roughly two weeks after my possession, and I'm somewhat used to this life. That doesn't mean that it is exciting. No, not at all. A routine of training, eating, studying, sleeping, repeated day after day... It's boring as hell. Well, at least I can go on an expedition tomorrow. Can't wait to test my skills on those monsters.

''...My Lady?'' Nydia's voice sounds behind me.

''What?'' I turn away from the nightly cityscape out the window.

''Can I ask what is on your mind?''

''Hah.'' I sneer. ''Getting quite bold, aren't you?''

Hearing that, Nydia gulps nervously, but doesn't seem to be as scared as she used to be when she thought I got mad during the past two weeks.

''I'm sorry if I overstepped any boundaries.'' She bows her head.

''No, it's fine.'' I reply nonchalantly.

'''' ... ''''

What? You still want me to speak?


''Yes, My Lady.''

''Do you like boys or girls?''


What are you getting flustered for? You literally asked for it.

'''' ... ''''

''I-I think girls... My Lady.''

Figured. She's not a heroine for nothing. And fortunately for both Nydia and I, this world generally allows same-sex marriages. Maybe I'll marry Aurora in this world. Saves the hassle.

''Is that so.'' I reply nonchalantly. ''What type of girls do you like?''

''Eh...'' Nydia ponders again. ''I... Would like a bird girl just like me, maybe, heheheh...'' She scratches her cheek. ''How about you, My Lady?''

''I have a person I like already.'' I reply.

''Really?! Can you tell me who it is??''

I would love to, but she's not in this world. I don't want to sound like I have an imagined crush.

''Go fetch me some tea.''

''Eh~'' Nydia pouts, but still obeys my order.

But a bird girl, huh... I wonder what Aurora would look like with a pair of wings.



That might be really hot.

A big hug to englishmuffins10, Magthrum, and SophiaGloxi on Patreon for the support!

Enjoy the novel.

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