Mightiest Melee Magician

Chapter 75

The holiday oath.

It was a type of pledge.

“Firstly, before we’re magicians, we’re students. We will not use magic outside of official promises.”

“We will not use magic outside of official promises.”

The student representative announced the pledge and the other 800 students repeated this in unison.

A promise that must be kept by the magicians that would soon go on break.

The contents of this oath were laid out with pretty standard and obvious things, but the main point was that one shouldn’t abuse their magic.

Outside of ‘promised’ occasions, one could use magic if one’s body and health would be threatened, another would become threatened, or if they would unluckily find themselves in confrontation with a monster.

Abuse, dignity, restraint, regulations, honor, and the like should be considered.

I stood at the podium and led the pledge, saying a total of seven things during the vacation ceremony before looking toward Director Tirion.

The director smiled at me, showing me that I did good, and started talking.

And so, the Director’s preaching began.

“Students, it has already been half a year since the start of your school year. This is the perfect time to reflect upon your goals that you set for yourselves as magicians when you first knocked on the doors of the Ignit Academy. The great magician Frolian Ignit that first founded this very academy repeated this same phrase until his dying breath. ‘There is no end.’ Even though he was the one who was the closest to the edge of magic, he couldn’t feel the end of it. Don’t become lazy just because of the vacation and……”


It was definitely a great story with noble intentions, but it was just boring to the students who were awaiting their break.

There was no mercy.

It was just like the great magician Frolian Ignit had said.

‘There is no end’ to this boring preaching, even though we were thankful to the Director.

He was a pretty good person……

But he didn’t have any flexibility when it came to his preaching.

Another 10 minutes passed until he finished talking.

“Up next, the student representative will talk about ‘our attitude as we await our break.’ ”


It finally came to my turn to end this ceremony.


Our attitude as we await our break.

My gaze dropped downward.

The parchment on the podium held the story that I had prepared diligently overnight.

But I turned that paper over.

Then, I stepped forward, toward the students who were rubbing their eyes in tiredness, and spoke.

“I hope that you will have an enjoyable break without regrets. That is all.”

* * *

Even thought it was the morning, the entrance of the academy was filled with a ton of people.

“We’re here! Young Master!”

It was all because of the servants and carriages waiting to take the students back to their territories.

However, compared to the amount of people gathered here, it was orderly.

It was because the students, who were ready to leave the academy even a second earlier, left as soon as they got in their carriages.

Jason was the same.

The Daymond House insignia of the royal foxglove beer keg was on the side of his silver carriage, and he got on, flicking his finger at me.

“As I thought, Ruin…… I believed in you.”

“About what?”

“In the 6 years in the academy, I’ve been through many vacation ceremonies, but a concise and tight farewell like you did today was a first. An enjoyable break without regrets. I like it.”

“A long vacation following a short vacation ceremony.”

“That’s right!”

I gleefully responded, and Jason shook my hand before leaving the academy.

“Then, I’ll see you in two months!”


I’ll see you in two months.

It was the same boring thing he said every year, but there was a reason it somehow felt new.

That was because I didn’t have to remain alone at the academy and wallow in my pity.

‘I can also go home……’

I would be able to return to my hometown.

However, unlike the houses of other students, the Ardell Family’s ‘servant carriage’ didn’t arrive.

The reason was simple.

I hadn’t sent a message that I would be returning this break.

Since the Ardell territory, as one of the kingdom’s most southward countryside towns, didn’t have any magicians, we could only communicate through letters.

Even after the letters arrived, it would take a few more days, totalling about a month, for the carriage to arrive at the academy.

It was faster for me to just go by myself.

‘Then, let’s go.’

I suppressed my elevated heart and moved toward the stable at the back of the academy.

Since all the horses here were owned by the academy, you couldn’t use them unless for special occasions, but I had already gotten permission from Professor Hydel.

“Are you going now?”


He brought the horse by the reins himself, as if waiting for me.

His expression looked a little more complicated than usual.

“Going back to your hometown…… It’s great.”


The Professor’s hometown was the same as mine, the Ardell Territory.

He was of common birth at Ardell, and also an old friend of my father.


“Professor…… Aren’t you also going to the territory?”


For a reason different to mine, he hadn’t returned to the territory in a while.


Why hadn’t he returned for decades?

I couldn’t know for sure.

But just like his veiled emotions, I could vaguely guess.

“Next time.”


It was guilt.

“When I am not ashamed of myself, then I may be able to return, just like you did.”

Maybe, it was closer to pity.

Professor Hydel had experienced being cut down from his dreams because of his status as a commoner.

When he said that he was ashamed of himself, it may’ve been from his disappointment toward his past anger he had of being born a commoner.

I wanted to tell him to not blame himself.

But I shut my mouth and instead chose to smile for him.

“I’ll say hello to Father for you.”

Just like what I’d experienced, there were a time and place for everything,


The professor smiled bitterly and bid me farewell.

“Have a safe trip.”

* * *

* * *

10 days.

I spent over ten sleepless days riding my horse.

This was a path I hadn’t traveled since I entered the academy when I was 10.

Since I couldn’t even remember the path, it didn’t feel even somewhat nostalgic.

But thanks to the fast horse, I could shorten the 15 day trip I would’ve had on the carriage to just 10 days.

Passing Oblang, the southernmost trade city in the Radian Kingdom, I trekked through a forest.

Only after that could I smile brightly.

‘……I’m finally here.’

From here on out was the Ardell territory that some people didn’t even know existed.

It was next to the ocean, but the territory’s main job was farming, and this small countryside view was the same as it was 6 years ago.

A lush path through the forest, and a small beach that could be seen between the trees.

Before the beach was a field of crops, and next to them were small log cabins near a well.

The place was filled with the essence of food and people.


Clop— Clop—

I slowed down and entered the town while enjoying the view.


“Looks like someone’s coming.”

Since this path was rare to most travellers and foreigners, my entrance into the village created a small commotion.

“Who is it?”

Since I was covered by my cloak that also acted as my sleeping bag and wore a wide brimmed hat, it was natural that no one could recognise me.

“Who are you?”

A well built man blocked my path, and I got off the horse, taking off my hat.

“Mr Pison? Your presence is still the same.”


“It’s been a while. Have you been well?”

“Y-Young Master?!”

Mr Pison.

Since he had his first child when I left the territory…

Would the kid be 6 by now?

Sure enough, a young girl who looked to be about 6 years old held onto Mr Pison’s legs and stared at me with curiosity.

I crouched down and smiled at her.

“How are you?”


The little kid hid behind Mr Pison, wary of me.

How cute.

When I left for the academy, my younger sister…

Ruina was about this young then……

Did she grow up well?

I stood back up again.

“I-it’s the young master……”

Muttered Mr Pison in shock, and after confirming my face again, he shouted for the whole village to hear,

“Young Master has really returned!”

“Who’s here?”

“What do you mean who?! It’s the young master! Young Master Ruin!”

“……Huuuuh? Young Master Ruin is back?”

The difference of status between nobles and peasants did exist between us.

But since the Ardell noble house didn’t really feel like a noble house, I visited here many a time to share meals with them.

Enough to remember the names and faces of the few people that made up this small village.

Just as I remembered them…

“I apologise. I really did take too long, didn’t I?”

“Waaaaah! Young Master!”

They had not forgotten me.

The old ladies who took care of me in the stead of my late mother.

The grandpas who would tell me fun stories once a while.

The young children who I played with, disregarding the difference in status.

We were all close. Like a family.

“Young Master! Don’t you know how worried we were when there wasn’t any news from you?”

“That’s right, that’s right! We’re really curious. Have you been healthy?”

“How’s the magic academy? Are there really amazing magicians like in the rumours?”

“Hut! What do you mean amazing? Our Young Master is amazing-er than all of them. His talent was so good that he was known in the capital when he was just 10 years old. Isn’t that right?”

“Of course! That’s right. Now now, since the young master has returned, shouldn’t we have a festival of sorts?”

“We must. Hah! We must! Before that, the young master needs to meet with the lord. Isn’t that so, Young Master?”

“Haha. That’s true.”

Nothing had changed.

The brushmaker’s house here.

Mr Pison’s wheat fields on that hill.

The alchemist’s workshop beyond that.

I could walk through the Ardell territory with my eyes closed.

The villagers walked with me.

Then, I had finally arrived in front of my ‘house’.

“My Lord! Please come out! Look who’s here!”

As all the people of the territory gathered here, Dellin Ardell, my father, the lord of Ardell territory, appeared before me.


My father’s eyes were wide with astonishment at my appearance,

And behind him…


My younger sister, Ruina Ardell, jumped up and greeted me.

Heh. That kid’s all grown up now.



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