MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Therapy Session.

"Hey... Wanna talk it out. You will much better after saying it all out."

I said to Carl who was sitting beside me on a chair. He had that dead expression after saying Marie's truth in front of others. After that, I took him to a room where he and I can talk privately. Even if everything is all-out open for everyone in the room but still Carl will feel easy to express himself in an alone environment.

"What is left to say, Mr. Chan? I again went rash and found myself in a mess I couldn't handle, then again you came to help me out. First, it was Ballas Ambush, then Catalina, and then Marie. I don't know how am I going to rescue Sweet like this If I still act on my whims?"

"Why don't you tell me from the start like what was going on in your mind when you paid the dowry to Marie's father? I know Marie's side of the story but not yours. We can slowly work this out. So just say it all out"

Carl took a moment and started telling his side of the story.

"After we won the race, You disappeared and a man came asking who is the winner of the race. I asked him why and he told me he wanted to give his daughter to the winner of the race.

He was Marie's father. He then introduced Marie to me and Woozie. When I first saw Marie, I was mesmerized by her appearance. Never had I seen such a beautiful person. So I decided to take this opportunity as soon as possible before it goes away; I came forward as the winner in front of her father and paid him the dowry to take Marie as my wife....

Then he ran away, leaving Marie with me. When I was standing next to her alone, the realization hit me hard. I realized that I basically bought a wife for me but it was only for a moment, I decided to take responsibility and become a responsible man just like you advised me to be.."

"You know the amount of shit you are in right? Then Marrying should be the worst choice in that case, as you will have to carry another person with you around everywhere and your own shit is not solved yet. Then how come you thought you can act responsibly by taking a wife?" I had to interrupt Carl and ask in a not-so-rude tone, in between his story.

"As I said, I acted on my whim at that time and took Marie as my wife but I still chose to be responsible and take care of her.
Continuing the story, I took her to a romantic date..."

"Then you told her the exaggerated 'Adventures of Jackie Chan and Carl Johnson' right?"

"I did... I did... In order to make a good first impression, I did that. You are 'the' Jackie Chan so the stories of me fighting against terrorists with you and other stories were more believable. I know it was wrong to self-insert myself in your real stories but I had to.
And Who knows if you do save the world behind the scenes. Look at you now, You made an entrance by crashing my Garage door and came out of the car in a Superhero suit like a badass, even I was astonished for a second."

"Put that aside for now and continue with your story." I had to interject Carl here or from what I know of him, he will definitely stretch this off-topic conversation for a long time.

"Yeah... then the mood was A-okay so I took her to a motel and then I went directly for the.. you know... you know that.. right?"

"But if you had a problem with her... Tool.. yes Tool then why didn't you just stop there. She told me you two had sex.. that means you went all the way in Carl. You went all the way in."

"How was I supposed to see what was there in the dark of the night?"

"What do you mean?"

"She was lying on her stomach, showing her back towards me. She said she was too shy to face me while we are doing sex. So... I complied and.... did the deed. After that, we slept naked but in the morning, I felt something poking me... it was was that... It was her tool. Then I saw what was there. She had both of the things. A pussy and a Donger. A Donger without balls...

And the Donger was .. it was.. it was bigger.. bigger than mine." Carl was having some difficulty in explaining things to me because he had to recall those moments which were blissfully turned wretched for him. He just muttered the last part slowly, so I was unable to hear what he said in the last sentence.

'So She is a Futanari....' It was obvious from the details Carl just told me. Marie is a futanari.

"Then you ran away under the excuse of buying milk?"

"Yeah... I left. I put some money in the drawer and left the motel. After that I got a call from Truth; he asked me to help him and then I left for San Fierro with him. This is the garage Cesar got from winning a bet in the race. So we decided to turn it into a business as you suggested. And here we are." Carl slumped down on his chair after finishing the story.

"You left money on the drawer after sex? You did that and left. Did you think how she would've felt? She would've thought she is a whore or something. You had sex with her and left some money before leaving...
Do you have any idea what happened after that? Today she was about to commit suicide." I berated Carl and he was also looking down. He may be a gangster but he also has feelings. But then I realized something when I saw Carl looking down.

'No this is not the right way to solve this issue. If I just berate Carl over and over, he will see me as an annoying parent who is scolding their child for small reasons. It is not entirely his fault, Even I would be shocked if Fuyumi whipped out a dick while we were having sex.

And this is 1992 here, it is very uncommon for people to accept a person with both genitalia. Who am I kidding... It is uncommon even in the future as well.

If I start berating him and forcing him to accept her, I am indirectly pushing my morals of acceptance from the future onto him, a person from the past and that is not correct. Let's try a different approach.'

"Hey, Carl... What do you think of Marie? Ignore her dick for a moment and answer my question."

Hearing my question, Carl who was looking down, now had his head raised and had a pondering expression on his face. He thought for a while and now he looked at me to answer.

"She is... She is a good girl. She is not like the usual hillbillies girls who are raised in the countryside, you know rough and have a bad mouth.. but she is kind and caring. From what I could get after spending some time with her, She is a wonderful person. But I don't know much about her."

"Carl.. Do you love Marie?"

"That... That... That I don't know Mr. Chan. I mean, we only have known each other for a day and we fucked only for a night. I don't even know about her that much. How am I supposed to answer if I am not even clear about it."

"Okay... It was nice hearing your answer but you know what... You didn't decline. You just said you don't know instead of a straight no. That means there are some feelings for Marie inside you."

"No... That." Carl was about to deny what I just said. But I interrupted him.

"Before denying, you should listen to this.."

I took out my phone and played a recording for Carl to listen,

:: Marie...Do you love Carl? ::

:: Yes... I do love him... I love him a lot. ::

:: But you known him for like a week or something.. ::

:: I also feel like that... but I can definitely say what I feel towards him is love... When I first met him.. I was just following my father's orders but after the date, I could say I was in love with him. Now that he has left me, I feel bad... It must be because of me.. I might have done something wrong which might have irked Mr. Carl and he then left me. ::

After the recording ended, I put my phone back. Carl didn't even ask why I have a futuristic-looking device with me as he was in his own thoughts after listening to the recording that I recorded during the drive to San Fierro with Marie.

"She didn't even hesitate a second in saying yes to my question. She was confused about the reason that why she fell in love with you even if you met her a week ago but she is damn clear that what she feels towards you is love.

And don't mistake her love as something that those hoes or bitches say when you pay for their expenses and fulfill their demands. You may have taken her on a date and may have spent some money on her but she is not like that.

She loves you for real. She thinks it is her fault that you left her. She even shouted at me for insulting you."


"Yeah, listen..." I played the recording.

:: Hey.. Hey.. This is not your fault. I know Carl and I can say with surety that he is a scumbag. ::

:: HE IS NOT!!! He took me as his wife without any second thoughts when others rejected me. He is a nice person with a big heart who gave me a place in his life. ::

Now Carl was in deep thoughts. He never thought he will be loved this much by someone other than his family. Heck, even his family doesn't love him to the extent Marie does and he rejected such a person. He was thinking of something, But there was a barrier that made him unable to do so whatever he was thinking.

Time for the final push,

"Why don't you give this a chance, Go on some dates with her as you just went on a single date only. Try to understand each other. Find things about each other that you didn't know before. Maybe there will be a change from 'I don't know' to 'Yes' in your answer when I ask if you love her later."

Even after telling him all these things, he still looked hesitant,

"Look, Carl. I am not going to force you to accept her right now. What I am just asking is to try to understand her as a person first, then make a choice. She having a dick doesn't make her less of a person. So I just want you to give her and this relationship that you started on a whim, a chance. If it doesn't work out then there is no need to force it but at least give it a try."

Carl who was pondering all the time I was speaking sighed,

"Okay, I will give this one-day-long relationship a chance. I guess a date won't hurt."

The last sentence that Carl said brought back some memories. Fuyumi said the same thing when I was trying to convince her to go on a date with me after our one year of separation.


I am now standing with a rope-tied and duct-taped mouth Himiko over my shoulder, facing the entire gathering of people who were present in the Garage. They were standing at a distance from me and Marie was standing close to Carl and he didn't have any objections to that.

"So Carl Johnson, Will you give this Relationship and Marie a chance and try to get back together?"


A System Notification popped up in front of me.

[Mission- Damsel in Distress]
[Mission Passed]


[Mission Available
Mission- Wear Flowers in Your Hair]


I fused my hand with Himiko's leg and then chose the [Decline]. After that, a Bright White Light covered me and Himiko, and we disappeared from the garage.


"And Folks, Here he goes in his Bright White Teleportation Light to another adventure after saving another day in the state of San Andreas. But Where did he go to? To shoot a movie? or To Save the World? Nobody knows. But we know for sure, when you are in a mess, he will be there to solve the case. Jackie Chan to the Rescue. See you in the next episode of 'Jackie Chan and Friends'." Woozie said in a tone similar to a Narrator in 1960s Television.

"What's with the Narration thing? I thought you were a bit mature but it seems that the Leader of the Triad is a 10-year old kid from inside." Carl snarked Woozie for the narration in a mocking tone.

But the bodyguards of Woozie didn't take it as a joke. It was a direct insult to their leader and they won't see this happening. So they were about to pick out guns but were stopped by Woozie as he made a stop gesture with his hand.

Woozie then lowers his hand, nods towards his people, and then turns to Carl,

"I thought it was fun at the moment so I did that. And maybe I am mentally a kid but you don't have to be a 'DICK' about it."

"OOOHHHH!!!!!" x 4 The bodyguards rooted for their boss, increasing the damage Carl had to take from the Dick Joke Woozie made.

Carl sighed after getting teased by a dick joke but still hoped that what Jackie Chan said is true and he may find an answer to the 'I don't know' in his answer about his feelings for Marie.

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