MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Talk with Endeavor.

After going through an intense set of events; from Confrontation with Fuyumi to A sweet time with her; from there to finding her Yandere side and after that going to GTA World, I finally got some good sleep. I woke up at around 5:00 PM. I quickly stood up from the bed and readied myself for the dinner.

After the bath, I took a look at the wardrobe and tried to choose what should I wear for the date. After a simple go of the wardrobe, I took out navy skinnies, white sneakers, a plaid shirt, and a short camel coat for a casual look. This will be good enough I guess.

I then went down and hired a taxi to the Todoroki's Abode. While I was on the way to Fuyumi's home, I had several thoughts and one of them was

'I think my sleep time is getting lower day by day.'

Taking care of Eri, Helping out Carl, the Vigilante work and now having a Yandere Super Soldier as a girlfriend. Life cannot be more hectic.

But I have to do all these as I was the one who took responsibilities on my own accord, nobody forced it on me. Sometimes I think I should go for a vacation alone but,

Eri is my daughter so taking care of her is natural; Carl became more pathetic when GTA World turned out to be real, there is no respawning now, so once he dies, Game Over and now I treat him as a friend so helping him is okay.

About Fuyumi, After becoming a Super Soldier, she needs an outlet for her feelings or she will become a full-fledged Yandere like Yuno Gasai as her amplified feelings will accumulate and when she cannot hold back anymore, she will snap.

For the outlet for her feelings, I need to be more intimate and lovey-dovey with her so she can express herself without any restraints.

It is the early phase of her 'Evolution'. Due to the rapid evolution of the human brain as a result of exposure to Super Soldier Serum, the individual Super Soldier is far more susceptible to mental disorders and their feelings are very volatile. I have to make her feel good and express how is she is so important and special to me.

And I also have to make sure that she firmly believes that I will never leave her. When the only fear from her mind will go out, she will be able to form solid and firm feelings by herself instead of these amplified, volatile feelings given to her by the side-effects of the Serum.


I was now standing outside the door of Todoroki's Abode. I have been here once when Fuyumi and I decided to tell her family about our relationship. I clearly remember how Natsuo gave me the stink eye, Shoto was acting like Shoto, emotionless and Endeavor rejected me but later our fight approved of my relationship with Fuyumi.

I also clearly remember my fight with Endeavor for the 'approval' and how I 'lost'. It was I who initiated the fight. I wanted to do that for two reasons,

First, Obviously the Approval. Endeavor saw me as a weak person when I told him I was Quirkless. So I wanted to show him my strength, to get the approval. Every father wants someone who can protect their daughter and Endeavor is not an exception. And if he really didn't care about his family, then he would've broken all the relationships with them but he still calls them family.

At that time, Fuyumi cared too much for her Family and If Endeavor didn't approve of our relationship, She would always be hesitant to increase the intimacy.

Second, I wanted Endeavor to learn that his belief, that only Powerful Quirk Holders are meant to be strong, is completely wrong. I wanted to do this by defeating Endeavor. Being Defeated by a Quirkless guy would've been a good lesson for him.

But I intentionally lost to Endeavor, when I saw Natsuo and Shoto (maybe) cheering for Endeavor. Looking at the Todoroki Family united, even for a small-time, made Fuyumi happy. So I chose to let the family celebrate their small reunion with Endeavor's Win.

I just used a 'Super Punch 30% Spartan Rage' in the end to create a wind pressure just before his face to let him see what power I hold. This completed my second objective partially as I didn't defeat him.


I knocked on the door twice and waited for some time. I had a small bouquet of flowers in my hand which I hid behind my back. I watched this on various shows, where the guy gifts their date with a bouquet when the girl opens the door.

So I thought I will also do the same. Since it's Valentine's, any cliche love act is acceptable and I will capitalize on this fact to gain some points as a good boyfriend. The plan is, When the door opens, I will quickly present the bouquet to Fuyumi. Simple and effective. How can anyone fail in this simple set of tasks?

When I was waiting outside, I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the inside, which meant Fuyumi has come to open the door. I readied my hidden hand for the action.


The door opened and I quickly stretched the bouquet in hand to the person who opened the door.

"Happy Valentine's Day," I said and presented the bouquet.

But my heart sank when the person who opened the door was not Fuyumi. My heart sank more when I saw the person who opened the door is none other than Enji Todoroki aka No.2 Hero Endeavor.

Endeavor looked at me with his always serious eyes. I had my hands still stretched towards him, presenting the bouquet. I looked at him with conflicted emotions.

'I thought after our fight in Hosu City and his declaration of the 'Crusade' on me, I will meet him in a battle or some verbal confrontation but I never expected that I will be presenting him a bouquet on Valentine's Day.'

I didn't want to meet Endeavor now or near future, as he is the one who is responsible for the delay of my plans. I wanted the Night Raid to make a public debut and quickly deal with High-level Villains, which would've increased our credibility among the masses, and then we would've stepped onto the next part of Destroying HPSC's image throughout the country.

But because of his conference, my reputation has hit the ground and his invitation to other heroes to confront me, makes the Mission to deal with Villains and HPSC a bit more complicated, as now Night Raid will have to deal with Villains as well as Heroes who will be coming to apprehend us.


Endeavor looked at me and I looked at him. I took back my stretched hand and continued to look at him without blinking.

'Is he suspicious of me? I used the Super Punch during our spar and also used it to deal with the Hero Ambush. He may be a ball of pride and arrogance but his experience in Hero Work is nothing to scoff at. Maybe he saw the relation in the punches and associated Night Slash with me? But how could he see my punches when he was unconscious?'

I was having a series of questions in my head as I looked into Endeavor's serious eyes. But I got out of my thoughts when I heard Fuyumi's voice. I looked at Fuyumi who had only her head popped out of the door, with the rest of her body hiding behind the door and she said,

"Shido, I am getting ready for the dinner and it will take some time, so in the meantime why don't you talk with dad," Fuyumi shouted from her room and popped her head back inside the room.

I then again looked at Endeavor.

'After looking at him all this time, I can really say that his face without the flames, looks really creepy.'

"Come in." Endeavor said and walked inside. I followed him inside as I walked just behind him.

"So how's the hero business going?" I asked Endeavor in order to initiate a small talk with him.

"Good." He said without turning and continued walking.

"Found anything about Night Slash?" I asked again to start the small talk.

This time, Endeavor turned around to look at me with eyes filled with Vigilance. That question must have touched his sensitive point, as Night Slash defeating him in seconds is maybe the most hurtful thing to his pride till now.

"Any reason for the specific question?"

"Weren't you looking for Night Slash? Every News Channel covers this topic daily. This is a very big deal as the No.2 Hero to go after someone personally and made such a big conference and ask for help from other heroes, but they repeat the same thing over and over.

So I thought of asking the man himself, if you have anything new to know other than the news channels, like some leads, or suspects. It is a good feeling when you are ahead of everyone else, isn't it Todoroki-san?" I explained I think this line of thought is the same as any other civilian.

Even after explaining myself to Endeavor, He didn't relax his Vigilance entirely. I just shrugged when he looked at me with his vigilant eyes to pry more about me. It's not like he will find anything about me just looking at me and about connecting the punches of Shido Kanzaki to those of Night Slash's won't be that satisfactory either, Since I as Shido Kanzaki has not displayed the full strength of my punches or what I can do, while Night Slash has defeated 6 heroes alone.

And the most important fact, he was unconscious the entire fight, so he didn't even have a chance to see the punches in the first place.

Even If he had found something special about me during our fight, Endeavor would've already connected me and Night Slash and he wouldn't have just stayed in his house, instead, he would've charged on me with his 'Crusaders' without losing a moment of time.


We went into a room and he took a seat and gestured me to sit too. I complied and sat on the chair opposite him. He still looked at me with serious eyes. After staring at me for some moment, he took out a bottle of alcohol and a glass, he poured himself a glass and asked me if I wanted some. I refused his offer. He then picked up the glass and sipped it from the glass.

'Maybe he was drinking earlier and I disturbed his drinking session and that's why he is giving me that looks.' I thought of a reason for Endeavor's serious look to me.

"Why did you lose to me during our spar? And if you say for the family's stability then let me tell you that this is not your family. So tell me your true motive behind that loss." He asked me, looking straight into my eyes. It seems Endeavor was not that happy about his 'fake' Victory.

"I did that for Fuyumi.."

"What does this have to do with her?" He asked. He is clearly adamant about knowing the answers from me.

In the anime, Endeavor remains frustrated and angry when All Might steps down as No.1 Hero, ultimately giving the position of No.1 Hero to Endeavor without any hard work. His Victory over me in the spar seems to be a similar situation for him, leaving him frustrated over the fact that he won not because of his strength because I chose to lose.

"Fuyumi wants her family together and she puts a lot of effort to make that happen, and when I saw her smiling face, cheering for you with her brothers at that I thought 'why not let them celebrate their small reunion with the win going to Todoroki Family?' And you see... it worked. Your family celebrated your win, even though it was just victory from a small spar."

Endeavor listened and just sat with his head low with the glass in his hands, in silence for some moment,

"Do you truly love her or are you trying to chase the money associated with her?" Endeavor asked.

It is true that the Todoroki family is really rich as this is the family of the No.2 Hero of entire Japan. So it was obvious that Fuyumi will also be rich. But I don't love her for her money, I already have {HESOYAM} for money. I have used {HESOYAM} so many times to heal me and that created a lot of money. So much money that I don't even know how much money I currently have.

"I love Fuyumi for who she is and not for the money, I don't know how to prove it to you but what I said is correct. And Let me ask you this, from when did you start acting like a real father? I never you knew you had this side hidden under your serious and strict personality." I said in a mocking tone. He questioned my love for Fuyumi, so I will question his care for his family. He will surely go on fire on my question.

But instead of taking offense and getting angry, he raised his head and looked at me,

"I also didn't know that I had this side. I thought I sacrificed all of this for my ambitions but when Fuyumi came to me and said she wanted me to meet her boyfriend... I was a bit shocked by that... My first thought was why she is saying this to me since she is an adult, she can do anything she wants.

But after she asked me to give you my approval. Everything became clear to me." He said and took a sip from the glass. He took some time to continue,

"Even if I forgot about them, forgot to care about them; Fuyumi still thought of me as her father and asked for my approval. So I acted like one and declined you directly but later approved after you showed strength and care about my family.

I thought they have never seen me as a Family and I never really cared about what they see me as but when Fuyumi asked me for my approval, I had to think again about my relationships with my family. And I saw how she always tries to hold the family together.

I never cared about the family anymore since I thought 'It is already broken then what's the point on focusing on broken parts?', so I only worked on my ambitions and focused on training Shoto. But Fuyumi still worked somehow to join us together even if it's a bit but that's a lot for our family.
So I have decided that after solving Night Slash; I will focus on my family."

When I listened to whatever Endeavor just said, My mind turned into a busy train station, with Numerous trains of thoughts going inside my mind in one moment,

'Why is he telling all this to me? And why did the realization and redemption part of Endeavor come so early than the anime.

He said he thought about his family when Fuyumi mentioned me. Did I again change a part of the plot? But he seemed to be the ruthless Endeavor in front of the media in the conference. That means he just became a bit softer towards his family and he did not change his overall personality. But this is also speculation. What else did I change?'

"But why would you tell me all this? As you said I am not a part of your family." I asked, I really wanted to know why Endeavor found me so trustworthy to share his personal thoughts on his family.

"I said, you are not the part of our family but 'yet'. After your visit to our house, I have seen Fuyumi just looking at the walls with a daze and a happy smile on her face or When she comes home, she always has a happy smile on her face many times, which is a bit unusual.

When Natsuo asked her about this, she said the reason for her happiness is a little girl that you've adopted. Fuyumi said the little girl acts like she is her daughter and she finds it very comforting and satisfying to act like her mother. She said she wanted a cute little daughter like her when she gets married. I happened to be present there and I heard what she said.

And If I am not wrong, you two are very close to each other... and after adding the factor of your daughter's and Fuyumi's closeness to each other, I think it is not a problem to say that you two will marry each other in the future.

Since now you are 'going' to be a part of our family, I thought sharing my thoughts with someone close will be a bit helpful " He said and drank the remaining drink in the glass. He poured himself another drink.

"Even if I am going to become a member of your family in the future, That's only a possibility and how come you share all of that with someone who is not even a member of your family?" I asked.

"Yeah, you are right... It is just one of the reasons I made to make my mind think what I am doing is the right thing... I am trying to justify this talk I am having with you to my mind... So, I just want to talk to someone and let it all out.

Natsuo hates me to his core, Shoto only obeys me during the training and ignores anything else. I don't want Fuyumi to be more burdened just after she found some happiness in her life. And Rei...." Endeavor stopped talking and drank the whole glass in one gulp.

"Rei is in a mental hospital where doctors advise me not to meet her... I cannot show my weakness to anyone outside the family... therefore beside you... I don't have anyone to talk to...

And now you are a father as well so you should understand what I am talking about right?" Endeavor poured another drink.

'I don't understand a bit of you Endeavor. In the conference, you act like you want to kill me the moment I appear in front of you and now... you are acting like an old man who is trying to drink down his guilts with more and more alcohol. I don't understand a bit of you Endeavor...Not even a bit.'

Endeavor then stopped talking and focused on drinking. We sat there in silence, without saying anything. Only the sound of glass touching the table resounded the room from time to time.

'He seems a bit drunk that may be the reason he could say all those stuff out of his heart.'

After some time, I broke the silence.

"So, How are you feeling now?" I asked him.

"A bit better. Letting it all out really made me feel a bit lighter... Thanks for listening." After that, he just sipped from the glass and didn't say anything.

When I heard Endeavor saying thanks to me, I was stunned and didn't know how to respond to that so I just remained silent. This talk made me feel more complicated.

'Yeah, it's all his fault. He abused them and now they don't care about him, isn't it natural. And why all of a sudden he wants to reunite with his family. It is you who created this mess for everyone and now you to make them forget everything that happened in the past and accept you. Isn't it very selfish of you?' That was one thought in my mind.

But there was another thought going on in my mind,

'But he is at least trying to resolve this mess, even if he created this. Acknowledging the fact that everything that happened is because of him is the first step and he has taken that step... Maybe he did the worst thing a father and a husband can do to his children and wife but he is at least trying to change. That doesn't make all his past actions invalid but.... '

'GOD!!! I sound like a hypocrite. Why am I in this mess.' I pushed all these thoughts away and tried to make a final thought on this entire talk with Endeavor

'He is the Endeavor who has delayed my plans and is the reason behind the drop in my public Image. but... what are those plans and Public Image for... For hunting Villains right? but I do Vigilante work just for some spice in my life, as I have the power to do so.

And Endeavor is going to become my father-in-law. If I continue being a Vigilante, I will eventually have to fight Endeavor.... but is it worth it? This old man now just wants to reunite with his family.'

While I was lost in my thoughts,

"Shido, I am ready, Let's go or we will be late for the reservation at the restaurant," Fuyumi shouted from outside. I quickly got up from my seat and was about to leave the room but before leaving I turned to see Endeavor. He was sipping from his glass while looking at the table in a daze.

I then left the room and met Fuyumi who was standing outside the door. She was wearing a red short dress which matched her red and white hair. She was simply looking stunning.

"You look absolutely stunning and marvelous." I just said whatever I had in my mind.

Listening to my compliment, she blushed and turned her head to look at the other side.

"Don't waste time here complimenting me... You can do that when we are... alone. Let's go. I don't want our first Valentine's date to be ruined just because we were late as you were busy complimenting me." She tried to scold me but the heavy blush on her face was not that something you should have when you are scolding someone.

I sighed at her antics and called for a taxi.

After entering the taxi, We sat on the back passenger seats.

During the ride to the restaurant, Fuyumi leaned on my body, rested her head on my shoulder, and grabbed my arm and she hummed a tone.

It was all romantic but I had something else in my mind. I was still thinking about the talk I had with Endeavor. I finally made a final thought on this.

'Even if he is going to become my father-in-law, I don't care. He is trying to reunite with his family. I don't care. He is a hero and he is doing his job so what is stopping me from doing the same thing. I am doing my job, he is doing his. Even if I do this thing for some excitement in life but I am serious about this work.

The entire Night Raid depends on my decisions and existence, and I faltered with just a talk with an old man with family issues. I give Carl words of wisdom in GTA World and look at me here.

I just faltered from my motives even if it was for a moment.' I scolded myself for thinking that I need to stop doing Vigilante work. Maybe the reason to do this work is not that noble but the effects are nobler than most of the Pro-Heroes.

'Therefore if Endeavor becomes an obstacle to my plans....' I am now more determined to do what I have decided.

'I will have to deal with him properly not like the last time in Hosu City.'

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