MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Reasons to Share.

:: ....To America ::

When we heard the answer, the room was silent and confusion was clearly visible on everyone's face. Danjuro was the first one to break the silence and ask,

"But don't the Americans have a better and more potent Trigger than the Asian Trigger. Then why do they need a weaker Trigger if they already have a better one?"

What Danjuro asked is right. Why do they need the Asian Trigger? Is it simply that the American side of Underworld wants the monopoly of Trigger or there is something big that we don't understand.

:: What you said is right, my friend but you have to note that the American Trigger is expensive because of its great effects in comparison to the Asian Trigger::

I thought this conversation is now a discussion about the triggers so I decided to wrap up this talk quickly.

"Giran, tell me the reason why you shared this information with us? And If you say you want justice and shit like that, then I don't believe you." I asked Giran.

Giran is a man with a business mindset. He won't do things if they are not profitable to him but there are certain morals and values which he upholds, like not sharing his clients' Identity, or not doing business with someone who he doesn't like.

But sharing Underworld's news to a Vigilante Group like us is not one of those morals and values, so it becomes clear that he is doing this for profit.

:: Hehe, always to the point Mr. Night Slash, well I wanted to let you know this because... I want you guys to deal with them. I hate this group of mongrels who just came and ruined the entire equilibrium of the Big Players of the Underworld in a day. And similar to a building, when you see the top shaking that means the ground is already shaking with greater intensity than the top.

And that is what exactly happened in our case. The middle-men and low feeders of the Underworld who are in Trigger Business are going through hell right now. And I don't like this. I don't like someone ruining the Underworld to which I contributed to a lot and My business is also facing problems now because of this.

And appointing you is the best choice I have right now. You are the main perpetrators of 'Two-Explosion Incident of Hosu' and you, Mr. Night Slash, alone killed Overhaul, so your skills and expertise cannot be questioned and I don't think someone in the Underworld is as skilled as you guys::

'He is clearly flattering us. He wants us to pull this thing off, making it look like we did it of our own volition and act like a normal informant. He wants revenge or whatever from the people responsible but is too fear-stricken to be a part of the revenge as he speculates that the people responsible are very strong and if we fail in pulling this off, The group will retaliate and he will also be in their list if he is somehow involved. Truly a sneaky rat of Underworld.'

"How is there a benefit to us for doing this thing for you? If there is any, I cannot see it." I asked.

:: Hoh, I thought you were the silent Guardians of the people and the Crusaders of Justice but it seems like you also need benefits... Hehe, Well. Jokes aside... I thought you will be interested in this as you destroyed Shie Hassaikai for the development of a more potent Trigger::

'I think Giran is still in the dark about the More Potent Trigger.'

"Well Giran, sorry to break it to you but the news about the More Potent Trigger that I told you to spread was just a hoax. I used that hoax to make the American Suppliers go against Shie Hassaikai." I told the truth to Giran as there is no point in hiding that anymore, as the hoax has completed its purpose.

:: Hoax... a Hoax..... Hahaha... To fool your enemies, fool your allies first... Hahaha, Brilliant Mr. Night Slash. It seems your plan worked. The American Suppliers of Trigger went on a slaughter on the remnants of Shie Hassaikai and now there is none left. Hahaha... You really are sneaky. ::

'From when we are allies? I don't remember calling him that.'

"Well since, you have told us about the information. We will discuss and tell you an answer in some days." I stood up from my seat and picked up the phone in my hand, turned the loudspeaker mode off, and went to a corner to talk to Giran.

:: Yeah... Okay then... :: But before he could hang up the call,

"Let me ask you something first." 

:: Go ahead::

"Have you joined the League of Villains?" I asked him the question I wanted to ask him but I couldn't get a chance but now I am on a call with him, so why not?.

:: How-?... I don't get what you are asking? :: He almost blurted out 'How do I know this' but tried to correct it immediately.

"Don't play ignorant with me, Giran. And about how I know about the League, I will say that I just know. So Giran, Have you or Have you not joined the League of Villains?" I repeated my question. This answer will tell whether we associate with Giran anymore or not.

::*Sigh* Since you know about the league then what is the point of hiding. Yeah, I got the invitation yesterday but I haven't made a choice yet. ::

"Isn't it great? Then let me help you make your decision. You will politely reject the League's Invitation and will not associate with them in any way possible." I said to Giran in a threatening tone.

:: And... why is that?:: Giran tried to put up a strong front to my threat but his voice faltered.

"Because~ I will be on a hunt on the League and its members once they start their operations and start wreaking havoc here and there. Remember that, I will be personally going around to hunt the league. And you know my skills and expertise right? Then you should've made a guess what will be the outcome.

And you know, I don't like killing people who I know personally.... but that doesn't mean I will hesitate to kill them if I had to. So~ Giran, I hope you will heed my 'advice' and don't make me come after you." I said and hung up the call.

'I tried to act like a villain there. So Cringe!!! I don't think even a kid will be scared by that act. FUCK!! I need to work on my intimidation skills now. Maybe I should consult to Tenpenny about this when I go to GTA World again.'

I then went to the dining table and took a seat with the others.

"Anybody wants to say something?" I asked but nobody replied.

"Okay, then I will talk.

I want the original plans to go as planned. We already have been delayed much by Endeavor's act in front of the media and I don't want any more delays. So Danjuro start your Street Hero work, La Brava assist Danjuro. I and Knuckleduster will focus on dealing with the villains." I said all the instructions I wanted to say at the time.

"But what about the information we just got now?" Danjuro asked. He knows what Triggers can do to people and society; Triggers being produced in Japan in a huge amount is like sitting on a time bomb. Once the Triggers gets into the wrong hands. Then only God knows what will happen. But one thing is sure, it won't be good.

"Knuckleduster, do you want to say something?" I asked Knuckleduster. I want to know everyone's opinion on the information Giran conveyed. He is silent from the start of the conversation. It seems he isn't feeling good from the news of Trigger.

The Trigger Incident of Naruhata City, 4 years ago, was a big incident and it was orchestrated by the Villain Factory and one of the main perpetrators of it was Kuin Hachisuka. Kuin Hachisuka is none other than Knuckleduster's Daughter, Tamao Oguro with her body being controlled by a huge parasitic queen bee.

Eventually, Knuckleduster was able to save Tamao from Kuin's control but then what happened shocked his world. The Hospital said that her wife's health is worsening more and more. When he arrived at the hospital with his long-lost daughter to have a family reunion with his wife, his wife died before they could arrive at the hospital. His wife was not able to see her long-lost daughter and her husband in her final moments.

This incident only brings back bad memories for him and I think the same is happening now.

"I.. want some time... alone," Knuckleduster said and went to the balcony.

We left him alone and continued our discussion.

"We will discuss this later. La Brava, do you have anything new with the data from HPSC?" I asked La Brava.

"Yes, Chief. I do have something I wanted to report." La Brava stood up from her seat and left. She came back with her laptop.

"The data we downloaded from the HPSC can be categorized in two categories: Data of Villains and Data of HPSC's Scandals.

I have analyzed the data which holds the information of many villains and villain organizations around Japan. The data contains simple reports which contain all the necessary details like Recent location or Expected location. I think this will be very useful for your and Knuckleduster's hunt of villains. But ...." La Brava took a pause and then continued,

"But there is a problem with the data containing details of HPSC's Scandals. Nothing is wrong with the data itself, as there are no backdoors or any encryption, but the problem comes from the details inside the data.

The details are not specific, instead of a detailed explanation, only the events are written in a very brief sense. No chronological order of events or any explanation of the event. Names are written in initials like JK or AI. There are various vague words used to describe some major acts else like 'curbing' is used for killing or 'give love' is used for an assassination. And there are many which I was not able to decode.

I don't think we will be able to form decent evidence from this, to use it against HPSC as we have to present these things in front of the public and I don't think they will understand or may misinterpret the details if we just leaked the data as it is." La Brava reported.

The data of the scandals is vague and not detailed well. It is obvious. Who in their right mind will write a proof of their wrongdoings and corruption in details in a report. But they had to write this for the record, as these are the missions given to agents and they need to keep a record of every mission handed out to agents.

But now we have to do something. We are already so ahead in this information plan, I had to go to HPSC HQ and fight 6 heroes to get this information. I cannot let this plan fail now. I know the right person who will be able to solve this problem.

"La Brava, the only problem you got... is that the data is vague and not detailed enough for normal citizens to understand right?" I asked La Brava.


"Then what if someone who knows all the details of the scandals, helps us in detailing these vague reports?"

"That will be great. Then I will be able to form a good evidence from all the details... but who is it? Who in their right mind will go against HPSC, just to help us?" La Brava asked.

"Yeah.. Don't worry about her mind, she is already broken there. She will go against HPSC even with a toothpick if given a chance. La Brava, I think I know what we're gonna do tomorrow. Next Mission: Prison Break."


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