MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Pillow Talk.

I was in complete shock as I listened and comprehended whatever she was saying. First I thought these were some cheesy cliche lines she was using as today is Valentine's and it was a bit romantic to say some cheesy lines after sex (Pillow Talk). But what she started saying after that was out of the zone of some cliche cheesy lines.

It was in the Yandere Zone. But the more confusing thing is how did she become one. She showed any behavior like this in the past.

'Is it she recently became like this or she was really good in hiding her feelings and was a yandere from the start?'

I looked at her and asked, "From when did you start feeling like this towards me?". When she listened to my question, her goofy expression turned to serious in a moment but it changed into a guilty one the next moment.

"Sorry, Shido... I know I shouldn't have hidden these feelings from you but I was worried that you would leave me after I revealed these feelings for you, thinking I am an obsessed person with something wrong in my head. So I hid all these feelings and acted normal in front of you.

I just don't want you to leave me...Please don't leave me, Shido... I cannot live without you. I will try to change if you want... just don't leave me." She said with her head hung low while sitting on my abdomen. I could see tears in her eyes.

I quickly stood up and hugged her. She was surprised for a moment but hugged me back.

"How can I leave you just because you were being you. I will accept you no matter what, the same way you accepted me, disregarding the fact that I am a killer Vigilante. I will never leave you and

Listen well Fuyumi, we will be together forever and... ever."

I whispered whatever I had in my heart to her ears. Even if she is a Yandere I won't leave her just for that. She accepted me for being a killer (of Villains), then won't that be petty of me to leave her for having a bit different ways to show her love. She even hasn't hurt someone so there is no problem for me even if she is a Yandere.

Sanders also deserves love and I am here going to give love to my Yandere.

'I think I am starting to like Yanderes. Am I sick or something?'

Listening to what I said, tears started bursting out from Fuyumi's eyes.

"Re-Really? You meant that, right?" Fuyumi asked while crying.

"Yes. But I am a bit sad that you hid all these feelings inside you. It could've been harmful to you if you held back these feelings for long and reached the breaking point. You could've done something irreparable if you snapped because of the held-back feelings. And I don't want my Fuyumi to do bad stuff even if I am considered a cold-blooded murderer by your dad." I said the last part in a light and funny way to lighten the mood.

She chuckled and stayed in my embrace like that for some more time. Hugging while being naked and feeling others' bodies was truly blissful. I didn't engross in this blissful feeling for long as I wanted answers. How did she become like this?

"Fuyumi, when did you start having these feelings towards me?" I again asked the same question.

She took some time to answer as she was engrossed in the embrace. Then she started explaining, "Remember our talks about my system that day. You asked about the Quest but you didn't ask about the Starter Pack and I also forgot to tell you about that."

'So it is all because of her system. It is good that I removed that from her and absorbed it. I don't know how it would've affected Fuyumi if it was left there with her for long without me noticing it.'

She continued, "I got three skills from the Starter Pack; {Close Combat Mastery}, {Clean}, {Appraisal}. These three skills were called the 'Starter Skill Set' by the system. And it said, I don't have to train them much, as they will be directly embedded to my soul and their knowledge will be imparted directly to me. So I can use them to their full potential without any practice."

'So these are the remnants of the System that I couldn't extract during the Usurpation process as these were directly embedded to her soul but what about the system, it also should've directly attached to her soul but it was easy to remove it. I guess it needs more thought.'

"And I also got a {Super Soldier Serum} in the Starter Pack..."

"WHAT??!!" What she just said blew my mind to the top. Did she just say Super Soldier Serum?

"{Super Soldier Serum}, that is what I got from the Started Pack."

"Why?!!!" I was completely baffled by her claims.

"I don't know. The System said, due to Secret System being a basic system, it doesn't provide much power to its host and because of this, many of its hosts died, trying to even finish their first quest. So it decided to give {Super Soldier Serum} in the Starter Pack to its new hosts, to increase the power of its host, so they can overcome the lack of strength and be successful in unraveling mysteries and secrets more easily." She explained.

"And did you take it?" I asked her in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I didn't have any choice at that time, as the System directly introduced it into my body with required nutrients and radiations, if I remember correctly what the system said. It just happened after the System ended its explanation of Serum and its purpose.

I didn't even have the chance to react to anything and then I fell unconscious. But when I woke up, I felt a surge of strength inside my body and my thoughts became clear.

My feelings for you also became clear. The more I thought about you, the More I was attracted to you and my love grew more and more by the minute. I then realized how much I love you Shido. I thank System for the enlightenment it gave me about my own feelings." She said and hugged me back and started kissing my neck.

"Did the System mention some side-effects or anything special about the serum?" I asked her ignoring the kisses and bite marks she was planting on my neck.

"...There was no mention of any side-effect but ...the system did mention something special about the serum..." She tried to remember what the system said but the kissing and biting didn't stop.

"What was it? Can you remember?"

"I am trying... Give me a minute", She asked for more time but she was more focused on my neck. After some time of biting and kissing, she ended with a lick on the last bite mark, and then she said,

"The system said, 'It makes you MORE of what you are'. I don't find anything suspicious as it really made me more of what I am. I am more powerful and agile. And you know I can process information at a rapid rate. It really makes my work so easy now. You know... " She continued how the Serum's effects were beneficial to her.

'SHIT, this is the same side-effect from the Marvel's Super Soldier Serum. That means both are just similar things or it came from Marvel Universe.'

"The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so good becomes great, bad becomes worse." These are the words of Abraham Erskine, the one who developed the serum. I think Fuyumi's new behavior is the result of the side-effect of the Serum. Her feelings for me were amplified by a great margin because of the serum.

I looked at Fuyumi who was embracing me and talking about 'Life is better with the Serum' with a smile on her face. She was genuinely happy after I accepted her feelings and promised her that I won't leave her, for her having these feelings. I don't want her to go back to her 'fake smile, hiding pain inside' mode.

Maybe Fuyumi before the Serum was kind, caring, and 'normal' but she hid her pain behind that smiling face but now after the serum, She is open to me about everything and genuinely happy now.

I want her to be happy and If I tell her that these new feelings that she is currently having in her mind all the time, are just a side-effect of the serum. I don't know what will happen to her mind but I don't think it will be any good.

So I decided to let the things go as they are going, and hide the fact about her feelings being a side-effect a secret from her and everyone. It will be secret close to the existence of my System.

"What are you thinking?" Fuyumi asked while tightening the hug.

"Hmm... I was thinking about Fuyumi Kanzaki, my wife in the future. Do you know her? She is a wonderful, beautiful person. I truly wonder how was I able to marry her in the future." I said with a goofy smile.

"Heh, Really... I do know her but you will have to wait some more time for her to come into your life. In the meantime, why don't you spend time with Fuyumi Todoroki?" She said and pushed me down.

After that, sounds of groans and moans of pleasure reverberated in the room.


[7:30 AM]

After doing a small session of love-making with Fuyumi, I quickly put on some clothes and ran to make breakfast. I did all those nightly exercises on Fuyumi throughout the night, without eating anything and now I am hungry.

'I think Fuyumi is also hungry from all the things we did.'

Even a Super Soldier needs food to live. I started preparing the breakfast but my mind was a bit distracted. Fuyumi being a super soldier like Captain America was a fact that was too hard to digest for me.

I made the Cheese Egg Toast which was easy to make. After the breakfast was done, I served it on a plate and went to the bedroom. I went close to Fuyumi and shook her.

"Fuyumi, Wake up. I made you breakfast.", She groggily stood up and took the plate in her hand. She took a bite and then she had a smile on her face. "You made this for me?".

"Yes. Something wrong?" I asked. I don't know if I made some mistake as I made the breakfast in a hurry.

"Nothing is wrong. It's just this toast taste a bit different than the one you made for me a year ago.", "I made it the same way, no changes.", "Maybe you added a new ingredient. You added love your love for me in the toast." I rolled my eyes when I heard her say that.

'Does being a Yandere makes the person say cliche love lines?'

She shook the toast in front of me, "Want a bite?" I shrugged and took a bite from the toast. She then quickly devoured the entire toast.

"As I speculated, It does taste sweeter." She said with a contemplative look on her face.

'I think it's better for me to just ignore her antics.'

Now it was time to think about the future. I accomplished all the goals I wanted to accomplish in the beginning days of my transmigration. But now Endeavor is going after me and I need to make him stop the Manhunt on me so I can continue the Vigilante work.

'But why I am so motivated to do Vigilante work? I accomplished all the things I wanted. But what moves me to do Vigilante acts?'

I thought for some time and found an answer. It was not that hard to find if I am true to myself but If I want to lie to myself, then eternity would not be sufficient to find it.

'Because I want to do it. Prevailing Justice and all are good but Why I really want to do this is because I want to do it. If I tried to live a peaceful life without any problems, then what is the use of this GTA San Andreas System? If I got Power, I will use it and the Vigilante thing is in line with my morals so why not? The Justice and Peace are just a good side-effect of my work.'

Finding this answer was as important as Endeavor now, as I can't lie to myself for the rest of my life, saying I am doing this because I want Justice to Prevail. I am doing this because I got the Power and I will use it however I see it fit. I want to help people, I will help; I want to kill people, I will kill.

I have dealt with HPSC and I will deal with Endeavor. No questions, even if he is Fuyumi's Father, now I don't care. But I will have to think about what to do first?

I was contemplating various scenarios but I had to stop when I saw a naked Fuyumi standing in front of me.

"What happened?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Nothing," I told her. The manhunt and my Vigilante work have nothing to do with her, so it is good for her to stay from this.

"Don't give me that 'Nothing', Last time when I asked and you replied with Nothing, You created the whole 'Two-Explosion Incident'. Just tell me. Now we don't have anything to hide from each other right? So just tell me." She said and leaned towards me. But the problem is she is currently naked so her breasts were hanging in front of my face.

I ignored them and told her, "I was thinking how to get rid of your Dad from chasing and investigating me."

"Can't you just stop doing Vigilante work? Your identity is a secret so if you stop being a Vigilante then he won't be able to find anything about you." She suggested. I think this could be the best possible thing to do but this is not possible considering other factors.

"I would've adopted the same way in this situation but this is not good for my team. If I give up being a Vigilante, I am sure the heroes will go for the team members to find me just like the HPSC." I told her but when I looked towards her, she had a confused expression.

"Team? HPSC? Team Members?"

'Well, she is short on many things.' I thought.

I then started telling her about the entire thing that happened in Eri's Rescue Operation. How I created a team of Vigilantes and How we dealt with HPSC. I excluded the part of the Hero Ambush on me and her dad being beaten down by me in seconds as I don't know how she will react knowing I fought against 6 heroes alone. Now she knows about the situation of Night Raid and its missions excluding the Hero Ambush part.

"But your team has not made a public appearance. You are just doing stuff from behind the scenes and The only thing you have accomplished is Destroying Shie Hassaikai." She pointed out.

"I know and we are preparing for our public appearance to deal with the HPSC. Earlier we were busy dealing with HPSC and the aftermath of the 'Two-Explosion Incident'." I explained to her.

"But what does it have to do with Dad. He won't chase you for no reason?"

How did she reach this part? I thought she would've associated it with Hero Work to deal with Vigilantes, but it seems she knows her dad well. Endeavor won't do anything that isn't beneficial to his Hero career.

I sighed and told her about the Hero Ambush part. She was listening to it very carefully. I told her about Endeavor in the last. I looked at her to see her reaction to this.

Now she knows what a member of Night Raid knows.

She quickly pulled me into a hug and started showering me with kisses, "My Shido is so~ Powerful. You defeated 6 heroes all alone including Dad, Hawks, and Gang Orca. I cannot believe it. I never knew my future Husband is so~ so~ Powerful."

It was weird to see her praising me for beating her dad. But that's Yandere for you. I think I should research a bit about Yanderes. I think knowing her would be better than just outright ignoring her feelings. This may make help me in treating her acts as a new 'normal'.

'She is normal. What am I even thinking? She is perfectly normal and fine. She is just a bit different in showing love from other people, That's all.'

"Shido..." Fuyumi called me.


"How are you so powerful? You were not that strong when I first met you. But now you are able to defeat 6 heroes on your own without receiving any damage." She asked in a small voice.

"I trained. Remember the time when I asked you to go out with me again...", She nodded. "At that time I had just started training myself. The more I trained, the more powerful I got. Maybe this is a feature of my body that I get more powerful the more training I put my body into. without facing any bottleneck in my progress. I trained for 6 months to reach this level." I told her about the reason behind my strength. I lied about the 'feature of the body' part, as I don't want to disclose anything about the System to her. If I disclose about the system then I should also disclose about the transmigration and me not being the Shido she knew a year back and I am not going to do it. Maybe later but not now.

The system gives me limitless potential but I have to train hard enough to reach that power as the system won't facilitate the training. It is all good that I can use firearms, Inventory, and Cheats to fix my lack of strength or It would've taken a hell of lot of time to achieve enough strength to fight 6 heroes alone without receiving Damage.

I then looked at Fuyumi who asked me this question out of nowhere. She was contemplating something. After some time of thinking, she looked at me with eyes filled with determination,

"Shido, Please train me, I also want to become stronger!!!"

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