MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Like a Boss.

[Paradise Mall, 1100 Hours]

A Day after the infiltration.

Knuckleduster was waiting for the duo - who now will follow his lead - inside the cupcake shop. It was already 2 hours late than the designated time, and there is no signs of the duo. He was constantly looking at the sensors he placed around the mall to discover the evidence of PX-41 serum.

Knuckleduster got these sensors after asking from Ramsbottom. He then placed it around the mall to ensure that the evidence doesn't go out of the mall and stays inside. The moment the evidence which contains traces of PX-41 comes out of hiding, it will be sensed and Knuckleduster and the AVL will be notified immediately.

He did all this when Gru and Lucy were planning to infiltrate Eduardo's Restaurant. He wondered how easy it would've been if he could get these hi-tech sensors to find Trigger 4 years ago. All now it needs to bring the evidence out of hiding.

He thought Gru and Lucy's infiltration may cause the Perpetrator to destroy the evidence and to do that he would have to bring it out from wherever he is hiding it. But it didn't happen.

Knuckleduster who was waiting for the duo as well as the notification from the sensors was getting bored. He talked to his daughter last night and turns out that the college is asking for the fees for the tuition, activities, and what-not. But the problem is the sum is hefty.

Because of Queen Bee's possession of Tamao during the Trigger Incident, She dropped out of classes in High School for 2 years, which made it impossible for her to enter a national or public university. So Knuckleduster enrolled her in a Private University this year, after putting all his savings in Tamao's fees. The father and daughter quarreled over her admission to the University.

Tamao wanted to be a musician and didn't want to pursue higher studies anymore but Knuckleduster - who opposed her idea of being a musician at that time - had already paid the fees to the University. So to not let her father's life savings - which was already not too much - go to waste, she attended college.

And now she going to be in her sophomore year. The University is asking for fees for the next semester.

Knuckleduster had already spent all the money Night Slash gave them as the mission reward, on buying instruments for his daughter. After coming to the middle ground where Tamao can pursue Music as a hobby and will complete her college, he didn't hesitate to put money into her hobby.

And now he does not have money to pay for Tamao's fees, also not enough time to gather that much money, as the deadline is just 4 days away. He thought he would be able to loot some crime organization to gather the money but now he is in America on a mission for a week. There is no way he could ask for money from AVL or he could do something like looting a gang headquarters here.

So he called the last person he wanted to ask for money from.


[Musutafu, Japan. 0000 Hours]

Shido was learning guitar in his room while watching online videos from the internet. He was looked at what to do in the video then repeated it on the guitar that he had bought on the day he reverted Himiko to a 4-year-old.

After completing the daily practice, he went to the bedroom where his daughters were sleeping. Eri is on the bed with Sakamoto on the shelf, and Himiko sleeping in the futon, who is currently turning around in her sleep.

Accompanying Himiko daily to sleep has caused the girl to be dependent on her father's embrace to have a good sleep, otherwise, she just rolls all over the futon and wakes up in a cranky mood.

Akane handling the Villain-Slaughter has made some space for relief in Shido's schedule. Now he is dedicating all that free time to his daughters and future wife. He is also dedicating some time to read books and learn guitar, as he had decided earlier to spend some time on himself.

About the Future Wife. Fuyumi is also happy that Shido is now acting as she hoped for. As a Responsible father, and husband. He is spending his time with his family. Caring for them. Not ignoring them for self-righteous beliefs or just for fun. All things were going as Fuyumi wished for.

A small happy cute family.


Shido entered the futon near Himiko. The little girl slowly nuzzled near her father and slept with his as arm her body pillow. Shido didn't think much of it and was about to fall asleep when

*Bzzzz Bzzzz*

His phone started vibrating.

He quickly answered the call, as he didn't want to let the call disturb his daughters' sleep.


:: Hello Night Slash... Knuckleduster speaking::

Shido was a bit stunned. The tone was reeking of politeness and there is no problem in that but the problem lies in the speaker.

'From when did Knuckleduster become so polite to me?'

"Hmm..." Shido just hmmed him instead of asking what's wrong. He wanted to know what happened which made Knuckleduster who never left a chance to insult me, go polite.

:: I wanted to talk to you about....:: He took a pause there.

"About what?" Shido crawled out of the futon and went outside the room.

:: About.... *sigh* Look I am not going to go around this in circles... I wanted money::

"How much?"

:: 1.5M Yen... You can put whatever interest rate you want, but I need the money in 2 days::

"The amount is no problem, but why do you need such a huge amount of money in such a short period of time."

:: Well... It is for Tamao's College fees. They gave 1.5-month deadline which I pretty much ignored as I thought I would steal from a criminal organization at the last moment but the last week I was busy with Villain-Slaughter in Naruhata and now here I am in America. So I need the money. Don't worry about the payment. I will repay the principal price as well as whatever interest you put, as soon as possible::

"Umm... Why would I ask for interest? I still have to pay you."

:: What?::

"Did you forget? I didn't pay you guys the last month. I only paid you 5M Yen the first month of the establishment of Night Raid. I didn't pay you the second month and now it is the third month. It slipped out my mind... and nobody even reminded me to pay you guys.

Well since you are not here. I will make the money white through Giran, and put some part of the money in your bank account and the rest will be given to your daughter."

:: NO. Don't give her the rest. If she gets that much money she will spend it on musical instruments that she will doesn't even want. Just give her 200K Yen. That will be enough for her to live the month. But why are paying us? ::

"Don't you want your salary?"

:: Salary?::

"Yeah... I hired you guys to be a part of my team."

:: We voluntarily joined your team. We didn't get recruited by you::

"Well...It was kind of like recruitment. The Devil is in the details.  I selected you guys out of so many options then I offered you to join my team. You agreed voluntarily. There is a lack of a signed contract but putting that aside, you are clearly hired by me.

You listen to my commands. You can leave the team if my order/work goes against your values. Look you are clearly an employee and I am your employer."

:: No... No... No... Never::

"If you deny that then you can kiss goodbye to your salary, and I will consider you as my equal... but then you will have to pay half the salary of Danjuro, La Brava, and Kaina. And I don't think you can do that as you just asked for money.

So I can only consider you as an unpaid intern in the team. Imagine a 52-year-old unpaid intern Hahaha... Can you bring me a cup of coffee Old man? I just imagined you bringing me a cup of coffee in a shirt and trousers, a black tie around your neck... But the funny thing was you had your mask on... Hahaha... Short joys like this make my day. And Yeah, since you have such a hard time saying my name, so from now on you can call me Boss. " Shido started laughing as he imagined the scene.

:: FUCK YOU SPRITE CLASH... You like to imagine that much right?

Imagine a black man giving you a handjob with your donger in his big hand. You talk dirty to him, and he caresses your donger. He then gives you a blowjob, then you come in his mouth::

Saying that Knuckleduster hung up the call.

He said the last line in retaliation but he didn't know how much damage he did to Shido just through a call.

'AAAAA!!!!' Shido was again met by the horrifying images of Carl giving him a handjob in his mind. But Knuckleduster added more details to it, making it more horrible for him.

Shido who was about to sleep a good night's sleep had his night turned into a nightmare in a span of a few minutes. He tried to sleep but he couldn't. He looked at images of hot girls on the internet but that didn't work either.

So he just accepted his fate and activated >>Mind Stabilizer<< to >>Ultra<< setting and put himself to sleep.

And this is how an employee destroyed his boss' sleep. Like a Boss.

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