MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Future Diary.

While the Night Raid was busy looking for an apartment for Kaina and possibly a new base for the team, Endeavor was sitting in front of a tall, slim man with sharp looks and an elongated face. He had green hair with yellow streaks. The man had a stern expression on his face with a pair of triangular glasses. He had a cup of tea with steam coming out of it. He took a sip from the cup peacefully, disregarding the fact that the No.2 Hero is sitting just right in front of him.

"I have already told you Endeavor, What are you doing right now is just a wild goose chase. I don't know how come a Vigilante angered you so much that you are going against him to the extent where you declared it in front of a press conference and you also asked for help from other heroes, implying that, you alone, is not enough to deal with the vigilante.

Why don't you tell me every detail first, then I will consider using my Foresight for you as you have requested." The man said and sipped from the cup.

"You do your work Mirai and I will do mine. Don't push your nose in stuff that has nothing to do with you. Just use your Foresight on me and tell me any important detail about Night Slash from my future. His identity or where we will fight or anything will suffice for now." Endeavor threatened him in his heavy voice and stern looks but it didn't make any difference as the man still had the same expression on his face.

"I advise you to keep the formalities Endeavor and call me Sir Nighteye instead of my personal name. Even All Might respects that. And about using Foresight. You wanted other heroes' help, right? I am willing to help you. Now I am a part of the team against Night Slash, so now I am related to this stuff right?

So Give all the details Endeavor or You intended to make the other heroes fight Night Slash with information filled with half-truth half-lies from the start." Nighteye pushed his glasses back and said.

"Why are you so interested in Night Slash's case? I told you just use the foresight and give me the details? THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST DO THE GODDAMN FORESIGHT AND TELL ME THE DETAILS??!!!" Endeavor slammed the table and stood up from his seat.

But Endeavor's act of rage still didn't make any changes in Nighteye's expression. Nighteye took another sip from his cup and placed the cup on the desk. He then slowly stood up from his seat.

"You want to know why I am interested in Night Slash's case this much right?... Yes, I am interested.. but the thing I am interested in is not this case itself but I am interested in Night Slash's Abilities and his Quirk." Nighteye said and then went to a small safe which was on a table in the corner of the room.

"His abilities?" The endeavor was now confused by the future seer's words.

"Let me explain in more detail..." Nighteye opened the safe and took out a diary covered in a black cover.

"You see this, I record every Foresight I used in this diary. This diary contains the reason for my interest in his Quirk is in this diary." Nighteye said and opened the diary.

"But first let me give a quick go-through of my quirk. Foresight allows me to see another person's future from a third person's point of view for one hour a day. I see them as a reel of film, therefore No sound, no smell, or any other senses other than vision. I can see the near future in detail or the distant future in fragments. And the future is 100% accurate, even if the events I foresaw are changed, the future remained the same. And that's what I thought earlier but it seems now there are exceptions ...." Nighteye opened the diary.

"January 23rd, 11:30 PM, I used Foresight on myself to see my near future and what I saw was... my death.... and the reason was, I was killed by 4 villains in Shie Hassaikai Hideout while trying to save a little girl and the little girl died too right after my death," Nighteye stopped and let Endeavor take in the details slowly.

"In a hurry, I scrambled through every detail related to Shie Hassaikai and found the villains who killed me in the foresight. I tried to find about the little girl but I couldn't find much as I was not able to see her face clearly in the foresight, as in most of the part of the vision, was filled with scenes of me fighting and she hiding in a corner but I could identify some features that were strikingly visible, her white hair and red eyes and a little horn on her forehead...

I again used Foresight on myself the next day and found that the future has been completely changed. In the vision, I saw myself watching the news of the 'Two-Explosion Incident' on TV. I was not dead in the base of Shie Hassaikai and there was no mention of the little girl with whom I died in the previous vision," Nighteye then closed the diary.

"...But you said you see the future of a person with 100% accuracy." Endeavor asked.

"Then what does it implies Endeavor..." Nighteye slowly closed the diary and looked at Endeavor.

".....The Future changed...." Endeavor murmured.

"Indeed, the future changed and in just one night. I, who was supposed to die, am now standing in front of you, and the people who killed me in 'that' future are now dead," Nighteye placed the diary back into the safe back.

"Now, let me tell what happened in the previous vision..." Nighteye then started explaining the things that transpired in that vision. How he and All Might planned the raid on Shie Hassaikai with other heroes. How they attacked Shie Hassaikai base and including him 4 other heroes died. The little girl from the vision who he was unable to save and the unexpected help. (Refer to Ch.23 *Rescue* if you want more details)

Endeavor slowly took in the details about the thing which never happened in the reality.

"Any speculation on how this change happened?" Endeavor asked when Nighteye completed his explanation.

"No idea on how it happened but I suspect Night Slash as he is the main perpetrator of the incident in our current time," Nighteye said and took his seat again.

Nighteye was genuinely confused about why the future changed and this is not the only time future changed. A year ago, Nighteye observed the future change for the first time and the change was so big that everything he ever saw in his visions changed. All the previously seen visions through Foresight became invalid and an entirely new future was in his visions after that day.

And the most important thing for him was that All Might didn't die after 7 years in this future when he checked All Might's future after the change.

He didn't tell Endeavor about this big change as this is not relevant to him or there is any necessity to do so. The news of All Might dying in the future was known to a selectively few and there is no reason to spread this change to anyone even All Might, or else he will start acting recklessly again.


Now Endeavor was also interested in Night Slash but not in his abilities but his identity. He wants to know who is the person behind that helmet who can change the future foresaw by Nighteye, who claims to see the future with 100% accuracy.

Endeavor then turned to Nighteye, "Why don't you use Foresight on me and find more about Night Slash. You may find the reason why the future changed and you will also help me by doing this." Endeavor presented a 'win-win' situation to Nighteye.

"It seems you are quite adamant about it. But let me warn you, the future I foresee may or may not change as the 100% accuracy of future is not guaranteed now." Nighteye warned Endeavor but the latter didn't budge from his decision. Nighteye sighed and touched Endeavor's hand and made eye contact. He then sat on his chair doing nothing. Endeavor sat on a chair and waited for Nighteye's vision to complete.


After one hour, Nighteye opened his eyes and he looked at Endeavor who was sitting on a chair in front of him.

"So what did you see?" Endeavor asked in great anticipation. If Nighteye can somehow see something useful like how to disable or dodge Night Slash's Quirk then it will be a great advantage for him.

The anticipation grew more and more as the time passed but Nighteye didn't say anything.

"What did you saw Nighteye?" Endeavor shook Nighteye as Nighteye was just sitting there with trembling eyes filled with shock. He tried to say something but failed the first time.

"Nothing..." Nighteye said with his voice trembling.

"What??!!" Endeavor asked.

Nighteye took a deep breath then continued,

"Nothing... I saw nothing about him... He is there but he is also not there... He exists and also doesn't exist... at the same time."


[Shido's POV]

"Is this the base you have chosen from all the options?" Knuckleduster asked.

"Yes," I said and looked at the new base of Night Raid.

"You think this normal-looking building will act as a good base and not to mention this is just the corner of the residential area filled with citizens."

"Yeah. This is the most unexpected place for a base. Who will think that Vigilantes use this house as a base? Look at Shie Hassaikai, they built their base right in the middle of the residential area and there were not found for years. We are just taking the corner. Everything will be fine." I said and took out my phone to call Giran.

:: Hello? ::

"We have decided to buy two residences. One will be the 2nd option from the apartment list and the other will be the 3rd option from the House list. Just message me the price, I will send the money in cash to you."

Kaina chose a simple apartment without many luxuries. She said her luxuries were never a part of her life as she didn't get any luxury in the orphanage or during HPSC training or while being imprisoned in Tartarus.

:: Pleasure doing business with you and you know, the top dogs agreed to your request::

"Okay." I didn't say much as there was nothing more to say about it.

I then hung up the call and turned to the team with broomsticks in their hands.

"Let's go guys We have a base to clean."

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