MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Day Goes By… (1).

I woke up late again as I am going to sleep late at night, I stood up from the futon, folded it, and went to the bathroom to complete my morning pleasantries. I completed all that and went to make the breakfast and I let Eri sleep as she slept very late last night. The little girl is squeezing the hell out of her teddy bear 'Rilakkuma'.

'It is good that I bought that teddy bear or my hand would've been in that position.'

I decided to make Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg). It was simple and healthy. It took 20 minutes to make the breakfast, since I had some extra time left I made a lunch for Fuyumi. I then placed the breakfast on the table and went to wake up Eri. I am still sleepy but you have to do all of this if you are a parent. You chose to have children, now face the consequences.

I saw Eri is still sleeping. I picked her up and went to the bathroom. In front of the sink, I was standing with the sleeping in my arms. I took some water in my hands and sprinkled it on her face. She groggily opened her eyes but closed them after a moment passed. I again did the same thing. She again opened her eyes. When she registered she was in the bathroom, she then looked at me and slightly opened her mouth.

I took out the toothbrush and brushed her teeth while she was just dozing off when I am brushing teeth. After brushing her teeth and washing her face. I took her to the dining table and made her eat breakfast.

"Say Aah.." I said while I had a spoon in my hand, hovering before Eri's mouth.

"Aah.." She opened her mouth and I put the spoon in her mouth. She was now just sitting with food in her mouth.

"At least chew the food yourself." She then slowly chewed her food and gulped it. I repeated the same process until her breakfast is done. I wiped her face and picked her up and placed her on the bed to continue her sleep.


'That was tiring...' I thought while I was sitting at the dining table to eat my breakfast.

When I was about to eat, the main door opened and Fuyumi entered the house. She first looked at me for some moment, then she walked towards me and took a seat opposite to me.

She continued to look at me. Sleepy eyes, the tired expression on the face, all these were a rare thing which is expressed on my face. But today I had these features.

"Still eating breakfast? I thought you were an Early Bird." She said in a teasing tone. It was generally me, who teases her for waking up late and not eating breakfast when she is in a rush to go to school. But today the roles have changed. It was clear she was not going to let this chance go.

I didn't reply to her, just stood up from my seat and placed a bowl of Tamago Kake Gohan in front of her to eat. She took the chopsticks and started eating the breakfast, but she was giving me occasional glances from time to time. She then asked,

"Is raising her alone getting tough for you? if it is, just ask me, I will help." She asked in a worried tone.

"No, it's just I slept late, nothing else," I reassured her. I don't want to look weak and unreliable in front of her. If I couldn't stand the words I said to Fuyumi about raising Eri alone, then it will prove that I am just an unreliable and irresponsible person and I don't want that. Our relationship is in its prime and It may step to a higher rank if everything goes okay but If I show a weak front then it will create a bad image of mine in her mind.

"Then it's okay. But if you need help, then don't hesitate to call me." She told me. She then took out a card from her handbag and placed it on the table, sliding it towards me.

"This is the contact card of the lawyer I mentioned to you. He is very experienced. He will definitely be able to help you in Eri's adoption process." She said with a small reassuring smile as she placed her hand over mine on the table.

"I have this earlier and I will say it again Shido; I  will support you in the decision you made, as I am your girlfriend...And Future Wife " She said in a mellow tone. Everything was fine but what caught me by surprise is the last part of what she said.

"What did you just said?" I asked her. I am sure I heard clearly what she said, as I have a superior hearing ability than normal people but I am still a human, I also can make mistakes.

Looking at my confused expression and my question, made her mellow expression turn into a more serious and terrifying expression,

"I said Future Wife, as I remember that night clearly when you said, you were thinking about your future and When I asked what about me in your future, you said there is no Fuyumi Todoroki there in your future, as you only saw Fuyumi Kanzaki there. So I hope you haven't changed your decision about that."

'It seems I said something extra while I was feeling romantic or trying to change the subject. But whatever I said, I don't mind taking Fuyumi as my wife.'

"Don't worry. I remember everything and will stand by my words." I reassured her by intertwining my fingers around hers. Fuyumi had a blush on her cheeks but she didn't look away. We were looking into each other eyes. She looked into mine, I looked into hers. It was truly a peaceful moment.

"Papa, What are you doing?" The Peaceful moment I was enjoying, was stolen by an innocent childish voice, which came from near the staircase.

'You were sleeping like a log, didn't even bother to open your eyes during breakfast, and now you choose to wake up at this moment!!!!!'

Fuyumi quickly pulled her hand and I acted normal by eating my breakfast. Eri came close to us and asked again,

"Papa, what were you doing with Fuyumi-Nee Chan?" She asked with an innocent face, clearly oblivious to the human desires.

I picked up the contact card from the table and showed it to her, "Fuyumi was just giving me this card. Nothing else." I then looked at Fuyumi and wanted her to say something, but she turned into a blushing mess.

"But you were grasping her hand...." Eri then pointed out.

"She was just playing a Staring Game with me, she said whoever closed their eyes first will lose the winner. And I lost." I made up another lie to convince Eri.

"Then... It's fine... I am going to watch Popeye." Eri said and went upstairs.

After Eri left, Fuyumi and I continued our breakfast without saying anything, there was only one thing in the atmosphere and that was Awkward Silence.

We completed our breakfast and then Fuyumi stood up from her seat.

"Thanks for the breakfast. I would've spent more time with you, but I have to go to school now." She said and turned to the door. She was about to leave, that's when I remembered something.

"Fuyumi. Wait," I said and ran towards the kitchen. I came back with a lunch box in my hands and gave it to Fuyumi.

"I made a Bento for you. I haven't added any Vegetables so I expect no leftovers when you return the box to me." I said. I know she somewhat dislikes vegetables so I didn't add them in the first place.

"Don't treat me like a kid. I can eat vegetables without any hesitation..." She huffed and came close to me.

She tiptoed and gave a quick peck on my cheeks, "Thank You!" She said and quickly ran out of the house through the door. I was just standing there dumbfoundedly, registering what happened.

'I never thought Fuyumi to be this bold to take initiatives on her own.' I thought and the picture of the 'Blushing Mess' Fuyumi came to my mind.

I shook my head and went outside the house to open the shop.


[Fuyumi's POV]

I was walking down the road, on my way to school. I had a warm Bento in my hand. It was made by Shido, for ME!! It's not like I haven't tasted his cooking but him, giving me a Bento, gives me a different feeling. The breakfast part was the most memorable part for me. We were eating breakfast with my hands holding his. It really gave the feeling that we're newlywed. But the scene was disturbed by my cute daughter.

Well, she is a kid who can blame her for walking in when we were being intimate. Then he gave me a Lunch box he made for me. He was sleepy and tired still he made a bento for me.

It's like we are newlyweds; I am going to work and he made a lunch box for me. I had this thought when I gave him a goodbye kiss, it felt natural to me. But now it is embarrassing to remember what I did. But I did it. It gives me a sense of achievement.

I am showing him how I feel towards him, by increasing our intimacy. I want us to grow closer but it seems Shido is more conservative about this and I don't want to make an image of being a loose woman by rushing things up.

Well, he said he will take me as his wife, then what is the point of a rush? That's what my mind says.

But my feelings act like they have completely different thoughts. My feelings go overdrive and my mind goes haywire for a second whenever I see him. I control myself to not do anything stupid by acting on impulse, in front of him. Even I have seen him, talked to him numerous times, I still get flustered every time.

After I got the system, It was like an enlightenment for me. My feelings towards Shido became more clear to me. I want him more than anything else now. I want to make a very, very happy family with him. A small little family. There will be me, my beloved Shido and my cute daughter Eri. Our cute little family, always smiling, always happy. Living peacefully in a corner of this world where no one will disturb us or our peace. 

'Maybe a new member will be there if Shido and I....decided to make one.' It was a bit shameful for me to think of that, but I want to think more. I pushed these thoughts away for now as I have to go to school. If I think too much about this, I won't be able to concentrate on teaching.

I never felt this much happy in my entire life. Like after getting in a relationship with Shido it seems color has been added to my dull life of only taking care of my family and job as a teacher. He matured a lot after our year-long separation. He's more mature, more reliable than the past Shido, and more likable. My mood turns happy whenever I think about him now. He makes me feel so safe and warm. He has now become an important part of my life that I don't want to lose... Or has he became my life.

But my mood turns sour, whenever I use {Appraisal} on him.

[Appraisal Results]

[Name- ****ENCRYPTED****

Skills- ****ENCRYPTED****

Abilities- ****ENCRYPTED****

Titles- **** ECRYPTED****]

I used {Appraisal} on everyone I know, and it worked completely fine, but it is only Shido that makes the {Appraisal} ineffective. I used {Appraisal} on him 3 times but the same results.

Why?... Why?... Why?

What is he hiding? What is he hiding from me? What is so important is that he has to hide that from your own Wife?

'Why are hiding things from me Shido? I told you everything about the system even when System warned me not to tell anyone about its existence. I opened myself like a book to you, you could ask me anything and I would have told you everything, but you are hiding things. Do you not trust me that much to tell your secrets?'

After much thoughts, I had a conclusion.

'He must be hiding things because he thinks it may harm our relationship. Silly of him, but that's what makes him more adorable to me.'

'I will have to confront him about this or he will always hide things from me, which will hinder my duty as his wife to share his burden with me. And I won't let that happen. I am going to be the ideal wife to my ideal husband.'

"Don't worry, whatever it is that you're hiding. I will never leave you... Because we will always be together forever and ever and ever. Till death do us part."

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