MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Before Departure.

[Musutafu, Japan]

Shido was preparing for his 'business' trip to America. He stored anything that he deemed as useful for his trip. Food, Some Clothes, Devices that La Brava suggested like Walkie-Talkies, Scanners. All the tech stuff was delivered by Giran.

Now he was all-ready to depart to America but he needed to talk to someone before leaving tomorrow. It was Fuyumi that he wanted to meet before leaving as he needs to inform her and because she will take care of Eri and Himiko when he is away dealing with villains in America.

He was waiting for her to come to his home after her teaching job in the Middle School near Shido's neighborhood. After Eri was adopted by Shido and her Yandere side awakened, Fuyumi started having her lunch in the Kanzaki family as it was a 'family eating together' moment for her and basically she was all alone in her house at Lunch as Endeavor was never around at this time of a day, Natsuo ate his lunch in college and Shoto ate his in Endeavor agency as he was usually training in there.

Shido gives Fuyumi a lunch box every morning but after the introduction of Super Soldier Serum in Fuyumi's body. Her Metabolism has risen sharply and she needs more food intake now. So now she eats an extra lunch


[4.00 PM]

Fuyumi entered Shido's home and she was greeted by a hug on her legs by a little packet of happiness and joy.

"Welcome Back, Mama" Himiko greeted her 'mother'.

Fuyumi picked up Himiko with a smile. All the tiredness she was feeling went away after receiving such a warm greeting from Himiko.

"I am back." She said to Himiko but she was hoping for two more people to greet her.

"Come quick. You are 35 minutes late already. I had to heat the lunch again." Shido's shout came from the kitchen.

"Hai Hai..." Fuyumi put her handbag and Himiko down and went to wash her hands. Himiko followed her and started telling her things that she did today.

Fuyumi listened to whatever Himiko said and went to the dining table. There Shido was already sitting on a chair with a bowl in front of him. She happily sat opposite to him and she picked Himiko to sit on her lap.

"So what's for lunch?"

"Steak Donburi," Shido said.

"Itadakimasu" x2 Shido and Fuyumi clasped their hand and started eating their lunch.

(The expression itadakimasu literally means "I am going to receive the lives of animals and plants for my own life", and saying this phrase before eating is a way to express your understanding of how much was sacrificed to make the meal possible as well as to express appreciation for Mother Nature)

Fuyumi ate her lunch peacefully. She took some bites and gave some to the chatterbox Himiko on her lap, who was continuously explaining how she learned to make a paper boat and paper plane today.

Fuyumi, after awakening her Yandere side only dreamed of Shido's love and a happy family with Shido. And all that was becoming a reality. Shido accepted her and her excessive love towards him and now after the entry of Himiko - who sees her as a mother - into the family, The family part was also becoming true. There are some issues like Eri still not accepting Fuyumi as a mother, Fuyumi still hides a bit of those excessive feelings - which have calmed down to a major extent- inside her to act normal even after Shido advised her not to do so, Distance between Eri and Himiko which is yet to be resolved.

But even after having some issues, All things were going great. Shido who took a vacation from his Vigilante work now spends more or all of his time with his family. The family was doing great. And this was something that she was dreaming of. But like all good things, this peaceful family time also came to a quick end.

"Then the plane could fly after I threw it outside the window," But then Himiko remembered something, "Ne... Mama do you know? Papa is going to America."

Listening to what Himiko said, Fuyumi quickly raised her head to look at Shido who was eating his lunch peacefully. He made a 'Wait' gesture with his hand and continued eating.


After eating their lunch, Shido and Fuyumi were alone in Shido's bedroom which has Eri and Himiko as its temporary occupants at night.

"What Himiko said about you going to America is correct?" Fuyumi asked Shido to which he nodded.

"And when were you going to tell me?"

"Just after the Lunch."

"When did this trip to America come into your mind?"

"A week ago."

"Why am I the last one to know this? I mean, don't you think that it is important to tell me that you are going to America."

"Calm down, this is just a work-related trip to America for a week. It is not that big of a deal."

"It is a big deal! IT IS A BIG DEAL!! YOU LEAVING ME FOR A WEEK IS A BIG DEAL!! I WANT YOU. I WANT YOU CLOSE TO ME EVERY SINGLE DAY... AND I DON'T NEED ANY EXCUSES. FINALLY, I HAVE GOT YOU STAY IN THE HOUSE HERE FOR A WEEK I WON'T LET YOU GO AWAY" Fuyumi grabbed Shido's collar with a feral expression on her face but then she realized what she did so she quickly let go of his collar and hugged him.

"I am sorry... Sorry... I didn't mean to do that... But please don't leave. It's just my..."

Shido hugged her back.

"Your feelings took over... I know and I am not angry. I know it is wrong of me to tell you at the last moment that I am leaving for America tomorrow but I did that as it will only make you worry if I told you earlier. But I need to go."

"Worry? Me? In no way... Because I won't let you leave"

"Fuyumi. Fuyumi. Listen, it's important."

"More Important than me? More important than Your daughters?" Fuyumi asked in a small voice, waiting for Shido's answer.


"Then stay!" Fuyumi tightens the hug.

"But it is important for our future."

This intrigued Fuyumi's interest, "What is it?"

"I am needed in America to cooperate in a mission with an International Crime Fighting Organization to find something dangerous which may be devastating if landed in the wrong hands."

"So World-Saving it is..."

"No, if it was a normal World-Saving mission then I would've outright rejected it. But that's not the case. They threatened us. They threatened to take action against me if my teammate refused to cooperate. Now the teammate wants me to help in the investigation so that I can be in the favorable light of the Organization and they don't take action against me."

"But why you specifically?"

"I am considered a Demon-level threat by them and From Demon-level or above can be handled by that organization. So I am on their target list."


"Ah... a National-level threat and I am considered as a borderline Dragon/Global-level threat."

"There are so many bad people out there but they threaten only good people like you..." Fuyumi consoled her Demon-level threat boyfriend. She then broke off the hug and looked into Shido's eyes.

"Are we more important to you than this whole Vigilante and world-saving thing?" She asked

"Yes..." Shido replied without any hesitation.

A smile appeared on Fuyumi's face, "Then You can go without any hesitation. I will take care of Eri and Himiko while you are gone. Don't worry about them. I will take good care of them." She then leaned a bit towards him. Taking this as a signal, Shido lowered his head a bit and kissed Fuyumi.

While Shido and Fuyumi were sharing their intimate moment, someone was eavesdropping on their entire conversation.

Outside the room, Sakamoto the cat was listening to their conversation with great interest.

'Quite a joke that the monster got a demon-level threat ranking. But that means he is a national-level threat. I need to be more careful around him. Who knows when he flips and the next thing is my precious and delicate meat on his dining table, with a rug of my skin on the floor.

But there is a good thing. He is leaving for a week which means that I can easily execute my plans here without any fear. I will succeed as there will be no obstacle in my way Muhaahahahahhaha.' Sakamoto was feeling extreme joy, thinking about the future if he succeeded in implementing his plans.

While he was enjoying his moment, he sensed someone coming from behind. So he quickly turned around to look at the one approaching him.

"Kuroneko..." A little girl's voice called for Sakamoto.

//It's Sakamoto, Gaki// Sakamoto corrected the girl with ash-blonde hair, through telepathy to not reveal the fact that he can talk as the 'monster' is just behind a wall.

(Gaki = Kid)

'Oohhh~ I knew it. I can talk to animals. Is this my quirk? Kureneko talked to me that day too. I thought it was a dream.' Himiko had some other thoughts but she pushed those around and came to the main point.

"Kuroneko, Let's play." Himiko ignored Sakamoto's correction and invited him to play but what she got in return was an outright rejection. But Himiko didn't go back instead she started approaching him.

// No. I have more important things to do. So now, if you will excuse me// Sakamoto said and slowly walked away. But then he heard the sound of small footsteps coming behind him, He turned to look and found out that Himiko is following him so he increased his speed of walking.

The sound of footsteps following him also increased. Sakamoto again increased his walking speed just to outrun Himiko but Himiko was also following him, increasing her speed whenever Sakamoto did.

The chase went on for full 5 minutes full, and the course spanned over the entire Kanzaki residence.

// WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME??!!// Sakamoto abruptly stopped and turned around to ask his pursuer.

"It was a small game... of Cat and Mouse. I was the cat... and you were the mouse." Himiko replied, panting in between.

Listening to Himiko's answer, Sakamoto's mind went blank...


Sakamoto just stood there with no other thought at all. Trying to figure out why did he decided to stay here when he could've run away a long time. Today's non-sense was him - A Cat- to act as the mouse in the game of Cat and Mouse.

But then he remembered why was he here. So he sighed and went away from there. After thinking about why was he here, all this non-sense that was happening to him seemed less irritating.

At the same time, Himiko was having another thought,

'I can talk to cats. Oooh~~~'

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