MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Adventures of Jackie Chan and Carl Johnson.

"Say Again."

"His name is Carl Johnson."

'FUCK!! Not Again!! First, it was Catalina, and now this. But how did he end up with Marie? There is no character named Marie in the game and there is no plot about Carl's marriage. Then it must be all my fault. I changed the plot by killing Catalina. But first,'

I opened the {Maps} from the System Panel and searched for Carl. I found him in Dorothy, San Fierro.

The Race in which I participated was one of the last missions in the countryside and after that mission, he should have left the countryside with Truth and escaped to San Fierro to start a new life there as a Garage Owner and what is happening now is similar to the Game's Plot. But there is a change.

And that is Marie. She claims that she is the wife of Carl Johnson. But I don't know how did this change happen. I know it is very unrealistic of me to say how two people living in the same area interacted with each other. It is real life now and not a game anymore. She lived in Countryside and Carl was in the countryside. But still getting married is too much of an interaction.

Even the System recognizes Marie as Carl's Wife.

Well, what can I do now other than help this pretty girl who was on the verge of ending her life?

Let's patch up Carl and Marie.

"Let's go. I know where he is."

I said and turned to leave the room but Marie grasped my hand and pulled it. I turned back.

"What happened? Need something?"

"What about her?" Marie pointed to the unconscious Himiko on the bed.

I had the urge to slap the past me to bring Himiko here, who thought this will be a small and easy mission. Now I have to carry her around everywhere with me. I picked Himiko again like a sack of potatoes and went out of the room with Marie. I had to use {HESOYAM}*Rewind on Himiko's clothes because it was bloodied with all the blood of the Boss of the warehouse and the grunts.

I have to say, even if she is 16 years old, she is much better than most of the Hero course students who are about to graduate now or even some Heroes if she gets a chance for a sneak attack.  She alone handled a lot of grunts and the boss.

{JQNTDMH} - Spawn Rancher
[Cheat Activated]


Marie, Me, and Himiko are in the Rancher and we are on the highway going to San Fierro. I am driving the car, Marie is sitting beside me on the passenger seat and Himiko is thrown to the backseats with her hands and legs still tied and with duct tape on her mouth.

"So Marie... Start from the beginning. How did you meet Carl?" I asked Marie. I want to know everything which happened after I left.

"Hmm... You see my father is the only one who raised me and my brothers. He always told me that a woman should be faithful and loyal to her husband no matter what and he always cusses my mother because she left us. I took the responsibility to raise my younger brothers while he was away for work. He told me at a very early age that I will have to marry whoever he chooses for me and I agreed to it because other than him and my brothers I don't have anyone to call them a family and I love and respect him to stay with us even after mother left."

'Typical strict Countryside dad from the 90s.'

"Before the race, he told me that I will be sent away with my future husband today. And the criteria to be my husband he set was to win the race... And Mr. Carl won the race. So after the race, my father offered me as a marriage partner to him but he had to pay some dowry to take me as his wife and he readily paid the dowry and accepted me as his wife without any second thought..."

"How much was the dowry that he had to pay?"


I had to sigh after listening to this.

'Do I tell her that she is basically sold to Carl for $5000 but she is too innocent and I don't want to break the image of the respectable father in her mind when she is already this depressed? It will make the situation worse for her.'

"Then..." I urged Marie to continue.

"After taking me as his wife, he took me to a romantic date where he told me various things about the adventures of him and you, Mr. Chan."

"Adventures?" I had to interrupt her and ask. What Adventures? If I remember correctly, It is me saving his ass most or more specifically all the time.

"Yeah Adventures...He said when he was fighting the Evil gang of Ballas alone to save the citizens of Grove Street from this tyrannical gang, you helped him when he was in a dangerous situation. Mr. Carl and you fought together against the Evil Ballas gang and defeated them. The people of Grove Street praised you two. And after that, you praised him for his bravery to come and fight such enemies and became best friends with him.

After that, you two fought with rogue FIB agents and terrorists who colluded with each other and were trying to make bombs to destroy cities. They were making time bombs in Mount Chiliad and their target was Los Santos. Mr. Carl informed you of this and then you two went to fight the rogue FIB agents and terrorists.

You two fought them bravely and defeated them. With this, you two saved the city from the evil plans of the rogue FIB agents and the terrorists. But the government didn't praise you because it will show their incompetence. But you two still vowed to defeat evil lurking in the shadows, to protect people even if people or government doesn't recognize your efforts and bravery... like a silent guardian... Grove Watchmen. Yeah, He called your duo Grove Watchmen.

And... And... One was that where you two saved the organizers of the race... And you stopped the car running at 100 MPH with bare hands... You pulled the car with your bare hands and stopped that car... That was amazing Mr. Chan." She recounted the 'adventures' told by Carl with great excitement.

Marie's mood was slowly improving, she was looking happier while recalling these exaggerated adventures of me and Carl which were clearly told by Carl. I can clearly see she is happier now than a few moments back.

'She truly loves him. Just remembering those moments she spent with him make her get out of the depression and be happy.'

"Then how much he told you about me?"

"He told me... that you are a Movie Actor, You can do things that nobody can, You do magical things like bringing a car out of nowhere, You can shoot people standing miles away, You come from a Bright White Light and You can defeat 100 people alone with bare hands."

'Everything is fine but what the fuck is with the last one? On what basis is he spouting such things?'

"And then What happened... After the date..."

Marie had a huge blush after I asked what happened after the date.

"It's not like you have to say everything to me. If you find it something private and not to be disclosed then there is no need to tell me.."

"No No Mr. Chan. Everything is fine. You see... after the date... he took me to the motel room and we had our ... first... wedding night...We shared the bed that night and he said I am beautiful..." She then covered her face with her hands like a teenage girl in love and she was giggling too.

"He said I am beautiful... And then he kissed me.... then he took off his clothes..."

'What am I even listening to... and no... no.. no... AAAAHHH!! those horrible pictures of Carl giving me a handjob came back... FUCKKKK!!!! I thought I got rid of those mental pictures after the race mission ended but she made me remember that. AAAHH!! Get out of my head.' I screamed mentally as I was again going through the agony.

"No... No... Stop... I get it... you had sex... I get it... No need to go into the details...I don't want to intrude on your private life. So what happened after that?"

Her mood declined, "After that, The next day I asked him to buy some milk so I can make some coffee for us. He went to the shop but never came back. It has been 7 days since he went to the shop. There was no call or any message from him."

"And after that, you tried to commit suicide?"

"No... I tried to contact my family but my father said that I am married now and should stay with my husband and if he left me then it is my problem, not theirs. I lost everything so I decided to ... end it all."

'*Sigh* What can you even expect from a father who sold you to a person who you have never met or know nothing about.'

After that, there was only silence. Marie was silent, Himiko is unconscious for hours... That's suspicious. I will check on her later but for now. I turned and used {HESOYAM} on the ties which repaired the ties and ropes if any damage was there.

I didn't stop the car and continued the ride.

"Marie...You love Carl?"

"...Yes... I do love him... I love him a lot."

"But you know him for like a week or something..."

"I also feel like that... but I can definitely say what I feel towards him is love... When I first met him... I was just following my father's orders but after the date, I could say I was in love with him. Now that he has left me, I feel bad... It must be because of me... I might have done something wrong which might have irked Mr. Carl and he then left me."

Marie started self-blaming her and I think it goes with her innocent personality. But it is not the right thing. This self-blaming behavior led her to the point where she wanted to end it all.

"Hey Hey... This is not your fault. I know Carl and I can say with surety that he is a scumbag."

"HE IS NOT!!! He took me as his wife without any second thoughts when others rejected me"

I was shocked to hear the innocent girl shouting at me with her cute voice.

"... Sorry Mr. Chan. I didn't mean to scream at you but...."

"Yeah. No problem. I would have done the same if someone insulted my girlfriend in front of me. This shows how much you love him even if he left you behind."

I said and focused on the road.

'Carl, You are going to get a hell of a beating for leaving your wife who loves you so much in the countryside, while you enjoy the City Life of San Fierro. Enjoy the small amount of time you have in your hands because...
I am coming for you.'

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