MHA: Living as a Mineta is hard

Chapter 69: Run away! 2

Aizawa had made up his mind, and everyone didn't hesitate to evacuate.

No. 13 became the vanguard, and Aizawa stood behind in case something happened.

In the middle were all the students, being protected by two teachers at the same time.

Still, while they were about to evacuate, he watched the expression of everyone.

Teachers aside, he wanted to ensure that there wouldn't be a traitor among his classmates.

'One among them should be the traitor...'

As for why he was sure that there was only one instead of more, it was because it wasn't easy to be accepted by the Yuuei.

Still, while the students of the hero department of Yuuei should be an elite among the elite, he realized that no matter where it was, there had always been an idiot.

Midoriya seemed quite curious and wanted to peek at the group of villains, but Aizawa slapped his head and reprimanded him. "Midoriya!"

"So-Sorry!" Midoriya held his head and ran along with everyone.

He shook his head and ignored Midoriya, running along Aizawa since he knew the safest place in this group was by Aizawa's side.


Suddenly, he heard Aizawas's apology.

Aizawa knew that if he listened to Mineta, something like this wouldn't happen. He also made a stupid decision previously.


"It's okay. You're not All-Might. If you're All-Might, I won't do something so troublesome, Sensei."

Aizawa didn't say anything, only smiled bitterly since he knew he wasn't All-Might. If he was All-Might, nothing like this would happen. Still, he knew that he had made an irrational mistake, which made him realize that he hadn't grown yet, even if he had been working as a hero for a decade or so.

"Haha, they're running away!"

"Chase them!"

"What a coward!"

The group of villains was stunned when they saw them running away without hesitation, but then they started to laugh crazily and chased after them.

What kind of target did the villain love the most?

Naturally, it was those who ran away!

Watching them, running away in fear, was something they loved the most!

Mineta wasn't surprised by their excitement since he often saw this example everywhere.

Like how someone bullied others, the fear, submission, and reservation of the target were like fuel to their excitement, and they kept bullying the target.

Still, some people were secretly annoyed, and they questioned whether this was what a hero should do.

They were evacuating.

In other words, running away.

How could a hero run away?

Still, this was only the minority, and the majority of them agreed with Aizawa's decision to run away.

Even so, if Mineta knew what the minority thought, he wanted to kick them away to the group of villains. By then, they would realize how crazy they were able to think something like that. However, even if someone thought such a thing, it had nothing to do with him since as long as the majority of them could go out, he was free, and he didn't need to worry about anything.

However, he knew that they couldn't continue like this.

It was impossible for their plan to run away could be so smooth, especially when the group of villains was chasing after them.

Aizawa hesitated, and he was in a dilemma since if he left, he knew that everyone might be caught by warp-gate. However, if he didn't leave and fought the group of villains behind, they might not be able to escape successfully.

While Aizawa was in deep thought, he heard Mineta's voice again.

"Todoroki, can you freeze all of them from your position?"

Todoroki, who was being questioned, nodded naturally. "Of course."

"If you use all of your power to freeze everything behind, what will happen to you?" He asked again.

" movement will be quite slow."

Todoroki didn't want to use his flame, so he could only say this after a moment of hesitation. After all, he still didn't realize how serious their situation was, and he had always been confident with his ability, so no matter how powerful the villains were, he was the confidence to defeat them.

Honestly, Mineta didn't care, even if Todoroki became slow or if Todoroki didn't want to use his flame ability.

What was important was his safety.

However, he had to mask it so that it was for everyone.

"Can you freeze everything behind, Todoroki?" Aizawa asked since he knew Todoroki was one of the strongest students in his class, and he also had seen Todoroki's power. He knew that Todoroki had the most suitable power to handle this problem.


Hearing Aizawa's words, Todoroki didn't hesitate to use his power. He hadn't named this technique, so he didn't say anything and froze everything behind.

It was only for a few seconds, but all the surroundings were covered in ice.

A massive ice ridge suddenly emerged behind them, lowering the temperature to freezing and causing everyone to shiver. However, strangely enough, this ice made them feel more secure than ever.


All of them were amazed by Todoroki's power, including No. 13 and Aizawa.

The villains who mocked them before had already frozen in a place and were unable to move.

However, Todoroki became weaker, and the temperature of his body dropped.

Mineta quickly reacted by quickly carrying Todoroki on his back.

Todoroki was stunned and wanted to fight back subconsciously.

"You need to rest. In case of some emergency, we need your power again."

This time Todoroki didn't fight back and let Mineta carry him.

"Yaoyorozu, no, I will call you Momo since it is shorter. Can you make an adhesive body warmer? As much as possible."


Momo was stunned, but she agreed, feeling happy secretly being relied on before making many bodies warmer and sticking them on Todoroki's face without care.

"......." Torodoki.

"Also, can you make a caltrop? As much as possible, and scatter them on the ground while running."

Mineta wanted to have double insurance.

However, Aizawa looked at Mineta speechlessly, but he didn't stop him.

"Leave it to me." Momo nodded and threw as many caltrops as she could to the ground.

"Sensei, what's the maximum distance of your "Quirk"?" He looked at Aizawa.

"...As far as I can see." Aizawa answered subconsciously before he asked, "What do you plan?"

"I am going to bait the one with warp-gate "Quirk" to come out. However, if you don't have the confidence to stop him, then I won't do it."

He wanted to avoid making a decision since he didn't want to take responsibility. He also didn't want to use his power so he wouldn't be targeted. All he did was make a suggestion and gently influence them, so everything would go according to his way.

"I have confidence." Aizawa didn't hesitate but asked, "But what are you planning to do?" As long as they caught the one with warp-gate "Quirk," everything would be smooth.

"Then, leave it to me." He looked at Iida and said, "Iida! Run to the entrance and open the door for everyone, so we can evacuate faster!"

Iida was surprised, but when he heard such a heavy responsibility was put on his shoulder, he nodded without hesitation. "Yes!" He used his "Quirk" and ran as fast as he could!

The faster he ran, the better since that way, he could help everyone evacuate faster!

"Bakugou! Kirishima! Sero! Protect and support Iida! When you notice something, attack without hesitation!"


"Leave that to me!"

"Don't order me!"

Bakugou's response might make him speechless, but Mineta added. "Don't ever let Iida be caught by the villain!"

"Nothing like that will happen under my watch!" Bakugou roared.


The explosion in his hands ignited, and Bakugou chased after Iida from behind.

Sero and Kirishima also did the same, chasing after Iida and supporting him from behind.

Mineta let out a sigh of relief and then looked at Aizawa. "Aizawa, don't cause a mistake."

Aizawa put on his goggles and understood everything. "Just leave the rest to me." The villains behind were already incapacitated, and the only one left was the one with the warp-gate "Quirk." Still, he understood why Mineta reminded him previously, but he agreed to his strategy, so he was the one who took the responsibility, and he would definitely catch this villain with warp-gate "Quirk."

"Sensei! Dark fog appears from behind!"

Shoji quickly noticed something and reminded Aizawa.

The dark fog didn't emerge from Iida on their side but from behind!

However, it was quickly noticed by Shoji, who created arm-like tentacles in every direction with eyes on the tip of them.

In other words, Shoji had a 360-degree field of vision, so he quickly noticed the dark fog that emerged from behind!

Aizawa reacted and used his "Quirk."

The figure from the dark fog was startled when he was unable to use his "Quirk."

"Eraser Head...!!"

This villain let out an incompetent roar, but Aizawa's Quirk was really unreasonable since no matter what "Quirk" was, it was impossible to be used under his gaze.

Mineta moved in front of Sato and Koda, but it didn't stop him from observing the villain with the warp-gate "Quirk."

He knew that there were many people with weird appearances in this world, but this villain was so weird. This villain didn't seem to have a body. His body was made from a dark purple mist, but even so, his body was clearly shaped, and he was wearing an elegant suit.

'No matter whether one is a hero or a villain, they will care about their appearance.'

He shook his head but decided to observe for a while since he knew that Aizawa often made irrational judgments, even if Aizawa often said he was rational.

Naturally, this villain wasn't good at close combat, and Aizawa quickly defeated him, catching him in a place.

This was all good, but there was something that made him speechless.

"What are you planning to do here?!"

Aizawa asked loudly with a furious expression after catching the villain.

'Can you ask this guy after we have escaped?' Mineta was speechless.

The villain seemed to laugh when he heard Aizawa's question, but before he was able to say anything, he passed out.

"....." Aizawa.

"Sensei, you can ask him later after we escape." He didn't continue to linger after he applied Ikijime to the villain, making him faint before quickly joining everyone.

As for Todoroki, he left him with Sato since Sato was confident in his strength.

Aizawa realized his mistake before he brought this fainted villain with him since he needed to question this guy.

Without any interruption, and with the door opened by Iida, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Sero, they were able to evacuate safely from the "U.S.J."

"We're saved..."

"Thank god..."

"My-My legs feel weak..."

Everyone somehow sighed in relief when they were able to get out from the "U.S.J." safely without any trouble. When they saw the beautiful azure sky, they sighed in relief.

While it wasn't that noticeable, Aizawa and No. 13 also let out a sigh of relief.

However, he felt it was still too early for them to celebrate.

"Kaminari, can you call the school?"

"Ah, uh? What?" Kaminari, who lay on the ground since his legs were weak, was stunned, but he quickly reacted, checking the signal, hoping everything was alright.


"No, not yet."

"Not yet?" Aizawa frowned and then looked at Iida. "Iida, can you go to the school to report what has happened here?"

"But..." Iida hesitated since he didn't want to leave everyone.

"We're alright here. Just in case something happens, you should ask the school to bring as much help as possible," Aizawa said sternly.

What could Iida say?


With his "Quirk," Iida was simply a good porter.

The entrance of the "U.S.J." had been sealed by Todoroki's ice, and everything should be alright. They relaxed outside, waiting for the reinforcement to come, but suddenly they felt the earth tremble.

*Crack! Crack! Crack!*

A loud crackling sound was heard, and the birds in the surroundings quickly flew far away. It was loud and impossible to ignore.

Then, suddenly the entrance of the "U.S.J." was destroyed, crushed into ruin.

By then, they saw a giant, black humanoid monster with a very muscular body.  His brain is exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it. He has a beak-like mouth with an array of sharp teeth.

Under his feet, many caltrops stuck and hurt him, but he simply ignored it as if he didn't feel any pain.

His appearance stunned everyone as if they were locked in place by the sheer presence of this figure. He didn't let out a roar, just stood there, gazing at them in silence, yet it was enough to send a shiver down their spine.

At this point, they realized they hadn't escaped from the crisis.

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