MHA: Living as a Mineta is hard

Chapter 59: Do you want to work a part-time job?

When he left Nezu's office safely, he sighed in relief.


Hearing this cornered voice, he turned and saw four familiar girls.

The four of them were naturally Ibara, Kendo, and Kodai, but for the last one, while he didn't know her name, he had seen her together with the three of them in the cafeteria before.

"What happened?" Kendo asked worriedly, wondering what was happening.

However, he didn't answer them and hugged Ibara abruptly. The power in his arms was slightly forceful, and his hug was rather tight but careful enough not to hurt her. He took a deep breath of her scent, which calmed his nerves instantly.

A woman had always been a wonder since their bodies were enough to calm him down, especially during this type of situation.


Ibara was embarrassed and so shy!

After all, this was public and wasn't a private place!

If they were alone, together, she would hug him back, but they were in the school!

Still, this might have been her subconscious action as she hugged him back. They had been hugging each other countless times, and she hugged him back naturally when he hugged her.

Fortunately, it was quite late, so there were only five of them in this corridor.

Nezu might be nearby, but he was inside the room, so he probably wouldn't stop him as long as Mineta didn't do something inappropriate such as kissing or more than kissing.

Still, his actions brought shock to the three girls.

However, for Kendo, it gave her a complicated mood. She knew the shape of their relationship, and she loved him. It was already amazing enough that she could watch him hugging Ibara without punching or slapping him. However, she didn't have a right to do any of that since she had prepared for something like this to happen.

Yet even if she was prepared, it took a lot of her will to control her emotion. Still, she endured it since she knew how unfair his relationship with Mineta was toward Ibara.

'I want him more...'

This thought somehow appeared in her heart and mind, but before that, she needed to remind him how inappropriate his action was.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing!"

Kodai and the other girl also woke up when they heard Kendo's voice.

"My bad. My bad."

He apologized sheepishly, but his expression didn't seem sorry at all. Instead, he looked at Kendo, who scolded him with apologetic eyes, but didn't move his mouth.

Kendo seemed to notice his gesture, but she didn't say anything, only looked away, trying to hide her pout.

"What's wrong?" Ibara asked while trying to pat his head.


He almost couldn't look into Ibara's eyes at that moment, but he didn't want her to notice the strangeness in his eyes, so he said, "Well, Nezu-sensei gave me a job?"

"Job?" 4x

"The principal?" 4x


He then glanced at the girl, whose name he didn't know, and asked, "By the way, I have wanted to ask this question for a while, but she should be your friend from the 1-B class, right? I saw her when you ate on the criteria."

"Mm." Kodai nodded, showing her presence.

"Her name is Reiko Yanagi. She's in the same class as us." Kendo, who was the one with the best social skill, introduced Yanagi.

"Hello, my name is Mineta Minoru. You can call me Mineta, Yanagi-san."

He also introduced himself while observing Yanagi.

'She's cute.'

In terms of charm, Yanagi didn't lose to Ibara. She had pale skin, chin-length, pale gray hair parted on her right, and blue eyes.

If there was something that lowered her charm, it should be the dark bags under her eyes.

Yanagi stared at him for a moment before she said, "...spooky."


"....." Everyone.

"Oh, this is how she communicates. You don't need to worry, Minoru," Kendo said with an awkward laugh.

He didn't feel offended or probed too deeply since there were many unique people in this world.

The "Quirk" also somehow affected the person's actions and habits, like Yanagi, who held her hands up as high as her elbows with her hands draped down.

This gesture somewhat reminded him of a ghost or Jiangshi.

'Is her "Quirk" related to a ghost or zombie?' He was quite curious since, if possible, he wanted to know the "Quirk" of everyone in the 1-B Class, but he didn't expect the words that came out of her mouth.

"I am sorry, but I am too surprised since I didn't expect to see you here." Yanagi lowered her head, apologizing, but she sounded so happy.

"Er... you know me?" He thought he was hated or something, but it seemed her way of expressing her emotion was as quirky as Kodai, which made him speechless.

"I am your fan."

While Yanagi's voice was calm and cold, it was easy to tell that she was excited.

His reaction was simple.

He only looked at the three girls with an expression, "Did you tell her?"

Their answer was simple.

The three of them only shook their heads at the same time since they had never said anything to Yanagi!

Still, Yanagi quickly explained how she realized Mineta's real identity.

"I have a hobby browsing the internet, and when I saw you for the first time, I had been browsing to try to find the resemblance between you, and your answer confirmed everything."


He understood everything.

This girl was an internet addict.

On his channel, the only thing that he changed was the color of his eyes and hair.

However, if someone looked closely, they would realize the similarity between him and his persona on the All-Tuber. He also didn't intend to hide it, but not many people could see that, and not many people were as addicted to his video as this girl.

Still, if possible, he wanted her to watch out for her health since the dark circles under her eyes were too deep.

He could see that this girl clearly led to an unhealthy otaku life.

Eating late at night, drinking soda, sleeping in the morning, sitting in front of the computer without changing posture for many hours, and watching the computer screen without resting.

He believed that this girl did all of that daily.

"So what happened? Why were you being called by the principal? You said you got a job, right?" Kendo interrupted their conversation since this had been something that she wanted to ask.

Kodai and Ibara also focussed on Mineta.

"It's like this..."

He explained the reason why he was called by the principal, and he planned to make Nezu's sculpture this weekend. Nezu had asked him about what he needed, and Nezu would prepare everything for the day.

Honestly, he planned to visit Selkie, the Pro Hero, to make a collaboration video around this week or next week, but with Nezu's sudden request, he needed to reschedule everything.

For one thing, he believed he would get a rich reward.

The intensity from Nezu was too intense for him, which made him sigh, but it didn't mean he was scared.

After all, no matter how rich and smart Nezu was, he was weak. This was his weakness and also the reason why he had never walked out from Yuuei.

Lastly, having a good relationship with Nezu was a good thing for him, no matter what angle he saw it.

Selkie, the Pro Hero, might be good, but compared to Nezu... he didn't need to explain too long, right?

"So... I need a helper." He looked at the four girls and asked, "If you're free, how about you help me? Think of this as part-time since I will pay you. What do you think?" Honestly, he only wanted Kodai's help since her "Quirk" was so helpful to him, but the more, the better since he wanted someone to take care of him with food, clothes, and many others since he knew this would be a big project.

The four of them looked at each other before they looked at him.

Their answer was obvious.



"Why not?"

"Please let me help you."

"...okay, thank you."

While their excitement and support made him sigh in relief and smile, he knew he had something to settle first, and this thing made him almost lose his smile.

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