MHA: Living as a Mineta is hard

Chapter 106: Unbeatable

Mineta walked toward the ring, looking around, and saw his girlfriends in the group of 1-B Class and his classmates on the side before he looked at Todoroki, his opponent.

Without a doubt, Todoroki was one of the strongest in his class.

Yet, the thought of losing to Todoroki had never crossed his mind.

If it was before when he didn't have a system and couldn't upgrade his ability, Todoroki might be able to win against him since, as he had explained before, a "Quirk" was like a paper, scissors, and rock.

When he used "Quirk" scissors, Todoroki's "Quirk" was a rock. It was impossible to win unless the sharpness of his blade of scissors was sharpened until it was enough to cut down the stone. Naturally, it would be impossible to do so since making "Quirk" strong wasn't as simple as it seemed.

One needed a long training session that might reach a decade or so.

Unfortunately, such an impossible happened to him, so the result of this match was already clear.

Fortunately, Todoroki had his father here, so his father should be able to console him when he loses.

Still, Todoroki didn't seem to look at Mineta and lowered his head. His expression was gloomy, and he was seemingly trying to endure something before he looked at him with hidden anger on his face.

Todoroki was annoyed at this moment, especially when he thought about his father's previous words.


"Use your flames. Stop with your childish act."

When Todoroki was about to enter the ring, Endeavor, Todoroki Enji, leaned on the wall, looking at his son.

"Your behavior is nothing but disgraceful, Shoto. It's amazing that you can decide to walk like this without caring after you have been manipulated. If you had used the power on your left side, you could easily crush everyone on the first and second events without being caught in such a shameful thing."

Enji didn't give mercy toward his son since he felt that Todoroki's act was so disgraceful, especially when Todoroki was so nonchalant after being manipulated by Shinso. It was like Todoroki didn't learn anything and was still in a rebellious phase.

If Todoroki was only in the rebellious phase, Enji might not care, but his son didn't even learn from his mistake, which disappointed him!

However, Enji's words were like oil to his burning anger, Todoroki wanted to ignore him, yet his father's voice kept echoing in his heart.

"Your resistance is childish and tiresome, so stop fucking around and do your duty to surpass All-Might. You're different from your older brother. You're my masterpiece!" Enji shouted and said, "And that Mineta Minoru isn't an opponent that you can defeat with only your right side alone."

Todoroki couldn't control it anymore and said, "Is that all that will ever spew out from your goddamn mouth? I will earn my victories using only my mom's power, and I will never, ever use your power in my battle."

Enji didn't say anymore and decided to let him taste defeat, but even so, as a father, he still hoped that his son would win.


'I'm going to defeat you!'

Todoroki knew that his anger toward Mineta was unreasonable, but he was going to show his father that even without his left side, he was going to win!

Mineta only raised his eyebrow and didn't care about Todoroki's expression since the loser between them had already been decided.

Neither of them talked since they weren't that particularly close either.

Their relationship was only a mere greeting to each other from morning to evening.

While it might be special for Todoroki, it was just a routine for Mineta.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, folks! Now, it is the match that we have been waiting for! It is a match between the top of the top! One is the one that has dominated the first and second events, getting the 1st place so nonchalantly as if everything is under his palm! Even if he knows his opponent is strong, he still shows his calm and confident smile! Kuuuh! I am sure that many girls are going to be smitten by him now! I am so jealous!"

"..." Mineta.

"..." Everyone was the same, but they couldn't say anything since they had to say that this was so handsome, especially those eyes. Many also wanted to be gazed at by his cold and disgusting face. They knew that it was wrong, but whenever they imagined it, they felt their bodies shivering with excitement.

Still, if Mineta knew someone was like that, he would look at them with such a face.

"Can you get to the point?" Aizawa was speechless.

"Anyway, he is Mineta Minoru from the Hero Department! On the other hand, his opponent is so strong! He can be called the strongest, Shoto Todoroki from the Hero Departement! Now, who is going to win between them? We will see it soon!"


As this voice fell, Mineta and Todoroki never said a single word to each other.

Yet Todoroki's attack never showed any intent for mercy. He directly used all of his power to freeze Mineta!


A giant, glacier-like wave of ice suddenly appeared on the ring, and it was so huge that it was almost out of the stadium. The audience was nearly hit by this attack since they were only a few centimeters away from it. Once they were hit, they knew that they would be frozen.


Everyone was in silence, and they felt their hearts stopped by how powerful Todoroki was.

By this point, no one thought that Mineta could win.

Todoroki's power was too outrageous, and this was something that was impossible to defeat.

However, there were still a few people who believed that it was impossible for Mineta to lose.

"Wow, it's amazing, but goodbye."

When everyone was standing still, and no one's voice could be heard, his voice echoed and seemed clear, causing everyone to look at the source of this voice.

Todoroki looked up, but he was blown away and smashed outside the stage!


Todoroki crashed into the wall and got stuck on it, defeated. His entire body was painful, and he almost passed out, but before he closed his eyes, he looked at the silhouette of the figure that had defeated him. Yet it was impossible to see his figure clearly since the sun was too bright.

'...I have lost?'

Suddenly his father's voice echoed in his mind, telling him to use his power, causing him to cry before he could only pass out powerlessly.

Everyone else did the same and saw they saw a figure.

The figure was standing upside down, seemingly fixed in midair. It was different from flying. It seemed he was stuck on there, making everyone open their mouths wide dumbfounded.

Mineta was there, sticking to his feet on the fine line of his substance that he stuck on two opposite parts of the top part of the stadium. While Todoroki's attack was powerful, the speed of its activation was far from fast, and it was easy for him to dodge by jumping into the sky. By then, he shot his sticky substance like a pistol, bringing down Todoroki easily.

Mineta didn't waste his time and jumped down, flipping in the air before he landed on a glacier-like wave of ice smoothly as he slid down toward the ring calmly.

Yet this picture of him was captured, and no one was looking away.

As he landed on the ring, no one could control their emotions anymore.

"The-The winner is Minoru Mineta!"



I know that some of you have a weak heart, but you don't need to worry. Even if he uses his "Doppelganger," he only uses it to make an excuse, so his girlfriend and other women don't feel suspicious of him.

Naturally, when he is doing it with his girls, he uses his real body, so you don't need to worry, okay?


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