Metropolis: How do you let me lose in stock trading with plug-ins?

Page 213

Thinking of this, he stood up and walked into the room, then switched to the phone contacts, found one of the numbers and dialed it.

"Hello? Mr. Li?"

"Mr. Zhang, happy new year."

"Mr. Li, it's really you. Happy New Year. I thought I was wrong just now."

After the person on the opposite side confirmed Li Wenhao's identity, his tone immediately became enthusiastic.

"Director Zhang, I called you suddenly because I encountered a little trouble and wanted to ask if you could give me a solution."

It was Zhang Xue, the director of Penguin's investment department, who Li Wenhao called.

After they met at Diding's financing celebration banquet, they left each other's contact information.

As a top-ranked Penguin management, his troubles are not a problem.

"Mr. Li, tell me that if I can help, I will definitely not refuse." Zhang Xue on the phone seemed to be listening attentively, but he didn't talk too much.

After all, in his mind, it shouldn't be a small problem to be able to stump Li Wenhao, so he still chose to be more cautious.

"It's like this, isn't today New Year's Eve, I originally wanted to be in the company group..." Li Wenhao briefly explained the situation he encountered just now:

"So I want to ask Mr. Zhang if you can help solve this matter. After all, if you promise to go out, you can't break your promise, right?"

"Of course, if Mr. Zhang can't solve this matter, I can only send a group message on Huaqianbao."

At the end of the words, Li Wenhao also gave a small 'threat'.

After all, he is considered a money-spending Party A, so he can't find a place to spend money, right?

"It can be resolved, this is a trivial matter, Mr. Li, you can rest assured and wait."

After Zhang Xue listened to Li Wenhao's appeal, he agreed wholeheartedly, and he said the beautiful words in a set way:

"In the future, you can just send me a message for this kind of thing. I will keep it for you and make it beautiful. There is no need for you to call in person."

Chapter 329

No matter what Zhang Xue was thinking, at least there was nothing wrong with hearing these words, which made Li Wenhao feel elated.

It can only be said that it is worthy of investing abroad all the year round, and the more businessmen it contacts, the better it sounds.

Moreover, there was no airs in the conversation. If another person did not know the identity of the other party, it would be difficult to guess that the other party was an executive within Penguin.

"Mr. Zhang, don't say that, it makes me feel embarrassed to find you next time I have something to do."

"Mr. Li, I'm not being polite to you. If you have anything to do in the future, just call me."

"Okay, then I'll thank you in advance."

"Small problem, then I will tell the technical department now, Mr. Li, is your account this phone number?"


"Okay, then you hang up the phone and wait for a few minutes, then restart WeChat again."

"That's it for now. I'll treat you to dinner when I have time next year."



When Li Wenhao called, the chatter in the company group was still enthusiastic, and almost everyone was eagerly waiting.

"I checked a few minutes ago, and all the previous red envelopes have been claimed..." Suddenly, someone sent such a message.


"I didn't expect you, Old Wu, to observe so carefully."

"Thin, too thin."

"I didn't expect you, Old Wu, to be such a ghost with big eyebrows and big eyes."

"Old Wu, I'm not talking about you. Your salary this year is almost 50. Is this because you have no money recently? Just wait for Mr. Li's red envelope, right?"

"That's right, old Wu, it's just a red envelope, why are you staring at it like this?"

Seeing the colleagues in the group suddenly teasing him collectively, just when Wu Yong wanted to refute a few words, a conspicuous bright red color suddenly appeared on the chat interface.

Almost like a conditioned reflex, his thumb touched the red in an instant.


happy New Year.


The notification sound for turning on the red envelope was the most beautiful sound in the world to Lao Wu.

He clicked his lips a little bit, and switched to the wallet again, making sure that the money had arrived before switching back to the company group.

At this time, many other employees in the group reacted and operated similarly to Old Wu.

Afterwards, there was an overwhelming swiping of thanks, saying everything, and praised Li Wenhao as the only good person in the world.

Old Wu, of course, couldn't avoid it, and he praised it, and pasted it several times in a row, for fear that the limelight would be robbed by others.

Li Wenhao: Well, as long as everyone is happy, let’s have a good New Year and enjoy the time with your family. I will leave first.

After seeing such a message from the boss, the enthusiasm in the group finally cooled down.

"Ahem, who kept blaming me just now, saying that I was only staring at the red envelope. I don't know if you have received it?"


"Okay, you thick eyebrows and big eyes, you're starting to chatter, aren't you?"

"Wandering, brothers, let's get him together after work starts."

"Agree, I have to tell my sister-in-law that you just received a big red envelope, and you have to let her take care of it, and you can't let you spend money indiscriminately."

"Get lost! If you, Xie, dare to speak out, I'll tell your wives about it too."

"Hey, everyone, calm down."

Seeing that the married men in the group were about to fall in love and kill each other, the other people who were watching just now hurried up to persuade them.

If it continues like this, it will be like killing eighty enemies and losing one thousand, and it will all be cheaper for the mother-in-law at home.


The year passed quickly, and except for going to live with grandparents for a day on the second day of the new year, they stayed at home as usual for the rest of the time.

It's not that they don't want to go out, but that there are too many relatives who visit every day.

Although Li Xinghua is an only child, the old man has two brothers, and brothers and sisters from his mother's family.

These uncles and seven aunts and eight aunts almost filled up their time.

In addition, all the relatives now know that Li Wenhao is also promising, so this year there are particularly many relatives visiting the house.

This made Li Wenhao a little tired of coping, so he had to find excuses to slip away, and slipped to his grandfather's house several times.

During this period, he saw old man Pei several times. The walnuts in the old man's hands were even more shiny than when he met them on the antique street.

In addition, he also accidentally learned that old man Pei's son is the Secretary Pei of Guangdong'an Province, which made Li Wenhao feel suddenly enlightened when he had time.

It's no wonder that the construction of the customer service center he planned at the beginning received Secretary Pei's attention, and he even sent his secretary to negotiate and follow up in person, presumably Old Man Pei was also involved.

But even if he guessed the truth, Li Wenhao didn't think about making friends.

Because there is no desire to be strong.

When he planned to build a customer service center, his original intention was to do good deeds, and he never thought about making any money in it.

"Boy, have you found any good things recently? If you have any, don't hide them. I'll give you the palm of your hand." Since the last encounter in Antique Street, Old Man Pei seems to have recognized his eyes. Asked several times.

"No, last time it was pure luck, I won't lie to you." In response, Li Wenhao shook his head like a rattle and strongly denied it.

It's okay to play occasionally, but if you can find good things all the time, it will be too eye-catching.

What's more important is that the cost-effectiveness of buying those things is too low. I tried my best to go around the antique market, but the result may not be as good as I can look at the market for a few minutes in the company.


the seventh day of the first lunar month,

It is appropriate to start work, open the market, open, open.

Before it was time to go to work this morning, Li Wenhao had already appeared in the company in Guangyang City.

In his office, there were two cardboard boxes at this time, and there were piles of red envelopes inside.

These are the red envelopes for today's start of work, and they were specially prepared by him yesterday.

Moved the box to the front desk, and then he sat there and waited.

After waiting for a few minutes, the first to arrive at the company were two beautiful girls who were the front desk of the company.

The front desk of the company is usually the first employee to arrive at the company. The two girls had just walked out of the elevator door together, and the first time they saw Li Wenhao appearing at their workstations, they were frightened and incoherent: "Mr. Li... Hello. "

"Hello everyone, I wish you a happy start." Hearing the greeting, Li Wenhao took out two red envelopes from the box and handed them over.

"Thank you, Mr. Li." Seeing the two red envelopes, the two girls spoke more quickly, with sweet smiles on their faces.

I have to say that the company's personnel have a good vision, and beautiful things are always pleasing to the eye.

Just when Li Wenhao wanted to chat a few words, the employees in the company had already arrived one after another.

Seeing this, he can only continue to operate.

And the two front desk girls also started to do their own work, standing upright behind Li Wenhao with a smile all the way.

Chapter 330

"Good luck."


More and more employees came to the company, and gradually there was a queue at the front desk.

The two girls at the front desk had already left the front desk at this time, guiding the employees who had just arrived at the company to line up at the elevator entrance.

Perhaps it was because Li Wenhao was in front of the place, the people queuing up were harmonious, and even the executive-level leaders in the company lined up honestly.

However, even though there were a lot of people queuing at the scene, Li Wenhao did not borrow others' hands, and all the red envelopes were sent out by himself.

The employees who had received the red envelopes did not open them immediately, but gathered in the office to discuss them.

"The moment I got started, I felt that the amount of red envelopes was not small."

"That's not necessarily true, maybe it's a coupon?" A female employee who had just joined said hesitantly.

"When you say that, it reminds me of my last company. When the company started last year, the boss did this kind of burning operation."

"No way, don't you know Mr. Li's generosity? You are already white-collar workers for the red envelopes on New Year's Eve, right? So arrange Mr. Li like this?" said an old employee.

"My fault, my fault." The female employee who just mentioned the coupon pouted embarrassingly, and hurriedly punished herself with three cups.

If this word reaches the boss's ears, it will definitely not have her good juice.

Even if it is not passed on to the boss and the supervisor hears about it, he can still get a lot of money.

"Don't guess, just open it and see if it's right."

"Wow, it's real money, real money."

Hearing the exclamation, the people next to him opened the red envelope immediately.

I saw eight neatly arranged red banknotes lying quietly inside. When I opened it, there was still the smell of ink from the factory, so I knew it was new banknotes at a glance.

"Wow...I love going to work."

"I declare that the company will be my home in the future."


"Since you all fall in love with the company, then I won't compete with you, I will choose the boss."


"Sister, listen to my sister's advice, raise your pillow up tonight, maybe you can dream about it."

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