MEOW: Magical Emporium of Wares - A Cozy Slice-of-Life Fantasy

Chapter Thirty

Episode Thirty

In walked the same blond haired and blue-eyed guy who’d placed the order to begin with, but something about him was different. His face looked younger, less gruff.

"Hey Carter, you have good timing," I said, setting the box down on the counter. "We just finished packing the boots up if you want to look." I motioned to the box and moved closer to the espresso machine. I automatically began to make a mocha, since that's what he’d had last time, using one of the to-go cups.

The cat watched as he entered, sitting next to the box. Indigo chirped right into my ear and I jumped, which startled her and she went flying, just barely gliding to the countertop.

"Sorry, Indigo. That was a little loud right next to my ear," I said.

The tiny dragon chirped again much softer, but her attention flickered to Carter, who hadn't moved.

"That's a little dragon," he said. "I didn't... where... Actually, not my business." He gave me a nod but his eyes went back to the dragon instead of the box of boots. "So, you have the boots?"

The cat nodded and tilted his head toward the box.

"And you're not going to bankrupt me, right?" asked Carter.

I rolled my eyes and placed the lid on the mocha. "That's what he said." I set the coffee next to the box. "Check them out..."

He pulled the box closer to the edge and opened the lid that I had just closed, revealing the tissue paper and the boots.

Indigo inched closer to him, and Carter froze, just for a second. Then he pulled out one of the boots. "These are really nice, and the compartment is hidden?"

"He did the magic this morning, a glamor," I said, trying to sound smart.

Carter's eyes zeroed in on the cat. "I thought glamors were fey magic..."

I shrugged. "Pretty sure that's what he called it. It glowed all bright before vanishing. It's limited to whomever is wearing the boots. So unless you put them, on you won't find it."

Indigo chirped in agreement, or at least that's what I took it to mean.

"That works," He said, tilting the boot up. "They shouldn't be coming off her feet all that often." He set it down back in the box and closed the lid before turning back to look at the cat next to the cash register. "So, what's the price?" he asked cautiously.

I turned to the cat and waited to hear whatever he was going to charge the young man. Hopefully, it wasn't going to be something like the gems Harold had tried to pay with. Carter wasn't from Earth after all, and I didn't know what they used to pay for goods here.

"Tell him I want a feather from him after the Demon King is dead," said the cat. "There is an envelope under the counter that he can use to mail it back to us."

My lips parted, but I didn't know what to make of that bargain. "Are you sure?" I asked the cat, not caring how it looked to Carter. The cat just nodded and kept his eyes on the man.

I let out a sigh. "So this is a weird one, he wants a feather from you, after the Demon King is dead." This was the second time I’d heard of demons. The first had been from Alas, who’d warned of a war that was coming. Somehow, Carter had something to do with it if this was the payment.

"To be clear, from my wings?" asked Carter, his face blank.

The cat nodded. "His and no other."

"Yes, from you and no other." What the heck were we bargaining for here? Also, Carter didn't have wings, or if he did, I couldn’t see them. People came in here all the time looking like normal people, but that didn’t mean that’s what they really were, or looked like all the time.

"Okay, it’s a deal." He nodded his head. "Do we need to shake?" He held out his hand toward the cat, but the cat turned to face me.

I took the outstretched hand, and we shook. A rush of energy flowed through my fingertips as our hands glowed. A faint hum rose then vanished, along with the light. I yanked my hand back, looking at it with concern. "That was weird."

"Magic is a thing," said Carter.

"Wait, do you really have wings?" I asked before I could catch myself.

Carter smirked. "I do. I didn't always, but now, yeah, I do." He picked up the box with a soft smile.

I connected the dots, and wondered how someone who traveled between worlds helped someone get their wings. It sounded like a really naughty commercial or something.

"Thanks again," Carter said with a grateful smile.

"No problem," I replied. "I hope she enjoys the new boots, and good luck with the demons?" I shrugged a little on that one before pointing to the mocha. "Don't forget your coffee."

He snorted and grabbed the coffee in one hand and the boots went under his arm.

The cat seemed pleased with himself as he watched Carter leave the store from the counter, his tail flickering back and forth over the counter.

As soon as the door closed behind the young man, I spun to face the cat. "He has wings!"

"Yes, he's descended from angels."

"Angels? For real?"

Indigo chirped, and I nodded.

"True, if Book Dragons exist, angels might as well."


That was not what the little Book Dragon had said, but I would not translate for Sable. If the little one wanted to read, she could figure out a way to make Sable understand that. Though she had done me a favor and pointed out that I had treated Sable poorly. Somehow, I’d missed the hurt in her eyes when I commented about the gems. It had not been my intention to hurt Sable, only point out that they had been worth more than what she charged on the machine. My language had been insensitive, but hopefully she would forgive me.

The Book Dragon moved closer to Sable and nudged her hand, which was placed on the counter. They would figure out what to do.

"That was our last client for today," I said. "We are now closed."

At least the boots were where they needed to be. That universe was on its own for the next bit; it didn't need any of our meddling. As things were, I’d done more than I should, but I couldn't help it. Hopefully, the young Traveler would make things right. Sable's hand came down on my head, scratching my ears. I couldn't help the purring that came from my center.

"You seem a little lost. Are you okay, cat?" asked Sable.

I nodded. "Time to rest."

The Book Dragon chirped, asking if I was okay as well. Concern radiated from the little one and I frowned. I needed to find out where she belonged. This wasn't the place for someone who could ignore the fates.

"Remember to read to her, like Alas said." The little one was little after all, and not used to being around people who couldn't understand her.

The Book Dragon chirped their thanks, before twisting back to watch Sable. I jumped off the counter and headed down the hall. It was time to do some research.

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