MEOW: Magical Emporium of Wares - A Cozy Slice-of-Life Fantasy

Chapter Sixty-Five: Pink Lady

Episode Sixty-Five

Today the shop looked normal enough as I sat down on the stool behind the counter. The grocery order had come through yesterday, so I’d made scrambled eggs and more bacon. Indigo was sad all the brownies were gone, but I resisted placing another order for more.

My focus was on making another boba tea. It was supposed to be a hot day on Earth, but that meant little since more than likely we wouldn’t be there until the day was over with. Still, I hoped after the workday was over I could get some sun on the rooftop and maybe get some reading in. Several more entries had shown up in Beings of the Tree, and I wanted to get caught up on some of the different species we had met.

The plan was to read it with Indigo, since she had finished the most recent story that had been sent over to her from the Dragon Elders.

The Cat jumped onto the counter as I added ice to the pitcher of tea. “Can I have something with coffee?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “This is for me, for later.” I stuck it into the mini-fridge, and tried to not think about how it actually fit before pulling up his teacup, along with my mug.

I wanted something sweet this morning. A vanilla latte with brown sugar syrup sounded perfect, and I quickly started on the latte part, steaming the milk with the flavors already added.

Indigo made her way over to the counter and chirped at the Cat.

“Yes, today is dragons,” replied the Cat in a cheery mood. Which was strange. He wasn’t usually cheery about dragons.

“Oh, are they here for the players?” I asked.

Indigo started making chirps faster than I could follow, and I focused on the coffee. Caffeine first, then I’d get the players from the storage room.

Next was the espresso, and I pulled my shots first, then more for the cat. He only got one, and I added his second to my mug. Then I took a sip, enjoying the flavor.

“So, what did she say?” I whispered to the Cat.

He lapped at his drink before responding. “She’s excited.”

I tapped a finger on the counter and resisted glaring at him. Instead, I sipped my delicious latte, sitting on the stool. The sunlight blazed in overhead and it gave the entire shop a warm feeling. It was magic that I wasn’t sweating, and I appreciated every moment of it.

Indigo sat down next to the Cat, her tail moving back and forth across the counter. Her eyes stayed on the door. As soon as the Cat was done with his drink, the lock clicked. I moved his teacup off the counter, but kept my mug out. I had plenty of coffee yet to go, and it wasn’t uncommon for me to have a drink in hand when customers came to the shop. It helped with the overall ambiance, even if I did say so myself. The Cat could slam his all he wanted, I slowly enjoyed mine.

The bells on the door jingled as Lady Borsal stepped inside. Indigo started chatting immediately. The dragon chuckled as she made her way toward the counter. “Good Morning to all of you.” Her eyes landed on Indigo, who almost vibrated as she spoke. “And you are a very excited little dragon.”

Indigo leaped off of the counter just before Lady Borsal got to it and flew around her head twice.

“How about we discuss the conclave first, then we can chat?” she asked the little dragon.

Indigo landed back on the counter with a smile.

Lady Borsal’s pink eyes drilled into me with a toothy grin. “You did a fantastic job, winning over several important dragons in the clan. Lord Bennit said it was a success. He is busy, along with a few of the other Elders, tracking down some leads.” Her head tilted toward Indigo and I got it. They were searching for her mother.

“So everyone was happy with our hosting, good! I’m glad to have met everyone’s expectations.” I knew I had done a good job, but hearing it from her helped. “Are you here for the extra players?” I pointed toward the door that led to the storeroom. “I got a bunch of them in, ready to go.”

Lady Borsal shook her head. “No, that’s the other reason I’m here, to tell you. One of the Honored Elders has offered to teach Indigo about her magic. She will arrive at some point, and will be the one to pick up the players.”

“The purple-eyed one?” I asked.

“Yes, she has taken an interest in Indigo.” Lady Borsal smiled at the little one. “You are very lucky, she is the strongest dragon in the clan.”

Indigo chirped twice in agreement. Then asked a question.

“Lord Bennit will be by as well, but not as soon as the Elder. He wants to spend time with you, don’t you worry.”

I really wished I could hear both sides of the conversation, but I could follow along well enough. “Will I need to set anything up for when the Elder visits?”

Lady Borsal didn’t reply immediately. “I don’t have any suggestions. You did well at the conclave; follow those instincts.” Indigo jumped up on Lady Borsal’s arm and climbed up her shoulder. “Alright, this one has a ton of questions.”

I nodded and stood up. “There is a chair in the reading area over by the kids’ books.” I motioned toward the correct area of the bookstore. “You can get comfortable there. Do you want anything to drink?”

Lady Borsal shook her head. Indigo was already chatting faster than I could follow. She headed in the correct direction, so I sat back down.

“Well, that was easy…” I muttered.

“Dragons are never easy to deal with.”

I scratched the Cat’s head as he moved closer to me and my mug. “Don’t think I’m going to share just because you finished your coffee already.”

The Cat chuckled. “I had my fill.”

My eyes stayed glued on Lady Borsal, and Indigo on her shoulder. From here, I couldn’t hear what was being said. “I hope Indigo learns what she needs to. I don’t want her to be behind others her age because she’s here.”

The Cat head-butted me. “Don’t be stupid. It is beneath you.” He paused, staring at me. “Dragons live a long time. There is no such thing as a dragon being behind, not in any terms mortals could really understand.”


I could hear the conversation from the counter when Sable wasn’t saying idiotic things. She nodded at me and I let her keep petting me. Indigo played her part well, and Lady Borsal promised to find out more about how humans on Earth celebrated birthdays. So far, we knew cards were involved, along with gifts, but I needed more.

It needed to be perfect. I purred, knowing it wouldn’t be much longer.

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