Memoirs of the Returnee

Chapter 326: Flow (4)

Chapter 326: Flow (4)

“…Where did you hear such bullshit?”

Theia retorted coldly, but her composure was already shaken. Her use of the Spectrum fSwitches] was restricted due to the magical restraint sphere.

Always having controlled herself with Spectrum, hiding her emotions was somewhat difficult for her.


Tap-tap—Shion tapped his fingers on the table and then shook his head.

“That will be all then.”

Theia forced a relaxed smile.

“Have you found any evidence that I killed my mentor? It seems to be dragging on. What will you do if it backfires?”

“A witness should be sufficient, shouldn't it?”

Emilia's accusation and Vancheon's fabricated evidence were the reasons Theia Esil was detained.

…Superficially, at Least.

Ultimately, it was because she had declared war against 'Libra.'

“Why do you serve Libra?”

Suddenly, Theia asked, driven by pure curiosity.

Just as she had reasons to hate Libra, did he have reasons to serve it?

What kind of connection between people necessitates the duty to 'serve' someone?

“…My grandfather's name was Aaron Ascal. He was a knight of Libra.”

Shion recited his family's history.

More for the sake of 'Libra's people* who might still be monitoring the visitation room than for Theia.

“My father was Dale AscaL He was also a knight of Libra.”

A Life of serving them, passed down through generations.

“And I am with Libra too. My grandfather, my father, and I—all of us belong to

Libra. Do I need any more reason than that?”

For the 'Ascal' family, that was enough; for 'Libra; it was a perfect reason.

In contrast, Theia Esil grew cold.

“Being proud of your entire family serving Libra isn't something to boast about.

It's a passive Life. A slave's Life.”

Shion smiled faintly.

“Do you see chains on my ankles or wrists, Professor? On the contrary, I see them on you.”

Theia looked at the restraints binding her entire body.

Then, the 15 minutes were up.

Time to endure this uncomfortable meeting no Longer.

Theia stood up, and he placed the Lunchbox on the table.

“Eat when you're hungry.”

“…The guards eat well. It's better than throwing it away as trash.”

Shion responded calmly to her clear sarcasm.

“Yes, do that. You've had a tough life, so the prison diet must suit your taste.”

Then he left the visitation room first.


Theia cursed at his retreating figure.


Looking at the hefty lunchbox left alone on the table, she picked it up with both arms and left the visitation room.

“Ah, there she is.”

As soon as she came out, the guards rushed towards her, their eyes sparkling.

“Did the visitation. Hmm. Go well?”

Their voices were tinged with saliva.

Theia extended the lunchbox to them.

“Ah, thank you!”

“Uh! Professor, you don't have to go back in right away. You can rest a bit!”

While their eyes were glued on the lunchbox, they uttered insincere words.

Theia shook her head.

“l'm fine.”

“Ah yes! Please rest comfortably! Let us know if there's any problem!”




“Ah—of course, we should put a heater in! The solitary cell is too cold, isn't it?

Hey, rookie! What are you doing?”


The rookie hurriedly placed a small heater in the solitary cell. It was the same heater they had been using themselves.

“Here you go… Please rest comfortably!”


Theia silently turned to enter her cell, but suddenly Looked back at the guards.

—Wow, they're radiant today too.

—The menu is insane…

The guards were gleefully sharing the Lunchbox.

For Theia, their behavior was peculiar.

—Hey guys. Can I take some home for my son?

—Ah. What is it? Please look. We have sons too.

The number of Lunchboxes they Laid out was not just one.

Not even two.

—Are you crazy? Then I'll give you just one piece of sushi. Just one piece.

—Then eat less.

—Got it, asshole.

The amount was too much for one person, enough for several to share.

In exchange for this Lunchbox, a heater was placed in her solitary cell.

As if it had been prepared just for this situation…

…The media continued to churn out sensational articles about Theia, and Theia Esil neither confessed nor denied anything.

It was dragging on, similar to before her regression.

Back then, the decisive factor that led her to confess was Gerkhen.

Gerkhen had snitched some "evidence* to Libra, and thus the execution was carried out.

The silver lining was—she had witnessed Derek's downfall with her own eyes.

This time, Derek would fall just the same, but she would be alive to watch the process.

“…Esteemed astrological mage. Currently, in the mundane world, such a person exists.”

In the tent of [Castology], Elder Belanta presented a photo to me with utmost politeness.

It was Theia Esil.

“We wish to punish this person, but we are uncertain of the method to employ.”

Even her gestures were extremely proper and respectful.

I knew this grandmother was a fervent believer in shamans and fortune-tellers, but to this extent…


I drew a card and threw it into the air. Tsszzt——Tiny sparks wove a web across the ceiling.

“Ah, ah…!”

Belanta's eyes filled with admiration.

I responded.

“…lt seems best to follow the majority's will.”

“The majority's will… The majority's wi11…7”

BeLanta muttered to herself, lost in thought, then suddenly clapped her hands.


Her face lit up with realization.

A jury verdict could shock both Theia and society tremendously. Theia would be devastated by being rejected by the most ordinary people, shattering the soul of the Holy Knight and plummeting her social prestige. In other words, it's a far more efficient method than assassinating Theia Esil…

She must be thinking along these lines.

“lndeed… you strike at the core.”


I raised a finger, and Belanta's eyes focused intently on it.

“Death should not occur.”

“Death, you say…?”

“There lurks a dark aura behind the soul. Should the physical death release it, the winds will blow backwards, and curses will spread like a plague.”


ln simple terms, a serious backlash would occur, so do not kill Theia.

“Why… I truly do not understand. May I request an interpretation7”

I drew a card.


I scattered it into the air, and it transformed into particles, falling like snowflakes.

“This person.”

I pointed at the photo. This time, it was not Theia Esil, but the face of Holy Knight Athan, whom she was accused of killing.

“He does not seem human.”

“Not human?”

“Thats right. In his final years, the visage of a demon appears.”


Belanta's expression turned grave as she chewed her lip in thought, then she stuffed all the documents into her bosom.

However, she did not leave.

“Esteemed astrological mage.”

Instead, she presented another photo. It was of an unknown man.

“…This is my grandson.”


I almost blurted it out.

“He is sitting for the College Board this year… I am terribly worried whether he can get into a national university or not…”

Elder Belanta's grandson.

Do I have such a memory in my head?

Honestly, I was taken aback, but I closed my eyes and sifted through my memories with the fNotepadJ .

Fortunately, the scope wasn't wide.

Before the regression, I only needed to check the records around this year's Detonation List.

Around this time, I was so desperate to know everything related to Libra, down to who was defecating in which house, so I must have seen something about the elder's grandson's university entrance information…

[…Edgar Belanta, a collateral relative of Libra, admitted to the national university]


It seems the grandson is well-raised. Even for a collateral relative, not just anyone gets into a national university.

“I see it.”

I smiled at her. Belanta shuddered visibly.

“What do you see…?”

“Cherry blossoms. Beautiful cherry blossoms. And walking confidently amongst them… this face.”

I gave a very positive response. Belanta placed her hand over her heart, her face a mix of ecstasy and gratitude.


I raised a finger sternly.

“Keep my words confidential. The moment you carelessly divulge the future Luxury, it will turn into a disaster.”

Casually saying 'you'll definitely pass* could lead to complacency and failure.

“Yes, yes. I unde rsta n d …”

BeLanta fiddled with her curly hair, nodding continuously.

Getting close to the elders is simple. Give them what they want, avoid actions they dislike, and always treat them with respect and kindness.

People tend to simplify things as they age.

“Are you talking about the Beriolsa Restaurant?”

—Hmm- That place, yes. Oh, it's alright. Its quite famous. I don't want to impose on you…

The elders spend more than half the year in the Aerial Garden, but the rest is spent enjoying the high life on the ground.

In other words, if they can't enjoy the high life, they prefer not to descend at all.

“l'll do my best.”

—Ah, thank you.”


Fortunately, I have many connections. To some, it might seem like an extravagant network.

—Eh~? Beriolsa-? Are you talking about the restaurant?

This enticing voice belongs to Sheron.

“Yes. Is it possible? It's for next week, Friday at 6 PM.”

—Easy- But, who are you going with-?

For the elders, a reservation at such a restaurant is daunting, but for Sheron, it's remarkably easy.

It's more about image and brand than status and position. Sheron of Aventagher has the looks and star quality to brighten any venue she attends. Its worth investing in her already established brand image.

Unfortunately, the elders don't even come close to her.

“lts not for me, it's a gift.”

—Oh really? Got it~ I'll reserve two spots. The best seats.

“Thank you.”

I smiled.

Suddenly, a thought struck me.

“But why don't you use the Casto logy? You've received it, haven't you?”

—rm saving it for a crucial moment. Why would I use it right away~ Silly.

“Ah, I see.”

In this respect, she's unexpectedly meticulous and smart.


“So, the reservation is”

—I*ve just made it. Next Friday at 6 PM.


Beriolsa is the most luxurious high-end restaurant in current Edsilla.

To secure a reservation at such a restaurant, especially during the prime time of 6 PM on a Friday, like it's just a fast food joint, there are truly only a handful of people on the continent who could manage it.

—It seemed Like something you should take credit for, so I made the reservation under your name-

She*s also quick on the uptake.

“Thank you. If there's ever anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.”

—Alright. Hanging up now-

The reservation was a success. However, I couldn't just hand it over immediately.

If it seems too easy, they won't appreciate it as much.

You have to keep them on edge until the last moment, and then solve it dramatically at the most critical time—thats when their gratitude hits its peak…

…That's how it works.

I devoted my efforts to the elders.

“Oh my! Really?! Thank you so much!”

“You don't have to thank me.”

“Thank you, thank you!”

In the garden of Libra Section 1.

Last week, Elder 'Raymond; who had asked me to make a reservation at Beriolsa, came in person to express his gratitude.

“Was it difficult?”

“lt was tough, but it's okay. I managed to secure a cancellation spot just in time.”

I make it seem like I'm not showing off, even though I am.

You have to show off a bit to be appreciated, but too much and it becomes tiresome.

“Tomorrow. Just mention my name at the restaurant and you'll be set. Now, you better start getting ready.”

“Understood! Thank you so much~!”

Raymond patted my shoulder several times before leaving. His steps almost seemed to Levitate as he walked away, excited to go to the restaurant with his mistress.

He might actually fly at this rate.


In this way, I will continue to fulfill the requests and favors of other elders as well, naturally earning their favor.

And what happens then?

The elders become my allies.

Meaning, if I ever clash with another Balancer, almost all the elders will take my side.

Having returned once before, I know that in Libra's society, the elders have enough influence to easily overshadow a few Balancers.

Those who don't know this will be buried by me.


This is ultimately about Belingham Kantar.

This is the strategy I've devised to deal with him.

After all, that guy, who believes he was 'made' for Libra, has quite a strong ego and doesn't bow down to the elders.

Because of that—


Suddenly, a gentle voice called out to me. I turned towards it.

Across the garden, by the lakeside, Zia appeared. For some reason barefoot, holding her sandals in one hand, she approached me.

“There's a beautiful view… want to come see…?”

Although it was quite sudden, I didn't refuse the hand she offered with a smile.


At that moment.

I felt a gaze from behind me. Once sharp, now dulled, and barely perceptible. Eyes filled with a watery sadness…

It was probably Johanna.

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