Melodies Of Power

A wisp of all things!!!

Lance sat cross-legged on his bed, staring at the piles of books stacked around him. The soft sunlight streamed through the tall window, casting warm, lazy beams across his small apartment. His eyes wandered over the spines of the books he'd borrowed from the library, but his mind was elsewhere.

A wisp. Of all the companions he could have summoned, why did it have to be a wisp? It wasn’t that he was ungrateful—he knew how rare and significant the bond with a companion from the plane of fury could be—but the disappointment gnawed at him. In his mind, he had always pictured something... grander. A powerful beast, maybe a thunder bear like Kade’s or a phoenix. Something strong and awe-inspiring, a companion that could make him a battle mage worthy of his parents’ legacy.

But instead, he got a wisp. A tiny, cocky, and chaotic wisp.

It’s not even from the Celestial Plane... he thought with a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair. He had read that wisps were found in almost every plane of existence, except the Celestial one. They took on the traits of the plane they inhabited. His wisp came from the Plane of Fury, giving him access to vibration, wind, and a touch of chaos magic. It was... useful, but far from the overwhelming force he had hoped for.

I wanted something powerful, not something I have to manage, Lance thought bitterly. Is this really going to be enough?

Feeling restless, Lance decided to leave his apartment and clear his head. The grounds of Elderglen were buzzing with activity, students milling about in small groups, laughing and talking. As he walked through the courtyard, he noticed the subtle looks exchanged by some of the students. Everyone was sizing each other up—Lance could feel it. They all wanted to know who had bonded with which companion, what kind of magic they could use, and who might be a potential rival.

If they knew I had a wisp, they’d probably laugh, he thought with a grimace.

In the distance, he spotted Felix and Bella sitting beneath a large oak tree. They were a striking pair—their noble upbringing practically radiated from them. Felix, with his cool, calculating demeanor, was reading a thick, leather-bound book, his expression unreadable. Bella sat beside him, her posture perfect, her eyes sharp as she surveyed the students passing by.

Lance hesitated. He had met them both during orientation, but there hadn’t been much interaction since. They were polite enough, but there was a certain coldness about them, as if they were always analyzing, calculating everyone’s worth.

They probably don’t think much of me either, Lance thought, feeling a slight twinge of insecurity. Felix and Bella came from a powerful noble family, and their companions—though unseen like everyone else’s—were rumored to be impressive. Lance, on the other hand, was still trying to figure out where he fit in.

He walked over, deciding to push through the awkwardness. "Hey," he greeted, keeping his tone light.

Felix looked up from his book, his eyes assessing Lance with the same cool detachment as always. "Lance," he said, his voice polite but distant. "Doing some research?"

"Yeah," Lance replied, holding up the books he had borrowed from the library. "Trying to learn more about my wisp."

There was a pause. Bella’s gaze flicked to him, her expression neutral, though Lance could sense the subtle judgment behind her words. "A wisp from the Plane of Fury," she said, her tone carefully measured. "Uncommon."

"Yeah," Lance said, unsure how to respond. Uncommon didn’t exactly sound like a compliment. He knew that wisps weren’t seen as particularly powerful companions, especially compared to the more formidable beings summoned by others.

Felix’s lips quirked in a small, polite smile, but there was little warmth in it. "Every companion has its strengths," he said, though his tone carried a hint of indifference. "It’s up to the mage to make the most of them."

Bella nodded, her expression remaining inscrutable. "A wisp from the Plane of Fury could be... difficult to manage. Chaotic, even."

Lance tried to keep his voice steady, though the insecurity gnawed at him. "I’m working on figuring it out. I’m sure it has its strengths."

"Of course," Felix said, but the conversation felt distant, like they were keeping him at arm’s length. They weren’t unfriendly, but there was an undeniable sense of detachment—a subtle reminder that they came from a different world. A world where power, status, and potential mattered. And by those standards, Lance wasn’t sure where he stood.

Later that evening, Lance found himself back in the library, surrounded by the books he had checked out. He stared down at the one about companions, his thoughts swirling. What if they’re right? He knew that Felix and Bella didn’t see him as a threat or even a rival—they were likely sizing him up, weighing his worth as a potential ally, enemy, or perhaps even a non-factor.

And right now, I’m definitely the least valuable person in the room.

He shook his head, trying to push the thoughts away. No. I’m not going to let this get to me. There was more to being a mage than just raw power, and he was determined to prove that.

Opening the book on communication with companions for the tenth time that week, Lance focused on the instructions.

To communicate effectively with your companion, start by calming yourself. Take a few deep breaths and center your thoughts. As you settle your mind, reach into yourself. You should feel the presence of something within, a spark of energy that is your companion. Gently nudge this presence and send it thoughts and emotions. With practice, you may hear a response.

Lance frowned, doubt creeping in. His wisp had been chaotic and unpredictable from the moment it entered his life—how was he supposed to calm himself enough to communicate with it?

He kept reading.

For companions from the Plane of Fury, this practice is especially important. Their chaotic nature makes them harder to bond with, but with time and effort, the connection will grow. As your bond strengthens, you will eventually be able to communicate telepathically within your mindscape.

Great, Lance thought sarcastically. Even the books know this thing is going to be a handful.

Still, he had to try. He wasn’t going to let his frustration and disappointment get in the way. Settling into a quiet corner of the library, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He cleared his mind, focusing inward, trying to feel the presence of his wisp.

At first, there was nothing—just the quiet hum of the library around him. But then, after a few moments, he felt it—a flicker of energy deep within him, like a distant spark.

There you are...

He nudged the presence gently, sending a wave of curiosity and intention. Almost immediately, the wisp responded with a surge of chaotic energy, teasing him with its usual cocky flair.

Lance couldn’t help but grin, despite himself. Of course, you’re going to be difficult but at least I'm getting somewhere.

The connection wasn’t strong, but it was a start. And for now, that was enough.

As Lance gathered his books and left the library, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being an outsider, especially after his conversation with Felix and Bella. But he reminded himself that everyone was on their own path. His wisp might not be the most powerful companion, but he would find a way to make it work.

I have to.

As he walked back toward his dorm, the voices and laughter of other students filled the air, reminding him that he wasn’t alone in this journey. Even if it felt like it sometimes.

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