Meiman: Self-exposure to time travel, Avengers is driven crazy by me

Chapter 095

Chapter 0095: Hulk can martial arts, abomination can’t stop it!!!


Seeing Abomination rushing towards Bruce Banner, Betty in the distance exclaimed.

She hated to rush to protect her boyfriend.

But being bound by two soldiers, she could only watch as Abomination shot and slapped Bruce Banner to death the next moment.

“Damn it! Stop this monster! He must not be allowed to kill Bruce General Bannerroth, and he also shouted angrily. ”

Bruce Banner is the property of the military, and if he is abhorred and killed, it will definitely affect the subsequent experiments.

After all, a living Hulk is more valuable than a dead one.



The soldiers frantically pulled the trigger, and some even used rocket launchers, and the powerful fire poured out sharply towards the abomination.

It’s a pity that the abhorrence that has been fully strengthened is not an exaggeration to say that it has been invincible.

In the face of those heavy fire attacks, he didn’t even have the idea of dodging, aiming directly at Bruce Banner!

“Roar, roar!”

Abomination jerked a jump, directly spanning a distance of more than ten meters.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Bruce Banner.

Ignoring the soldier who looked at him with a look of horror, Abomination directly raised his fist and smashed towards Bruce Banner, who was unconscious.

With the power of this punch, Bruce Banner will definitely be smashed into meat sauce in an instant.

“Banner? No!!! ”

In the distance, Betty looked desperate.

Seeing that Bruce Banner was certain to die, she closed her eyes in despair, not daring to look at the next miserable scene.

Even General Ross next to him looked angrily at him and roared, “Stop me, bastard!!! ”

But abomination doesn’t pay attention to their thoughts.

At this time, he still has no reason, he only knows to act by instinct, and his instinct is crazy destruction!

Of course, as Bronsky, Bruce Banner is his primary target of elimination “Roar, Roar! ”

Abomination roared with excitement, and that punch was wrapped in a violent wind.

Seeing that the fist is just a stone’s throw away from Banner!

But at this moment, a powerful spiritual power quietly descended and went straight into Bruce Banner’s body.

“Hulk, wake up! It’s time for you to put on a show! ”

An indifferent voice sounded in Bruce Banner’s mind.

A green soul that had fallen into a deep sleep was instantly awakened and shouted in surprise: “Lin, is that you?!! ”

Almost at the same time, the Hulk instantly gained control of his body.

I saw Bruce Banner’s body swell violently.

In the blink of an eye, the big green monster Hulk appeared in front of people, and the sandbag-sized fist slammed into the incoming punch.


Seeing this, Abomination’s eyes widened in shock.

He still doesn’t understand what’s going on.

How did Bruce Banner, who was originally regarded as an ant by him, suddenly become a big monster like him, and his strength seemed to be even stronger than him.

This made him incompetent and furious, and he jerked hard as if he was breaking free from the Hulk’s grip.

But alas, it backfired.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, no matter how he struggled, his fists were held by the Hulk.

“Hulk, angry!!!”

Hulk looked at the big green man in front of him unpleasantly.

This guy not only imitates his face, but also his abilities, and even wants to kill him!

Just as the so-called unbearable is unbearable, at this time he feels that he is provoked and even despised!

“Roar, roar!”

With a roar, Hulk jerked his abomination’s arm.

Then he directly performed his signature stunt:

Smash it for me! Boom!!

With a dull crash, Abomination’s huge body flew out with a bang

I saw that he drew a parabola in mid-air, and finally fell heavily on the ground, making a violent collision sound, which made the ground tremble slightly.


Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers gasped one after another, revealing an incredulous look, what was going on just now?

Such a murderous abomination was actually sent flying by Bruce Banner! I can’t believe it!!!

Not only that, when everyone saw Hulk standing next to Abomination, they all glared at themselves.

“Monsters… There were two?!! ”

Everyone reacted and found that the Hulk had appeared two at the same time.

The Hulk, which is significantly more powerful, certainly knows them.

As the object of the military’s pursuit, they and the Hulk have fought many times, but each time they were beaten and fled.

But who is the other guy with weak strength?

Could it be that after a few days of not seeing, Hulk also found his own kind, brothers and sisters?

“Whew! That’s great! ”

Not to mention the shock of the soldiers, Betty was relieved at this time.

Bruce Banner is finally alive!

She was well aware of Hulk’s combat power, and she didn’t see the abomination and was directly smashed out by a punch?

Apparently the newly emerged monster is not an opponent of the Hulk at all!

As long as this monster is solved, Hulk will definitely be able to escape from the military encirclement, just like he has escaped from death countless times before.

Although there is no way to reunite with Bruce Banner, as long as the other party can live, it is enough.

“Hulk? And also…… Another monster?!! ”

General Ross’s eyes on the side were full of heat.

You must know that the military has paid a terrible price in order to get the Hulk, and the losses have even reached hundreds of millions of dollars.

As a result, it took more than a year, and the military was stunned that it did not get the slightest harvest

Not even a few drops of Hulk’s blood.

Just because their military weapons, even with anti-aircraft guns, could not make the Hulk particularly seriously injured.

But this is a different story!

In addition to the Hulk, he actually saw a second big green monster! Although this guy’s strength is not comparable to the Hulk at all.

But for the military, it was already difficult for them to catch the Hulk, otherwise they would not have failed all the time before.

Now the appearance of new monsters just gives them more choices.

And the second monster is significantly easier to deal with.

Anyway, all they want is blood samples and genetic data, whether it is Hulk or another monster, it is obvious that they can provide these things.

Of course, if you can grasp the nature of life, it is excellent, after all, it must be sustainable.

“Children make choices! My lord, I want it all! ”

General Ross’s eyes sparkled.

If he could, he would of course want to catch both the Hulk and the new monster so that the military could have two lab problems at the same time.

And now that the Hulk and the new monster are in a mess, they can just sit and reap the benefits.

“Back off! All back off! ”

In a flash of thought, General Ross directly ordered to retreat.

He wanted to leave enough space for those two monsters to fight, and at the same time deploy the surrounding area of a kilometer, and never let either of them slip away.

This time, if he could, he would have both monsters muscleed.

At the same time, I saw it in front of the laboratory.

Hulk, who regained control of his body, stared indifferently at the abomination of falling to the ground in the distance.

Those angry pupils shone with indifference.

At this moment, he exuded a powerful aura, like a god of war descending from the sky.

“Roar, roar, roar?!!”

Abhorred to get up from the ground with difficulty.

He looked at the Hulk with wide eyes and disbelief, his eyes filled with endless anger and hatred.

Just now, he was actually smashed out by this guy’s punch.

This is simply a humiliation for him!

Everyone is a green monster, why are you so much stronger than me that you knock me away with one punch?

Is it because you are bigger and greener than me?

“Roar, roar, roar!!”

Abomination gritted his teeth and drank, and then pounced on the Hulk again, as if vowing to tear the Hulk to pieces!

His speed was like lightning, and he came to the front in a blink of an eye.

“Hulk, invincible!!!”

In the face of the incomparable hatred, Hulk beat his fist to his chest, but there was no fear in his eyes.

Instead, the corners of his mouth outlined an icy arc, and there was a slight chill under his eyes.

Because just when he woke up, there was a huge stream of information in his mind, which was about something called internal martial arts.

Although he used to fight with brute force, martial arts still helped somewhat.

Hulk knew that this should be Lin Fan helping him.

He had been forced into a deep sleep, so weak that he could not resist, and could only watch Bruce Banner being caught.

Later, Lin Fan’s voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and there was also a powerful force.

After receiving this power, he directly asked for a weak state.

Even he directly snatched control of his body.

At this time, in the face of the provocation of hatred, there was no fear or jealousy in his eyes, on the contrary, he looked at a clown.

Hulk knows martial arts, hate what block you take?

“Lin is awesome! Hulk, awesome!!! ”

Looking at the abomination that rushed to kill, Hulk roared, suddenly raised his leg and kicked on the abomination brain.

This trick is called Zuo Zheng Kick!

This is followed by a move called Right Whiplash!

When consecutive moves are performed, the opponent is often caught off guard, and he will be killed directly.

And Abomination obviously didn’t expect Hulk to know how to make serial moves.


Caught off guard, another huge impact sounded, and the abomination’s body was directly kicked over again, falling straight down more than ten meters away.

And this kick also completely angered the abomination!

Knocked away so easily by the Hulk one after another, he felt like a plaything.

Obviously, he is the strongest one!

He finally gained great power, how could he be easily defeated by the other party?


Abomination suddenly roared in anger.


With a roar, Abomination charged again.

This time, his speed was extremely fast, and he crashed directly into the Hulk like a cannonball.


Hulk’s eyes narrowed, and he sneered disdainfully, and also met it.

In the blink of an eye, the two monsters fought together.

They are all fully strengthened, and their figures are as fast as the wind when they fight, and they move like lightning, making people dazzled, and they can’t see their location at all!

Boom! Boom!!!

Every time the two clashed, they brought a strong air current, shaking on the ground and kicking up smoke.

The entire clearing around it became a mess.

“So strong!”

The soldiers watching the battle around swallowed their spit…

The power of these two monsters is simply amazing, especially the Hulk, who is simply like a pervert, completely suppressing hatred.

The thought of facing such a powerful enemy made all the soldiers have solemn expressions.

They now only hope that fighters will arrive quickly.

Only fighters equipped with powerful weapons will make it possible to help them defeat these two monsters.


Suddenly, another crackling sound came out, and I saw Abomination raise his right arm and slash towards the Hulk.

That hideous claw carried a strong destructive power, which made the surrounding soldiers palpitate.

In the distance, Betty exclaimed in fright.

“Banner, be careful!!!”


Under the horrified gaze of everyone, hearing that he was angry by the wrong name, he did not retreat, and directly stretched out his left hand and grabbed the claw of abomination.

Although there is no way to trouble the woman, abomination is not in this category.

He will take out all his anger on the abhorrent.

Abomination: Are you polite?

“Roar, roar!”

In the roar, the Hulk slammed out a punch and hit Abomination’s abdomen firmly.


This punch directly knocked the abomination out and slammed into the wall.


Click, click, click!

A spiderweb-like gap suddenly cracked in the wall, the broken glass splashed on the ground, and the entire laboratory was shaky.


Abomination opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, his face pale as paper.

He struggled to get up from the ground, his scarlet eyes staring at the Hulk, eager to eat his flesh and blood!

He actually lost!

Easily defeated by this guy in front of you!


Embarrassed, Abomination let out another roar, and then swung his claws again and struck towards the Hulk.


In the face of the hatred that rushed again, Bruce Banner still did not dodge.

He allowed the claw of hatred to slap into his chest.


The sound of metal clashing came, and I hated that this sharp claw couldn’t even tear off Hulk’s clothes!

This kind of defense, Jian Dun is amazingly powerful!

And the most terrifying thing is that the Hulk finally chose to take the initiative and slammed a punch on the abomination’s waist.


A punch containing the Hulk’s endless rage struck, and the body of abomination was knocked out

He whistled out like a kite with a broken line.


Abomination slammed into the wall, directly crashing the entire wall, and the laboratory was completely reduced to ruins.


Abomination coughed a few times and crawled out of the ruins with difficulty.

Although he is weak now, he has not lost his combat effectiveness, but has become extremely violent and full of destructive power.

He lowered his head, stared at the Hulk with scarlet eyes, and slowly stood up.


The ground shook violently, and Abomination strode towards the Hulk again.

He wants to tear this enemy in front of him with his own hands!

And almost at the same time, driven by anger, his already huge body soared by three points again.

In an instant, he suddenly transformed into a five-meter-tall green giant!

At least in terms of size, Abomination instantly completed the flip and crushed the Hulk in front of him 4.6!

“Stop him!!”

Seeing this scene, Betty in the distance screamed anxiously.

She never expected that after hating injuries, she would become so violent, and even become like a giant.

The Hulk became small in front of him!

At this moment, the scarlet eyes that hated those scarlet had long lost their minds, and there was only a desire for revenge.

Apparently hated the fury to the extreme, and wanted to tear the Hulk to pieces! This is obviously what she does not want to see.

“No one is allowed to do it!”

But unfortunately, General Ross waved his hand, and all the soldiers who were about to start stopped moving.

Just now, they subconsciously obeyed Betty’s instructions.

But they almost forgot that General Ross was their boss.

“Nope! Dad, Banner is in danger now! ”

Betty looked at her father pleadingly.

But General Ross did not turn his head, his eyes burning at the monster battle in the distance, and he planned to sit and reap the profits.


Under everyone’s gaze, Abomination finally approached the Hulk again.

He jerked his fangs wide mouth.


However, Hulk only sneered dismissively, and then raised his fist again and hit Abomination fiercely.

Even when he saw the hatred become stronger, he did not have the slightest fear! Hulk, never back down!

At the same time, just outside the battlefield.

Taking advantage of the chaos at the scene, Lin Fan’s figure quietly descended and entered the laboratory that had been reduced to ruins.

At this time, inside the laboratory, all kinds of equipment turned into scrap iron and rags.

Some potions and the like were shattered all over the ground.

But Lin Fan was unimpressed.

He went straight to the inside of the laboratory and saw Samuel Stern unconscious.

“Already mutated? Just in time! ”

Feeling the powerful spiritual power on the other party, the corners of Lin Fan’s mouth raised slightly.

He knew Dr. Lan had been born!

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