Mei Man: Starting from the Dimension Demon

Chapter 26 Hello, I'm 【L】

Chapter 26 Hello, I'm 【L】

Ignoring Jessica's entanglement, everyone put together their tongues and quickly came to a certain conclusion.

First of all, the Irish gang learned about a batch of goods that Yingluo was going to deliver.

However, some unknown situation occurred during the robbing of the goods, resulting in the appearance of monsters. Ireland helped these people take advantage of the situation and play GG.

That scene happened to be seen by the timid Mocha Sass.

He escaped by chance and witnessed the death of his wife.

At the scene of the accident, a corpse of a monster was left behind, which aroused the idea of ​​the female patrol officer Misty.

Meanwhile, Baroque approached the Irish Gang a few days ago and killed them.

This morning, due to the intervention of the CIA, Misty was blocked by her superiors and had no choice but to entrust Luke Cage to investigate.

In the alley outside the black fungus bar, Baroque killed the only witness, Mocha, and at the same time chased and killed Luke who came to investigate all the way to the school.

"Huh, so, Mocha died precisely because he witnessed what happened that night with his own eyes.

And as a member of the Shadow Organization, Baroque naturally does not allow this kind of slip through the net to exist! "

It was so!
Sighing, Luke was filled with emotion.

"But even if we know these things, what can we do?"

When a problem ends, new problems often arise.

That's right, they don't know the secrets of those monsters, nor the location of Baroque.

Wouldn't it be a joke if you wanted to defeat the opponent without even knowing the location of the opponent?
Matt and the others are not indifferent and selfish people, but the addition of Huoyun Cthulhu and the Hand Association has already involved most of their energy. What if they add the search for a Baroque who doesn't know where?

Inevitably lack of energy!

Seeing the embarrassment of a few people, Luke smiled indifferently.

"It's okay, anyway, I'm used to it alone, and it's the same with my own investigation."

But Chun Li interrupted him with a wave.

She took out a mobile phone and shook it lightly.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were attracted, she clicked on the phone screen and introduced to everyone.

"This is a consultant specially hired by our Interpol, L."

On the black screen, a capital letter - [L] appeared.

Then, an unidentifiable electronically synthesized voice rang from the phone.

"Hello, I'm L."

"First of all, thank you for your help to Officer Chun Li these days.

As a gift, I will sincerely give you a part of the information about the Shadow Organization. "

Everyone remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

"I now understand the serial mutilation murders that took place in New York.

We already have some speculation about the origin of that mysterious creature. "

"It's an artificial life form temporarily named 'Parasite Beast', which was secretly discovered by the Shadow Organization in 2007 and used as a biological weapon."

"If you want to stop each other, you have to hurry up.

After the CIA entered the investigation, it has aroused the vigilance of the Yingluo organization.

I estimate that within three days at most, Baroque will leave New York and disappear. "

Speaking of this, the mobile phones of everyone present vibrated one after another.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and saw that a mysterious file had been sent to their mobile phones.

"Officer Chun Li."


"The location of Baroque has been sent to your mobile phone.

Regarding the Fire Cloud Cthulhu, your client has already set off from the Eastern Kingdom, and I believe he will land in New York soon.

When the time comes, he will contact you by mobile phone. "

After saying these words, regardless of everyone's reaction, the phone screen flashed, and [L] went offline.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, seeing Chun Li smile after operating on the phone for a while.

"The location of Baroque has been found, in a biological laboratory under the RAND Group!"


[Mood value from Jessica Jones +433]

[Mood value +434 from Matt Murdoch]

[Mood value from Frank Castor +431]

[Mood value from Luke Cage +437]

New York City General Hospital.

Ward 3 on the 4rd floor.

"...The situation is probably like this. Dr. Henry of SHIELD thinks this may be a brand new biological weapon."

Lying on a hospital bed with a cast on his leg, Nick Fury scowled as he flipped through documents and listened to a report from Special Agent Melinda May.

On the bed on his original left side, perhaps because it was too embarrassing to be in the same room with Nick Fury, Alexander Pierce was taken home early by his daughter with a helpless expression.

At that time, Nick Fury also asked a question with concern.

Maybe it was because I walked in a hurry, and I vaguely heard "hemorrhoids" or something.

Fu Rui didn't know the specific situation, but he made a note of it, and decided to see the old boss next time and give him some ointment to try.

I heard that Dongguo has released Ma Helong's hemorrhoid ointment, and everyone who has used it agrees that it is good.

Presumably Pierce will be very happy.

"Based on the available information, we speculate that this creature has intelligence no less than that of humans."

Standing by the bed, Mei spoke calmly.

"They rely on parasitic human brains, preying on living things from the outside world to obtain nutrients.

During our research, we found that their brain waves are extremely active, and they can emit electromagnetic signals of a certain frequency. "

"According to this characteristic, the technicians of S.H.I.E.L.D. have created a specific detection device.

I believe that these monsters will be wiped out soon. "

Although the monster looks scary, in front of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Putting down the file, Nick Fury glanced lightly at Coulson, who was eavesdropping, and ordered.

"May, you and Coulson will lead the team, and equip some detection devices.

Destroy those monsters before they do more harm! "

May: "Yes."

Coulson: "."

Looking at the bandages wrapped around his body, Coulson's eyes became dull.

The RAND Group, its biological laboratory.

Almost using a method of embezzlement, without the RAND Group's knowledge, this laboratory was quietly brought under control.

Taking off his mask, Baroque leaned back on his chair, sipping a cup of coffee leisurely, looking at the many scientific researchers who were constantly transferring data and packing documents.

This time the luck was not very good, the sudden appearance of the Irish gang disrupted some of the organization's plans.

Although Baroque dealt with it very quickly afterwards, they had to temporarily abandon the laboratory for safety reasons.


A trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He originally planned to spend some means to bring the Rand Group into his pocket, but now it seems that this is not the case.


"Lord Baroque"

A younger brother shouted, held up his phone, and ran in quickly.

"The Ninth Laboratory in Brooklyn was broken into by a group of killers dressed like ninjas.

For some reason, they captured a large number of vampire test subjects, and our manpower suffered heavy losses."

(End of this chapter)

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