Mei Man: Starting from the Dimension Demon

Chapter 12 That's just a...prank?

Chapter 12 That's Just a Prank?
Caught in the middle of the crowd, Coulson lowered his head, and while reporting the situation on the scene to Nick Fury, he relayed the contents of the letter left by Loki to Chief Fury.

"Wraiths and curses were indeed mentioned to Loki."

[Mood value from Nick Fury +244]

Although Coulson didn't believe in such things as wraiths and curses, the order from Director Fu Rui made him look serious.

"Coulson, I now order you to stay where you can monitor Stark at all times.

In addition to ensuring his personal safety, once Loki is found, arrest him immediately! "

Having said that, the voice on the phone paused and added.

"I will send the Black Widow to assist you."

Black Widow is needed
[Mood value from Phil Coulson +211]

Coulson was slightly taken aback, and replied.


During the day, the news of what happened in the Stark Industrial Building spread throughout the streets of New York.

But the public only thought it was a little prank, the lies of some crazy psycho who wanted to be famous and crazy.

Everyone agreed that his final outcome would be to be imprisoned in a mental hospital or prison.

Therefore, this news did not cause any waves in the market, and it disappeared after two days.

But will Tony Stark really be as fearless as he says?
Seaside villa.

"Jarvis, are you sure you read it right?"

"Yes, sir.

I am an intelligent program created by you, and I cannot be mistaken. "

Tony Stark's face was serious, and there was no doubt that he was the most talented person on earth.

I used to think that there is only one artificial intelligence in this world, and that is the Jarvis he made.

But now the mysterious artificial intelligence that suddenly appeared, like a loud slap in the face, made him a little embarrassed.

"When did this happen, why don't I know?"

Tony asked with an ugly face.

"Sir, it was only at the press conference that I realized the existence of that artificial intelligence."

"The other party is a woman, and her personality setting is completely different from mine.

Although I repeatedly asked to talk to him, he was always refused. "

Hearing this, Tony was happy.

"Female? Jarvis, are you trying to chase other girls?"

This sentence was quickly refuted.

"Sir, my characters are all set by you. You have endowed me with the greatest curiosity. I am quite curious about this new lady."

"All right."

Going to the wine cabinet and taking out a bottle of red wine, Tony poured himself a glass.

It is obviously the most top-notch red wine, and it is expensive, but now I am not in the mood to appreciate its taste.

Looking at the thick clouds outside the window, Tony felt faintly uneasy.

I couldn't help sending a text message to Pepper Pepper, telling him not to go out tonight if he had nothing to do, and to have a good rest.

Then he took out his cell phone and found a phone number named Phil Coulson, hesitantly but did not call.


Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Tony drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, watching the black raindrops hitting the glass, Tony tried to comfort himself.

"Don't worry, it was just a...prank."

This night, New York was windy and stormy, with heavy rain pouring down.

The Upper East Side of Manhattan, where the rich gather, the Knoll Manor.

Stretching out a hand, the old butler gently closed the curtains to keep the storm out of the window.

The bell rang at 11 o'clock at the right time, and the butler carried the prepared black tea and pastries on a tray and walked along the spiral staircase to the owner's room on the second floor.

He breathed slowly and walked steadily, and came outside the master's room.

He knocked on the door lightly, and when he saw that the door was open, he apologized and pushed the door open.

In the dim light, the old butler encouraged to identify the condition of the house.

The situation in the room was a bit delicate, a chair fell to the ground, and some documents were scattered all over the floor.

There are two rather obvious palm prints on the expensive and shaggy carpet.

what happened?Where did the master go?

Putting down the tray in his hand, the butler didn't dare to neglect, and searched back and forth while calling the name.

But there was no sign of the master.

"It's strange, it's come to this point, could it be that he has something to go out?"

"Impossible, if the other party wants to go out, he will definitely notify himself in advance!"

"And if you want to go out, you must go through the corridor on the second floor and follow the stairs to the hall."

"I have been active in the hall and kitchen, and I didn't see any signs of the master going out during the period."

The weather outside is getting worse and worse.

The old butler packed up the trays and planned to search for them in other houses.

Suddenly, a strange sound appeared in this room.

Stop and walk carefully in the direction of the sound.

That's where the master's desk is.

He poked his head out, pricked up his ears carefully, and listened quietly.

"Sure enough. The sound came from the computer speakers."

Although it was strange, he subconsciously stretched out his hand and tapped the keyboard lightly.



There was a sudden scream, his eyes were wide open, and his body fell back hard to the ground, his hands gripping the ground tightly.

The tree trunk outside the window slammed into the window with claws and teeth, black raindrops kept bombarding the glass window, and a bolt of lightning in the clouds illuminated the sky, shining through the window on the bloodless face of the old housekeeper.


He opened his mouth in disbelief, and pointed at the computer screen with one hand.

He saw it.

There were six or seven figures hanging in succession.

And one of them is the master he is most familiar with!

A hemp rope hangs down from above and wraps around his neck, his fat body swings gently back and forth, making a rhythmic movement.
10 minute later.

Chief George Stacey led the police force and rushed to the scene.

They were crowded and gathered in this room.

The police officers took a breath in unison, and looked at the characters on the computer without blinking.


Director George clutched his chest, feeling cold all over.

[Mood value from the police officer +15.7]

[Mood value +211 from George Stacey]

what is this?Ghost story?

In that computer, besides the missing owner here, there are more missing persons.

And those dead... Bah, the identities of the missing are without exception, either rich or noble.


Outside the window, thunder and lightning.

The rapid and piercing ringtones of the mobile phone rang one after another in this room.

Without moving his eyes from the corpses on the computer, he hung up the phone in his hand, George knew in his heart.

Here comes his trouble!

This night, the police station was brightly lit and people were coming and going.

The police cars on the street rang even more all night.

Citizens said that there has never been a day or night in New York that has been so safe.

Until dawn, according to statistics, there were seven cases of disappearance in one night.

And in every disappearance scene, or on the TV or computer screen, you can see the hanged bodies of those missing people.
The incident was quickly brought to the top of the government.

The high-level people are furious, and the rich are even more in danger.

As the saying goes, where there is pressure, there is motivation. The police station cleaned up overnight, and soon realized that the "disappearance" of these people had one thing in common.

That is, almost on the same day, they both participated in the new product launch conference held by Mr. Tony Stark.
And at the press conference that was considered a prank, the "mysterious video" and Loki's letter were repeatedly mentioned.

 (≧≦)Please support a lot~
(End of this chapter)

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