Mc’s not part of the story

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: VIOLENCE

<Mikael pov>

" We got lucky huh. We got two high-class potions. We can use this as an emergency measure. "

I rest my body while sitting inside the Pond. Even though my fatigue was already gone, I would never get tired of using this Healing Pond. 

"Lane come here, I'll wash your hair."

"Yes sister~"

By the way, Lane was a new member that we met yesterday.  I could see that the two girls were now close. It's good news for Lane, I'm happy that she could smile now. She looked better than her yesterday's appearance.

" If your skin tone is the same as Lane, I will think that the two of you are real sisters. You look closer than I thought"

"... You got a problem with me!? "

Miriam glared. Look like she had insecurities in her skin color. Girls, why do they always like flawless white skin? Can't they feel contented with what they have? Why bother looking for things that you can't achieve? 

"Joke, I'm just joking, haha. Besides, even if you don't have white skin you're still beautiful Miriam."

I waved my hands to appease the woman.

"Hmmp! I'll forgive you this time."

Yes, ma'am. 

Kyle, who was quiet, was staring out of nowhere. He looked serious. I guess he was thinking about something important. 

"  Hey Kyle, you okay? You're staring like an odd guy."

"Leave me alone. I'm thinking about something."

"Is that important?"


As expected of our all-knowing, psychopath, and narcissist friend. He won't answer.

Well, I'll just rest my body. I'm fortunate to have this 'oh so good pond'. This healed not only my body but my aching soul too.

Oh, my lovely Pond what will I do if you leave me?


My ear perceived some noise and I realized that there were people hiding. I threw a stone in the bush. Based on my grown senses, I didn't hit anyone. But it seemed like I frightened them and they started to come out. They consist of 6 people. 

"Kuku someone's peeping. I thought you'll never get out. You did a good job, Mikael."

Kyle stood up and glared at them. I thought he was just staring out of nowhere but I found out that he perceived them earlier than me...

Hey, Kyle don't forget that you're in commando mode right now. You're not wearing anything down there! You're brave and I respect you for doing that shameless act, but please stop. We got a child here oi!!

As expected of our all-knowing, psychopath, narcissist, and brave friend!!

Miriam and Lane ready themselves.  They protected and hide their bodies. Miriam used her free hand to cover Lane's eyes. She gave an irritating gaze both to Kyle and the intruders. That was the normal reaction. 

And me? I don't give a f*ck about what they think about me.

"  What do rats want with us, huh? You and your friends are creepy perverts."

So are you! Kyle don't swing that rod, Miriam is being irritated.

"We're sorry for disturbing you. We just want to wash our bodies... Can we?"

"This is not my property. You can do what you want. You don't need to ask for my approval."

The man in the front took a step. I think he's the Boss of this group. 

" Thanks, I'm Ye Zhang by the way. Can I know your names? "

"You don't need to know. Guys, let's get out of here."

We took our leave and followed Kyle's direction. We already finished our bath so it was fine. And I didn't wanna mingle with these perverted peepers.

" Kyle is it okay to leave them? What if they learn about the Pond's abilities? I'm sure they will never let us use it again... I don't want that to happen, I want to wash my body every day."

Miriam spoke anxiously. I feel the same way too, I wanna see my lovely Pond again.

"Then I will kill them "

"... Tha- that's not a good solution!! Why do you have to say that!?"

Miriam stuttered when she heard Kyle. 

"Is that so? How about I give you an assignment. After eating, I want you to see the current situation of the other Awakeners."

Hm? What's the connection? … I don't know why he was giving us this kind of assignment, but I'll play along. I didn't have things to do anyway.

" I'm fine with that. I want to see how they're coping." 

I agreed immediately, this would be interesting. To see people of different nationalities in one place. I'm curious about that.






" Boss why did you let them leave!?"

"Ah!? Do you have a problem with my decision!?"

"N-no boss!"

Ye Zhang controlled his twitching face. His back was sweating right now. When he saw those two males glaring at him, every strand of his hair was standing. 

(Those two men gave me goosebumps) He couldn't tell his lackeys that sentence.

" Bo- boss jackpot! This pond healed my wounds!!"


"Boss look at this!"

The wounds of the underling were healing. 

" You're right! Hehehehe, I can use this haha!" 

"Boss, what are we gonna do about those four people? They can tell this information to the others. Should we kill them? We got strong powers."

They already raped and murdered people inside this place. It's not like they will go to Hell.  After all, they're in Hell already. 

"Them?... Ehem! F-for now let's leave them. You! Take this water to our room! Perhaps we can use this as a substitute for potions. "

"Yes, boss!"






" The water will lose its power if it left the pond. This is the reason why I don't give importance to it. You can only use the water for drinking."

Kyle answered their number one question right now, which is " Does the water of Healing Pond can be a substitute for potions?"

"Ah is that so..."

The three nodded their heads. Now they knew why Kyle left the pond to the thugs. The Healing Pond is a fixture.

"Now that we've finished eating. You can now visit the survivors. Report it to me if you find anything that suspicious"






<Mikael pov>

" Lane no matter what happened, don't ever let go of my hand."

"Yes, sister Miriam."

The three of us entered the atrium. Miriam, Lane, and I walked around a hundred steps and witnessed the abomination.

" Aahh! Someone help me! I need potions!! Help me please!!"

" Food, please... Someone give me food "

" Hick hick I didn't want this!! I've done many good deeds! Why do you have to punish me like this!? Why?"

"Hey, that's mine! Don't touch it or else I'm gonna chop your arms off!!"

"I need food,  I can give you everything... Even my body." 

Many were broken and lying, they were probably dead. Some lost their arms or feet. Some were having fights and stealing food... 

In conclusion, many lost their lives, and almost all of them were suffering. 

" S-sister!! I'm scared. This place is not like this when I'm here yesterday... This is more gruesome!!"

"Just hold my hand and everything will be okay"


Miriam toughened her expression and tightened her hand to hold Lane. She needed to present herself as a strong woman to protect the child.

 Her other hand was clenched and shivering, but she prevailed. She was a sheltered girl and I knew that this was her first time to see this blood bath. 

 I'm impressed Miriam, I thought you're an overprotective mother for a second there.  Still... You did the right thing. Thank you for taking care of Lane. 

"Hey, Mikael look. Those people were the ones we met earlier right?" 

To change the topic and ease the current atmosphere, Miriam pointed her fingers.

I followed her eyes direction and saw them. Ye Zhang a Chinese(I guess), was just watching the people suffer. It seemed like he was thinking about something... I don't like where this is going.

" I'm sure he already knew about the Healing Pond's power. Why is he not doing anything? He can help these people." 

Miriam was clueless regarding this.

My idea is he'll use it to his advantage. He's silent because he wanted to find an opportunity to use the miracle of the Pond. 

He wanted to use it as an advantage to lead their hearts. As expected of a business-oriented person.

"Mikael they are coming here! What are we gonna do?"

"Protect Lane in case of something happened. I'll talk to them."

"… Okay, but please be careful."

"Don't worry, I'm gonna be okay."

Ye Zhang and his lackeys reached our place.

" I didn't think I'll meet you here."

"We're just taking a stroll. Actually, I'm surprised to see you again."

" Hahaha, me too. Can I know your name, my friend?"

" Mikael."

"Mikael, my friend, can we find a place to talk?"

"...Okay. Where do you wanna go?"

I present a poker face and slightly grinned.

" I found a good place in this Castle. You can see the scenery outside. "

" Oh, I'm excited to see that. "

"I'm sure you'll find it great"

I find it annoying to have conversations in a place that was full of miseries. I guess I would take his offer.

"Miriam leave first. I have still something to do here. "

"... Fine, but if you don't return within an hour, I will find you. "

I left Miriam behind. She had the right Skill to affirm if I'm in danger or not. 

I followed Ye Zhang and learned that he was not lying. After a minute of walking, I visited their room.

"Wow. Looks like you're not lying"

The room was full of ambiance. The windows were big and you could see outside, the greenery of the forest looked beautiful. This room got good fashion. I like it.

Now, let's talk about business.

" What do you want to talk about?"

"Busy aren't yah? Then I'll go straight to the point. I want an alliance."

I controlled my mouth not to laugh. 

" You talk to the wrong person. I'm not the one who's gonna answer that. I'm not the leader, talk to Kyle, not me."

If that's the only reason they asked me then I will leave immediately.  I just wanted to know what idea they have. So they want an alliance, huh. I guess this man can detect our strength...

"Nope, I'm not talking about your team. I mean you. I wanna have an alliance with you. Maybe you don't know, but I'm actually strong. I can-"

" Level, what level are you?"

"Me? Hehe, I'm level 18 so-"

" I decline"

"So I want the two, w- what!?"

" I decline "

I stood up and left Ye Zhang frozen. I'm level 29 right now, one more level, and my strength will multiply by two.

You are too weak to ask about an alliance. Don't negotiate with people who are stronger than you. They might kill you if you piss them off.

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