Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 751: Freedom at Last

Xi Muchen snapped his fingers. Instantly, the cuffs left Hui’s hands, and the door to the prison swung open.

Hui let out a slow breath, massaging his wrists. Relief flowed through him as his qi began to move again. I didn’t realize how stuffy it felt to have my qi passages all blocked up like that until he released me. Phew! I have to say, I’m not a fan of those handcuffs.

He glanced down the hall and met Jun Ke’s eyes as the man stepped out of his cell. Jun Ke gave Hui an uncertain look.

Hui beamed back. I get his uncertainty. After all, last loop, I stole the leader of the brothel, then immediately caused the loop’s end. Before that, I stole a floor tile and fled from him. He doesn’t see me as a trustworthy comrade, but instead, as a heavy weight.

I’m fine with that, of course. If he wants to do all the heavy lifting, that’s his call. I’ll save my strength for when I really need it!

Xi Muchen gestured them on. “Come, come. You should be honored. Not everyone gets selected, you know.”

“Xi Muchen…” Jun Ke let his voice trail off. His eyes narrowed.

Hui looked from Xi Muchen to Jun Ke and back. He widened his eyes. Wait, hold on. Is Xi Muchen an ex-comrade?

Ah! That would explain the sense of humor.

Hmm. I can’t say it answers any of my questions, but it does mean that Xi Muchen is a man to watch. Certainly, he doesn’t seem magically compelled, so maybe it really is that he simply wanted a career change.

But on the other hand, it’s the Immortal Realm. I can’t let my guard down. It might be that the compulsion is so delicate, so carefully wrought, that it gives no sign of existing from the outside, while quietly manipulating his mind from within.

“Hello!” Xi Muchen waved at Jun Ke. “Follow me.”

He led the way up the stairs. Hui followed. Jun Ke paused a minute, then chased after Hui and Xi Muchen.

Up, up, up, until white petals replaced black iron. Caught between Jun Ke’s glares and Xi Muchen’s willful oblivion, Hui followed along, feeling horribly caught. Sweat dripped down his back. Just say something already, Jun Ke! I’m dying! So awkward. Say something!

Abruptly, Jun Ke stopped.

Hui let out a breath. Phew. He’s finally speaking. I was dying. It was the worst.

“We’re alone, so I’ll ask it plainly. Why are you an Inspector?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Xi Muchen said.

Jun Ke scowled. “Do you reject it that firmly? Our time as comrades?”

“Reject it? How can I reject it? Of course I don’t.”

“Then, you remember it?” Jun Ke asked.

Xi Muchen paused at last. He looked back, gazing down on Jun Ke from many stairs up. “Jun Ke, did you come here for me?”

Jun Ke stared at him wordlessly.

“Ah, ha-ha. I shouldn’t be so cruel. It’s because of Sa Zhangli, right? You still love her, don’t you?” Xi Muchen tilted his head.

Still silence. Jun Ke glowered.

Hui crept backward, putting his spine to the wall to get out of their line of sight. I’m nothing, I’m atmosphere! You don’t see me! Carry on without me, Seniors!

Xi Muchen laughed gently. He shook his head at Jun Ke. “Have you ever considered that maybe the Golden Immortal isn’t our enemy? That these loops aren’t the worst thing imaginable? Jun Ke, we have forever before us. He will eventually grow tired of these loops, and then—”

“And then what? We play along with whatever his next whim is?” Jun Ke asked sharply.

Xi Muchen spread his hands. “Better to ebb and flow with the ocean than fight its flow.”

“This isn’t what the Immortal Realm is meant to be. This isn’t how Immortals are meant to live. I refuse to live and die at the whims of a child!” Jun Ke snapped.

“Jun Ke, don’t be hasty. You can still win Sa Zhangli’s heart. Don’t turn everything away for your hatred,” Xi Muchen said, shaking his head.

Jun Ke scowled. He walked on, refusing to say another word.

Xi Muchen sighed. He walked again.

Hui moved on, feeling no less awkward than before. Er, what’s happening here? I thought Jun Ke was on a rescue mission, but is he actually here to find his lost love? Xi Muchen certainly doesn’t seem to want to be rescued… honestly, it feels more like old rivals butting heads than a man coming to rescue his friends. As if they’ve had this argument a great many times before, and will have it a great many times in the future.

Is this a common thing to happen in the loops? But it can’t be, because Jun Ke doesn’t know how the Inspectors are bound.

Maybe the argument happens often, but he never dared to enter the prison before. Hmm… that does make sense. But… Hui cut a look at Jun Ke behind him. If he doesn’t dare to enter the prison, why did he decide to enter this time? What’s different about this loop? Why decide to go after the lost lover this time?

Ah, it does match up with Jun Ke being constantly angry, despite working at a brothel. If he’s pining over a lost lover instead of servicing guests, then…

Anyways. I suppose we’ll see what Xi Muchen has to offer. I’ve come this far, so I might as well see it to the end. Who knows? Maybe I’ll find a hint to defeat the Golden Immortal, or for any of my dozen other side quests.

Hui sighed aloud. I’m trying to do too much. I need a break, a break!

Ugh. But I can’t take a break. The second I let my guard down, the Golden Immortal will destroy me.

He shook his head. Alright. Just push through, push through for now, Hui! After I defeat the Golden Immortal, I’ll rest, I’ll rest for sure.

But for now… let’s figure out what Xi Muchen’s, and by proxy, the Golden Immortal’s, game is, first.

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