Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 716: Reunion

The man in blue rushed to Tian Lan’s side and wrapped her up in his arms, holding her close. “Tian Lan… Daddy was so worried.”

Tian Lan sobbed helplessly. “Daddy, Daddy, they… they—” She gasped, unable to keep speaking through her tears.

The man shot a murderous stare at the two lying dead on the ground. Even through playing dead, Hui felt the man’s killing intent pierce through him. Forcing his voice to stay gentle, the man asked, “What did they do, sweetie?”

Lying on the floor, Hui barely resisted the urge to shiver. Uh oh. I know that archetype. The overbearing CEO personality, is it? Oh no. We’re so fucked. That type doesn’t stop until the one who harmed their ‘sweetie’ is nothing more than a blood puddle and a memory, and who needs the details! Tian Lan, have mercy! You kidnapped yourself, okay? I did nothing!

“They, they wouldn’t give me candy,” she sobbed, collapsing against the man in blue’s chest.

“Those cretins. Kidnapping you, then treating you so poorly,” the man growled. He glared down at Hui and Zhubi.

Spare me! Spare me, CEO! I did nothing! Hui cried, but didn’t dare to come back to life. The irrationality in the man’s eyes warned him off from speaking up. For just a little longer, let’s wait. See if he calms down.

At that, Tian Lan paused. “They didn’t kidnap me.”

“They… huh?”

She shook her head. “I ran away from home.”

“Why…?” the man asked.

“Mom said I should find a mate,” Tian Lan said, nodding.

The man squinted at her, then laughed. “She said someday, Tian Lan.”

“Today is someday,” Tian Lan replied, firm in her logic.

Shaking his head in amusement, the man looked down at Hui and Zhubi. Again, his eyes turned hard. The tone of an imperious CEO crept into his voice again as he asked, “So? Which one do you want as your mate?”

“Ah… I thought, the white one. He’s a dragon, too, but he’s weird. He spends all his time as a snake!” Tian Lan explained unbelievingly.

The man frowned. “A white dragon…?” He looked down, then turned Zhubi over to pick him up.

As soon as he turned Zhubi over to pick him up better, Zhubi immediately flipped back over.

Hui bit back a laugh. Ah… old habits die hard. A moment later, he took a deep breath, then forced himself to sit up. He looked up at the man, building himself up. You can do this, Hui! You’re an Immortal! You’re Weiheng Hui. You—

“Yes?” the man asked. His eyes glinted, shining with the familiar promise of violence from a violent man.

Instantly, Hui froze. Thrown back to his first life, he shivered, then threw himself into a kowtow. “Senior, please forgive us! My friend Zhubi and I were merely passing by when we came across your daughter, wandering alone!”

Zhubi hissed slightly at that, protesting Hui’s version of events. Hui nudged him. Not now. Now isn’t the time to bring up that his daughter was attacking you. He’ll ask why, and it’ll only end up looking worse for us, even if it’s her fault. Do you really want me to tell her father that she was trying to mate with you, huh? I don’t. I won’t do it!

Taking a deep breath, he continued. “Being a good man with a charitable heart, I thought I would take her into my protection until I found her guardian again. I did nothing untoward toward her, and return her to you in the best of health! Ah, in fact, I’m glad to see Senior. It’s good to see a daughter reunited with her father!”

“Hmm.” The man turned to Tian Lan. “Lan-Lan, is this true?”

Lan hesitated a moment.

Hui gave her his best puppy dog eyes. Our life and death rests on you, Elder Sister. I’m counting on you!

She nodded. “It’s true, Daddy.”

Sighing in relief, Hui hung his head as all the tension left his body. Thank goodness. He nodded to the man, hesitantly going back to his feet.

“Did I say you could rise?” the man rumbled.

Hui froze. He instantly went back into a deep bow.

Crossing his arms, the man looked down at him. “Were you a salesman in the mortal realm? A servant?”

“Er, no. I think my last title was Peak Lord? Ah, but I, er, might have… been associated with… er, that is, I was dead when it happened, but—my first wife was Sect Master of the largest sect in our region.”

The man stared at him. “Then why do you behave like a dog?”

Hui bowed again. “Because I recognize my own lack.”

Pausing a moment longer, the man turned away.

Hui breathed out. Finally. Time for me and Zhubi to scurry on out of here and vanish!

“Follow me,” the man ordered imperiously. His tone left no room for argument.

Hui trembled. Do I have to? I don’t want to. Senior, can I go home instead?

“Now,” the man snapped.

Hui jumped to his feet and snapped a salute. “Senior!”

“My name is Tian Chen. Remember it.”

“Senior Tian Chen!”

Tian Chen took to the sky, taking Tian Lan with him in his arms. Hui quickly picked up Zhubi and flew after him. Zhubi leaned against Hui, shivering slightly in fear.

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe,” Hui murmured.

Zhubi nodded, but didn’t relax.

Warmth. Unusual heat radiated against his palm. He looked down at Zhubi and frowned slightly. Zhubi is warm? But he’s cold-blooded. If anything, he should be cold. Or is that something that changed after he become a dragon?

Zhubi looked up at him. He tilted his head.

Hmm. Zhubi doesn’t look like he’s in pain. It might be nothing, but I’ll keep an eye on it. Turning back to face forward, he hurried after Tian Chen.

Circling over the city, Tian Chen hurtled down toward the blue gem-tone palace on the lily pad outside. Hui followed him down. As he dropped, he casually rubbed his hand together and tossed a lotus seed into the lake. Just in case this goes sideways… well, it never hurts to have backup!

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