Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 712: Heart Lotus City

As the ship soared on, Hui returned to meditation. The blue dragon on his arm crawled up to his shoulder slowly, as if he wouldn’t notice as long as she moved slowly. Unable to fully meditate with the dragon ‘sneaking’ upward, Hui pressed his lips together, somewhat annoyed. Whatever you’re trying to do, just do it! ‘Sneaking’ around on my body is far more annoying than simply attempting something, even if it’s irritating!

The small blue dragon lifted her nose up and nudged Zhubi.

Zhubi lifted his head out of his coils and hissed at Tian Lan, eyes narrowed.

Tian Lan flinched back. She gave him a hurt look.

Hissing once more as a warning, Zhubi turned away, turning the back half of his coils to her.

Tian Lan snorted. She shook her head at Zhubi and wiggled back down Hui’s arm to his wrist.

Hui lifted his dragonless hand and petted Zhubi. He does need to learn to get along with people his own age, and other dragons. He’s like an only-pet who’s suddenly got pet-siblings, and he’s jealous of them for taking my attention. Ah, though, I can’t exactly blame him for being unfriendly toward Tian Lan. She was being incredibly rude toward him.

Still, she’s just a child, and she doesn’t know about the world or the proper way of things. It was a crime, but one committed innocently, as a beast does. I’m not going to apologize for her aggression toward Zhubi, but as long as she’s properly disciplined, she should be able to grow up well and not commit more crimes.

I wonder if she has lived as long as Zhubi, come to think of it. Zhubi spent two hundred or so years in the mortal realm as an ordinary snake before I picked him up. Tian Lan was likely born in the Immortal realm, already a dragon. She could be as old as she looks… or however many years is considered true juvenile for a dragon.

Oh well. I can always ask her later.

Beside him, Xi Muchen suddenly opened his eyes and stood. He strode to the bow. “We’re almost there.”

Hui stood. I wasn’t meditating anyways. Let’s go take a look!

Left alone, Zhang Ming sat for another few seconds, then reluctantly cracked an eye to peer after them. Climbing to his feet, he followed Hui to the bow.

In the distance, just cresting over the horizon, a massive lotus flower bloomed from the center of an enormous lake. Although the pond easily spread the size of a small country, the flower in its center stretched almost from one border to another. Atop the lily’s pure white petals, a city like molten gold dripped down, piled up to an extravagant height, dripping into the petals in luxuriant excess.

Four giant lily pads floated around the flower, leaving the lake almost choked with vegetation. Atop each lily pad, a grand palace floated, each one in a distinct gem tone. Sapphire blue, brilliant red ruby, black jet, and snow-white jade surrounded the flower, one in each of the cardinal directions.

Hui stared. “Is that Heart Lotus City?”

“Indeed, Zhang Ming,” Xi Muchen confirmed.

Hui nodded blankly for a moment before abruptly remembering whose skin he wore. Right. I’m Zhang Ming right now. “Ah, thank you, Senior.”

“Why must we go to Heart Lotus City?” Zhang Ming asked, looking at Xi Muchen with clear, straightforward eyes.

Hui ducked, awkwardly looking away. It’s awkward to watch someone with my face act so bold! Embarrassing, so embarrassing. Ah, I really wasn’t expecting for this swap to be something long-term. I just wanted to swap for a little while, in case someone’s looking for Xiao Hui! Er, Weiheng Hui. But instead, here we are. Should I stop this farce?

No, no. Let’s not be hasty. I don’t know that they aren’t looking for me, yet. This is still necessary. Until we reach the city and make it past whatever’s awaiting us there, whatever registration or test or examination, it’s still better this way. Once we get inside the city, I’ll tell Zhang Ming to remove the skin… or simply remove it myself. It’s my spell, at the end of the day.

Unaware of Hui’s thoughts, Xi Muchen nodded, gesturing out at the city before them. “Heart Lotus City is the center of the Immortal realm. All Immortals must visit there once to have their names recorded.”

Ha… in other words, we’re registered, like animals. Hui looked at Xi Muchen from the corner of his eye. As someone who’d rather not cast his shadow, if I could avoid it, I can’t say I’m overly fond of the idea.

“And then? What are those cities we entered into? Why are they stuck repeating the same day for years on end? Why send Immortals to populate them?” Zhang Ming asked.

“Oh, those?” Xi Muchen laughed lightly. “Were you worried you might get sent back there? No, no. They’re for criminals and dissidents. Although some unfortuantes are born there, for the most part, it’s merely the compassion of our Heavenly Emperor that such criminals and dissidents are allowed to live and contemplate their mistakes, rather than executed.”

“Er, if I may, Senior… why?” Hui asked.

Xi Muchen looked at Hui. He tilted his head.

“That is… it might sound cruel, but why go through this elaborate scheme, rather than merely execute them?” No, I’m seriously asking, though. It’s nice that he’s being humane, but is that really his goal? I know cultivators. From what I’ve seen of this world, they’re more likely to kill a criminal and seven generations of his bloodline, rather than jail the criminal. And the more powerful they get, all the more so! Forgiveness, what’s forgiveness? Better to kill them, so they can’t cultivate and grow stronger later, then take your head. Only Fen Long and his obsession with karmic puzzles breaks the rules. And even then, he’d only lock one very specific person in a karmic puzzle, not toss a bunch of ‘criminals and dissidents’ in without thought. In this world, if you hate someone, kill him!

Ah, well, I’m merely speaking as one in this world would. Though… I must admit, I’ve done my fair share of safety killings, too. One can’t avoid bloodshed while in a world like this!

Or could it be? Is the Heavenly Emperor so secure in his position as to not fear those who come after him?

Hui’s brows furrowed. Words came back to him, in Li Xiang’s clear voice, from ages ago. The Heavenly Dao is breaking down.

Then, if that’s the case, could it be…?

Xi Muchen laughed. “Better not to think too deeply on our Emperor’s magnificence.”

So no one knows, then. Hui nodded to himself thoughtfully.

Scales brushed his chin. Tian Lan reared up on his shoulder, looking at Zhubi. She wavered in place, her whiskers shivering on the breeze. “Why don’t you assume your true form?” she asked in her cute, childish form.

Hui froze. Elder Sister, consider your phrasing! I’m not wearing my true form either, okay? But let’s not point that out right now!

Zhubi peeked open an eye, then slithered away again, steadfastly ignoring her.

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” Tian Lan cried indignantly.

Xi Muchen and Zhang Ming both stared at Hui.

Hui laughed lightly. Raising a hand to his shoulder, he gently shoved Tian Lan back down to his wrist. “Ah, that is, I’ve recently acquired a new pet. Seniors shouldn’t pay her too much mind, she still hasn’t learned manners yet.”

“…Was that a dragon?” Xi Muchen asked, still wearing the same blank smile.

Hui laughed awkwardly. I’d rather not admit that, Senior! “Oh, look, we’re almost to the city! I should go freshen up, haha.” With that, he scurried away. As he did, he peered down at Tian Lan, who gave him a frustrated look. “Tian Lan, not in front of other people, okay?”

“Why not?” she asked, annoyed.

“You… you don’t know the ways of the world! You should watch quietly for a time, before acting,” Hui insisted.

Tian Lan huffed, then fell silent, resting her head on her coils.

Hui breathed out. Phew. It would be incredibly inconvenient if she poked her head up whenever she felt like it! Since she’s still in a dragon-looking form, she’s very eye-catching as anything but a bracelet. Elder Sister, please sit quietly, okay? This small cultivator isn’t the kind to flash about wealth like this!

Zhang Ming stared after Hui. What on earth were you doing with my face while I wasn’t looking? Kidnapping dragons? Don’t get me caught up in your troubles!


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