Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 708: Heart Lotus Emisaries

Familiar with the routes after his months in the village, Hui cut through the forest and made it back to the village ahead of the emissaries. At the village’s edge, he paused, peering around. Where’s Zhang Ming? He never gets up, but he also isn’t one of the villagers. I don’t know if he’s beholden to the loop, or if he broke out like I did.

Based on the mysterious things he said when I first met him, I suspect that he knows about the loop. That might mean that he’s broken out of it. I can’t assume he does the same thing every day.

He closed his eyes and reached out to the lotus seed under the floorboards. From there, he extended his divine sense. Zhang Ming sat on the bed, legs crossed, the same as ever.

Hui went to retract his divine sense, then paused. He activated the lotus clone and scurried out from under the floorboards. His clone laid a tiny hand on Zhang Ming’s foot and cast the snakeskin technique.

Zhang Ming’s appearance shifted, and Hui sat on the bed in his place.

Retracting his qi, Hui deactivated the lotus clone and strode boldly into the village, mimicking Zhang Ming’s bold stride and firm shoulders. I can only copy the smooth circulation of Zhang Ming in meditation, but since that’s all he ever does, the villagers probably don’t know any other version of Zhang Ming.

He mixed in with the villagers. A few of them shot him confused looks, but no one stopped or deviated greatly from their usual paths.

I wonder how many of these people are actually beholden to the loop? Even Jie Xinlei was aware of it, though she might not be able to break free. Still, the point is, everyone here is at least an Immortal. If I broke out, and they’re infinitely more powerful than me, then they’ve likely broken out as well. It’s almost impossible to tell, since even if they were beholden to the loop, they’d act differently if I addressed them. Likewise, who’s going to ask them? Me? This small bug? No no no. I don’t want to get crushed!

But if they’re broken out of the loop, why stay here and play along?

Unless… they can’t escape. Unless there’s something even more powerful keeping them here, keeping them well-behaved.

Something… like that golden eye.

The golden-dressed cultivators strode boldly into town, their chins held high. As they passed, the villagers quickly kowtowed. Hui fell in as well, dropping to his knees with practiced ease. A space opened up in the center of the village square. Clearly expecting it, the gold-robed cultivators stood tall in the center.

The chief hurried out of his hut and bowed before them. “Inspectors, to what do we owe the honor of your presence?”

Cho Haoli flicked his sleeve. Haughtily, he announced, “Newcomers have arrived since our last inspection.”

“Indeed,” the chief agreed.

“How many?”

The chief smiled, clasping his hands to Cho Haoli. “Two newcomers. Both men. One Xiao Hui, and one Zhang Ming.”

Cho Haoli’s nose wrinkled. “Did I ask their names?”

Pressure slammed down on the townsfolk, Hui included. He slammed flat to the ground, his heart pounding as it struggled against the additional weight. Even the chief can’t compare to that pressure. These Inspectors are incredibly powerful. Only the eye is stronger!

“Please forgive me!” the chief cried, prostrating before the Inspector.

Xi Muchen put a hand on Cho Haoli’s shoulder. Harrumphing, Cho Haoli retracted his pressure.

Stepping forward, Xi Muchen smiled at the chief. “We’ve come to collect them. As usual, they must enter Heart Lotus City in order to be properly placed.”

The chief licked his lips. He looked at the ground, gathering himself. A war of emotions played out on his face. At last, he turned up to them, forcing a smile. “Isn’t it a bit early? Surely we could have a little more time to see if they fit in with the village. Isn’t that the usual procedure?”

To his side, Jie Xinlei glanced at the hut where Hui supposedly rested.

Hui’s eyes widened. Wait, hold on! This Inspector nonsense, the Heart Lotus City, the chief’s reluctance to send us and Jie Xinlei’s hesitation… does something horrible happen to newcomers in the Heart Lotus City? Was Jie Xinlei hoping to save me from that, whatever it is? Her ‘love’ for me was practical for her, but it was also to save me. Er, whoops! Should I have acted more in love with her?

On the other hand, I don’t want to be trapped in this village forever. Even if Heart Lotus City is full of danger, I—I… I can’t stay here. I have to find Zhubi, and I have to escape the gold eye, which I suspect means moving around—after all, the eye isn’t going to stand still, and it’ll eventually notice me if I stand in place for long enough.

And, of course, I don’t want to give Jie Xinlei false hope. It might have saved my small life, which I appreciate it, but I don’t want to marry her, and I don’t want to mislead her on that front.

Sneaking a look at Jie Xinlei, the chief crawled forward, taking the men’s silence as faint approval. “Please, Inspectors. We need new villagers—”

Xi Muchen’s smile vanished. A pressure easily double Cho Haoli’s smashed the chief, and everyone else, prone on the floor. “You dare refuse us?”

“Refuse? No, no. Please forgive me,” the chief said, groveling fully prone.

The smile reappeared, and Xi Muchen’s pressure vanished. He knelt and helped the chief up. “Please, stand. One your age must suffer, to crouch so low.”

The chief pulled away quickly, barely suppressing a shudder. He ran a hand over his arm and nodded to Xi Muchen. “Thank you. Your graciousness knows no bounds.”

A shiver ran down Hui’s side. He hunkered in place, wishing to disappear entirely. I had a good impression of Xi Muchen because the man buried my body, but he’s terrifying, far more terrifying than Cho Haoli! Cho Haoli merely has a sharp temper. Xi Muchen is the type who’d smile in my face, then stab me the second I turned my back! Between the two, give me Cho Haoli any day!

Cho Haoli looked around. “Where are the men? Let’s get out of here quickly, before the filth gets on us.”

Xi Muchen turned to the chief and smiled.

The chief swept his eyes across the crowd.

Hui hesitated, resisting the temptation to hunker. No. I need to stand out. I want to leave this village, even if it’s danger. Even if it’s dangerous, dammit! With some effort, he looked up and met the chief’s eyes.

“There! Right there. And the other one… the other one should be in the hut,” the chief said.

“Well?” Cho Haoli said expectantly.

The chief hurried over to Hui. Forcing him up, he pushed him toward the Inspectors. “Go on, go on. It’s an honor to be called to Heart Lotus City, an honor!”

It doesn’t look like an honor, Hui commented silently, barely resisting the urge to give the chief a look.

He stood beside the two Inspectors and felt incredibly dingy in his ordinary robes, compared to their radiant gold. Cho Haoli gave him a disgusted look and unsubtly pulled away.

The chief hurried off, and moments later, dragged Zhang Ming over, still wearing Hui’s face. Zhang Ming ran a hand over his cheeks, frowning to himself. His eyes fell on Hui, and he raised his brows.

Hui nodded at Zhang Ming. As casually as he could, he bobbed a short bow to the man, pressing his hands together. Please leave the disguise on! We can remove the disguises once we’re away from the Inspectors, but Elder Brothers, now is not the time.

Zhang Ming raised his brows, then nodded back and lowered his hand. His eyes bored into Hui’s, demanding explanation.

Later, later! Hui turned his gaze back ahead.

“No!” Jie Xinlei threw herself at ‘Xiao Hui.’ “Please, don’t. I want a husband!”

Elder Sister! I’ve already told you I don’t want you as a wife!

Ah, though… I suppose she is trying to save me from Heart Lotus City.

I’m sorry, Jie Xinlei. Please find love somewhere else, and be sure to save the next one who arrives in this village.

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