Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 705: Winner Winner

Hui wandered back into town as the sun began to set. The street quieted by this hour, only a few townsfolk still out. Instead, the aroma of dinner began to fill the air as the various families settled in for the night. He strode down the high street, hands behind his back, walking along like a wandering cultivator.

Hmm, yep. Definitely just walking along the road to have a nice afternoon stroll. Definitely not aimlessly wandering because I don’t know where Jie Xinlei lives.

If you’re going to invite me to dinner so insistently, make sure you tell me where dinner is! I can’t eat dinner if I can’t find dinner!

I mean, ahem. I have no interest in something as mortal as dinner. However… if delicious chicken were to appear before me… rather, if a beautiful Immortal maiden were to make me chicken, it would be incredibly rude to refuse it! Right, right.

Haaa. I really don’t know if I should go find her or not. I know I shouldn’t give Jie Xinlei hope, and after all, it isn’t like I need to eat. Still, I love chicken, and Immortal chicken does sound delicious. It probably strengthens me, too! All kinds of benefits from this dish. Plus, isn’t it possible I might be able to get more information from Jie Xinlei’s parents, if her parents come to dinner?

Eh, wait. Is this a meeting-the-parents kind of dinner? I’m not ready, I’m not ready!

No, no. No need to panic. I have no intention of wedding Jie Xinlei. That’s all on her end. It’s merely going to be the awkward one-side-introducing-the-parents-while-the-other-one’s-a-good-friend dinner.

Hui paused. He shook his head and sighed. Somehow, that’s worse than an actual meeting-the-parents dinner.

Still, Immortal chicken is Immortal chicken. Think of all the potential benefits! Even if it’s just tasty, think of how good it’s going to taste!

But meet the parents…

But benefits…

But this whole village is spooky…

But the tasty chicken…

But giving Jie Xinlei false hope…

“Xiao Hui!”

Hui spun, startled out of his thoughts by a cheery voice. Jie Xinlei jogged toward him, one hand raised, her usual smile on her face.

He managed a conflicted smile. “Jie Xinlei!”

She reached him and bent over, bracing herself on her knees. After a moment, she stood, shaking her head at him. “I was looking all over for you. Where were you?”

Testing out the barrier… I shouldn’t say that, though. Hui waved his hand. “I was getting the lay of the land.”

“Oh! You should have asked me. I can show you around. I know all the good places around town. There’s this nice little spot up the hill where wild berries grow…” She turned, pointing over her shoulder at a low hill in the near distance.

“Maybe tomorrow,” Hui suggested.

Jie Xinlei flinched subtly. Her smile flagged for a moment, only to quickly flash back up. “Oh! Of course. Just let me know.”

Hui noted her expression, but said nothing. He gestured for her to lead the way.

“I’ve been cooking all afternoon. Just wait until you see it all!” Jie Xinlei said, bubbling with excitement. She skipped along beside Hui, humming to herself.

Hui’s stomach twisted. Now I feel bad all over again. Bad for thinking about skipping, but also bad for allowing her to do this. She obviously expects more from me than I can give.

“Jie Xinlei, I—”

She raised her hand. “Just enjoy dinner. Don’t think about anything else. Let’s enjoy tonight.”

Hui nodded. “I understand, Elder Sister.” After all, I decided to go through with this for her. Jie Xinlei wants this. It’s easy for me to comply. If it makes her happy, then it’s fine.

She led him to a small, clean house off a narrow back road. A broad spread of dishes covered her table. The promised chicken sat in a prominent spot at the table’s center, while vegetable dishes and a set of neat dumplings laid beside it. Fragrant, steaming immortal rice emanated qi so rich Hui could feel it from where he stood. He stepped forward instinctively, almost drooling.

Jie Xinlei hurried to offer him a seat, then hovered beside him, filling his plate for him. “Tea?”

“Er, I—I can handle this myself, Elder Sister,” Hui said, incredibly uncomfortable.

“If you won’t be my husband, let me at least have this,” she said quietly.

Hui stiffened. Why is she acting as if she’s been defeated already? For someone who was so determined to build a relationship with me, she gave up surprisingly easily.

Jie Xinlei set the plate down in front of him, and Hui forgot everything. Savory scents swirled in his nose, the delicate herbs used to flavor the chicken mingling with the chicken’s own umami fragrance. He dug in, taking a big bite of chicken.

All those flavors burst on his tongue. Sweet citrus, sharp herbs, a perfectly buttery-juicy chicken. He swallowed, closing his eyes to enjoy the flavor. Ah… worth it. Forget all my fears. This is totally worth it!

“Is it to your liking?” Jie Xinlei asked, smiling.

“It’s delicious,” Hui enthused. “You could open a restaurant!”

“Maybe I should,” Jie Xinlei said, chuckling. She offered him another piece of chicken. “More?”

Hui held his plate up.

Eating and chatting, the two of them wasted the night away. At last, Hui sat back, patting his stomach. “That’s enough. Thank you, Elder Sister.”

She smiled, nodding. Watching him, she said nothing, but simply waited.

Hui tilted his head. “Is there a problem?”

“No, I… I just want to savor our time together,” she said wistfully.

“What do you—”

That oddly familiar energy surged again. It stirred all around him, rippling on the air. Hui frowned. His eyes grew heavy.

Jie Xinlei’s smile morphed into melancholy. She put a hand on his. “Xiao Hui, I wish you would remember this.”

“Of course I’ll remember this. This was the best meal I ever had,” Hui insisted, but even as he did, his eyelids drooped. The urge to sleep grew stronger, almost overwhelming. He resisted, pushing his eyes open. Why am I so tired? I shouldn’t have to sleep.

Jie Xinlei shook her head. Her eyes glimmered with tears. Gently clenching his hand, she said, “You won’t.”

Another wave of that strange power swept through him. Hui frowned. I know I’ve felt that before. But where?

Before his eyes, Jie Xinlei grew blurry. His head dropped, eyes shutting. He forced himself to sit up again, but his head grew so heavy, so very heavy that he couldn’t hold it up. His eyes closed.

Oh! That power—I remember!

The power swept through him, and he thought no more.

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