Master of Origin: Path to Eternity

Chapter 09 : Sister Yua Qing

Chapter 09: Sister Yua Qing

As the first light of dawn crept through the cracks in the wooden walls of his residence, Ye Tian stirred awake. The air was crisp, filled with the invigorating scent of dew and damp earth. He glanced at the small window, where the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm golden hue over everything. With a determined heart, he rose to prepare for the day ahead.

Today was different; he could feel it in his bones. Ye Tian had resolved to practice at the nearby waterfall, a place where the elemental energies flowed freely. After a quick breakfast, he set off, his sword strapped securely to his back.

Upon arriving at the waterfall, the sound of rushing water greeted him like an old friend. The water cascaded down with a rhythmic roar, its mist refreshing against his skin. Ye Tian closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he centered himself. “This is the place,” he murmured to himself, focusing on the surrounding qi. He could feel it vibrating in the air, a symphony of elemental energies harmonizing with nature.

Ye Tian drew his sword, its blade glinting in the early light. He decided to practice the fire qi he had cultivated the previous day. “Let’s see if I can enhance my sword slash,” he thought, channeling his fire qi into the blade. He swung the sword in an arc, visualizing flames trailing behind the movement. “Fire Slash!” he exclaimed, and with that, a wave of fiery energy shot forward, cutting through the mist and striking the waterfall with a resounding splash!

The water sizzled and evaporated upon contact, sending a plume of steam rising into the air. Ye Tian couldn’t help but smile, exhilarated by the progress he had made. “I’m getting better,” he said, patting the sword affectionately.

Suddenly, he heard a voice echoing across the training ground. “Attention, disciples! Today, an inner court disciple will be giving lessons!”

Ye Tian turned, recognizing the tone of the announcement. It was one of the seniors, eager to share the news. “Inner court disciple? This must be important,” he murmured. He knew better than to miss such lessons; those who failed to attend often faced penalties. “I should head over there,” he decided, sheathing his sword and making his way back.

As he approached the training ground, the atmosphere was electric with excitement. Groups of disciples gathered, discussing the upcoming lesson. “I heard she’s ranked in the top five of the inner courtyard,” one disciple remarked. “Her name is Yua Qing. They say she’s a Self Reunion realm cultivator!”

“Finally, a proper lesson,” another added, his voice laced with anticipation. “Last time, they just came to show off their strength.”

The conversation was interrupted when a figure appeared in the sky, gliding down with grace. It was Sister Yua Qing, and she landed softly before them, her presence commanding immediate attention. The air seemed to chill around her as she regarded the crowd with an icy stare. “Line up!” she ordered in a cold voice. “Or spar with me.”

The disciples scrambled to form a line, their excitement palpable. Ye Tian stood among them, feeling a mix of admiration and apprehension. This was his chance to learn from someone truly powerful.

Once everyone was in place, Yua Qing introduced herself with a subtle authority. “I am Yua Qing. Today, we will discuss cultivation stages.” She paused, scanning the crowd. “Pay attention; this is important.”

She began to explain the various cultivation stages, her voice steady and clear. “There are several stages in cultivation,” she started. “First, we have Qi Condensation, where you gather and condense qi.” She emphasized the importance of this foundational step. “Next is Qi Refining, where you refine that qi for better control.”

As she spoke, Ye Tian listened intently. “Gather and condense… refine the qi. I’ve been doing that, but it seems there’s so much more,” he thought, feeling a sense of urgency to catch up.

“Following that is Foundation Building, where you establish a stable foundation. This is crucial for any further advancement,” she continued, her eyes glinting with seriousness. “Then comes Self Reunion, which leads into Divine Soul, where you cultivate a divine soul.”

Ye Tian pondered deeply on her words. “A divine soul… that sounds powerful. How far I have to climb,” he reflected, realizing the vast gap between him and the more advanced cultivators.

“The next stage is Soul Formation, where you manifest divine abilities,” Yua Qing continued. “Finally, we have Immortal Ascension and Transcendent. Each of these stages consists of nine levels, which means there is always more to strive for.”

The disciples listened with rapt attention, occasionally murmuring among themselves as they processed the information. After a thorough discussion on each stage, some eager disciples raised their hands, asking questions.

“What is the best way to reach the Foundation Building stage?” one asked.

Yua Qing replied, “Focus on solidifying your qi. Only through a strong foundation can you advance further.”

After the lesson concluded, Ye Tian felt a mixture of inspiration and determination. As he turned to leave, he heard an arrogant voice call out to him.

“Ye Tian! Have you forgotten about our duel?” The voice belonged to Qin Nan, the arrogant younger brother of Liang Zhang, a known bully among the disciples.

Ye Tian clenched his fists, feeling the eyes of the other disciples on him. Whispers spread through the crowd. “Who does he think he is?” “How did he offend Qin Nan?”

With a deep breath, Ye Tian remained silent, ready for a confrontation. Qin Nan stepped forward, flanked by three companions, all Foundation Building realm cultivators. The air thickened with tension.

“Look who we have here, the loser who thinks he can stand up to me,” Qin Nan taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. “Let’s see if you’ve improved since the last time. Or should I say, since the last time you lost?”

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, refusing to be baited. He knew he had come a long way, but he also understood the dangers of underestimating his opponents.

As if sensing the confrontation escalating, one of Qin Nan’s companions, a burly figure with a smug grin, spoke up. “What’s the matter, Ye Tian? Afraid of a little sparring?”

Qin Nan gestured toward his friends. “These are the Mystic Trio. They use a mystic formation to suppress their opponents. You won’t stand a chance!”

The crowd watched, a mix of excitement and apprehension swirling in the air. Ye Tian was aware of the trio’s reputation; they were notorious for their viciousness. He thought, “I’ll show them what I’ve learned.”

Without warning, the trio lunged at Ye Tian, their movements swift and precise. The first disciple swung a fist imbued with qi, aiming to catch Ye Tian off guard. “Crimson Fist!” he yelled, but Ye Tian was prepared.

In a fluid motion, Ye Tian dodged to the side, his body moving instinctively. “Fire Slash!” he shouted, channeling his fire qi into the blade. The sword erupted in flames as he struck with precision, catching the attacker off guard.

The fire-infused blade sliced through the air, creating a wave of heat that sent the disciple sprawling backward with a grunt of surprise. The crowd gasped in shock. “He actually countered!”

Emboldened by his initial success, Ye Tian focused on the next two attackers, who were already forming a mystic formation. “Frost Barrier!” one shouted, attempting to encase Ye Tian in a freezing cocoon.

Ye Tian sensed the energy gathering and countered quickly. “Inferno Blast!” He thrust his sword forward, unleashing a surge of fire that erupted in a swirling vortex, shattering the barrier and forcing both attackers back. The heat radiated from him, a testament to his growing mastery over fire qi.

“You think you can defeat us with that?” the third disciple sneered, trying to regain composure. They quickly reformed their formation, channeling their energy together.

Ye Tian felt the pressure of their combined qi, but he stood firm. “I’ve trained for this!” he shouted, focusing all his energy on the fire element. “Fire Dance!” He spun, the flames swirling around him as he lunged toward the trio.

The formation crackled as he broke through, the flames igniting the air around them. The disciples stumbled back, shock written on their faces as Ye Tian’s fire qi surged forth, overpowering their mystic formation.

The crowd erupted in disbelief. “How is he doing this?” one whispered. “He was just a loser!”

In a final effort, the trio tried to regroup, but Ye Tian pressed his advantage. With a swift motion, he unleashed another Fire Slash, the flame cutting through the air with lethal precision.

The three disciples fell to the ground, groaning in defeat. The training ground was silent, save for the sound of their heavy breathing. Ye Tian stood over them, his sword still glowing with the remnants of fire qi.

“Now, about those pills…” Ye Tian said, a hint of challenge in his voice.

The trio exchanged nervous glances. “We won’t give you anything!” one of them shouted trying to regain some semblance of dignity despite their defeat.

Ye Tian raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Really? You think that’s how this works?” He stepped closer, the heat radiating off his sword causing the air around him to shimmer. “You see, I’ve beaten you fair and square. It would be wise to hand over the pills before I decide to make this a little more... uncomfortable.”

The three disciples hesitated, the reality of their situation sinking in. The crowd was still watching, some with expressions of awe, others with disbelief. “Just give him what he wants!” one bystander urged, realizing how badly the trio had miscalculated.

With reluctance, the burly disciple, who had initially shown bravado, reached into his robes and produced a few pills, holding them out as if they were the most precious treasures. “Fine! Here!” he stammered, his bravado crumbling. “Just take them and leave us alone!”

Ye Tian eyed the pills suspiciously, not entirely trusting them but knowing that refusing might just lead to more trouble. “What are they?” he asked, his voice low and steady.

“Just some Qi Recovery Pills,” the burly disciple replied, trying to sound more confident. “They’ll help with your cultivation. Just take them and go!”

Ye Tian nodded slowly. “Alright.” He reached out, taking the pills from the disciple’s trembling hand. He examined them briefly before placing them in his pocket. “Consider this a lesson learned. Don’t underestimate someone just because they have less experience.”

He turned to leave, but not before throwing a final glance over his shoulder. “And next time you want to challenge someone, make sure they’re not ready for you.”

With that, he walked away, a surge of adrenaline still coursing through him. The disciples around the training ground whispered amongst themselves, their respect for Ye Tian growing.

“Did you see that?” one exclaimed. “He took down all three of them! How did he get so strong?”

“Maybe he’s been training harder than we thought,” another speculated, still in awe of Ye Tian’s sudden rise in power.

As Ye Tian made his way back to his residence, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. He had not only defended himself but had also showcased his newfound strength and determination. Today’s lesson with Yua Qing had set the stage for his growth, and he was ready to continue climbing the ranks of cultivation.

When he returned to his residence, he immediately sat down and examined the Qi Recovery Pills. They were simple yet potent, infused with qi that would help replenish his energy. “I’ll save these for when I truly need them,” he muttered to himself.

The rest of the day was spent reflecting on his duel with Qin Nan and the trio. Ye Tian realized that he had come a long way since he first entered this world, and with each challenge, he grew stronger. He couldn’t help but think about the stages of cultivation Yua Qing had described. “I need to focus more on my foundation,” he said, determination filling his heart. “Only then can I reach the next stage.”

With renewed resolve, Ye Tian spent the afternoon meditating and refining his fire qi. He channeled the energy through his body, envisioning the flames dancing around him, solidifying his connection with the element. As he practiced, he recalled Yua Qing’s words about the importance of each cultivation stage.

“Qi Condensation… Gather and condense qi,” he whispered, feeling the energy swirling within him. He could visualize the process, gathering qi from the air and condensing it within his dantian.

“Qi Refining… Refine the qi.” He focused on purifying the energy, ensuring it was potent and controlled. He could feel the warmth spreading throughout his body, a sense of harmony enveloping him.

“Foundation Building…” Ye Tian took a deep breath, realizing the importance of establishing a solid foundation. He envisioned a sturdy structure forming within him, brick by brick, each layer representing his dedication and effort.

He spent hours in meditation, concentrating on the energy within him, feeling it pulse and flow. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over his surroundings. As night fell, he finally opened his eyes, feeling rejuvenated and centered.

With a sense of accomplishment, Ye Tian decided to get some rest. Tomorrow, he would train even harder, and he was determined to seek out Yua Qing for more guidance.

But as he lay down, a nagging thought persisted: Qin Nan and his trio would not let this go easily. They were known for their grudges, and Ye Tian had made an enemy today. He would need to be ready for whatever came next.


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