Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 54 - Sleeping

Chapter 54: Sleeping

His bed was sufficiently large for her to lie on; heck, even nono from the living room could sleep with them, too.

As the two of them lay on the bed, he asked, “Are you still afraid?”

She replied, feeling rather tense, “… not anymore.”

He flipped over and fell asleep pretty soon.

He did not find anything wrong with sleeping with her on the same bed. In reality, he probably regarded her as a pet, like a kitten or a puppy, which he carried to the bed with him. Besides, she was like a child to him.

He was really sound asleep…

As for her, she was clutching tightly to the edge of the bed, with the quilt and bed sheet looking badly ruffled by then… Time passed and yet, she was not able to calm herself down.

I’m sleeping on the same bed as my crush…

She lay there rigidly, not daring to move. Although there were times she wanted to turn, she was afraid to disturb him… It would be embarrassing if he were to wake up and talk to her again.

It was pitch black inside the room.

However, this time around, she was not fearful at all.

The man beside her was seemingly deep in sleep as seen from his slow and steady breathing. She plucked up the courage to rotate her body sideways, so she could quietly observe his profile in the dark.

… He’s really good-looking.

From her angle, she was astonished to discover how long his eyelashes were. With his high nose bridge and fairly thin lips, his countenance was gentler and softer when asleep, unlike the stern demeanor he usually displayed. The more she stared at him, the more engrossed she became…

What a good man…

She felt herself falling deeper in love with him.

But she knew that nothing good would come out of this relationship, so the only thing she could do was to carefully bury her feelings deep within her.

She did not know the road ahead of her, but she knew that she had no regrets either if she were to remain in this manner by his side. Even if, one day, he was to get married to another woman and had children; or she was to become old and useless, she had no regrets whatsoever…

Her life on this earth had been short and mediocre in the first place, with many restrictions and limits inhibiting her. Since knowing him, it had become colorful and interesting. So, really, what was there for her to regret? Having someone whom she loved, and rightly deserved to be loved, was good enough for her.

As she watched him, she mouthed the three bashful words discreetly with her lips, and then blissfully close her eyes.

Chen Yuheng had a dream.

In the dream, he saw a sweet and petite girl with snow-white skin who captivated him.

Unable to control himself, he went to hug her. The more he hugged, the more he wanted of her. She was soft and alluring in his arms, and simply irresistible. As he hugged closer and tighter, she attempted to push him away; her hands pressed against his chest in feeble resistance.

Like honey and sweet wine, he was hooked on her the moment he had her.

Somehow, there was some satisfaction with the stimulation but yet something seemed amiss.

It was only when he gradually regained consciousness from his stupor that he subconsciously realized that the girl in his dream was Ruan Ruan…

This really bemused him.

He reckoned that this ridiculous fantasy must have been induced by some pent-up urge. Nevertheless, he felt good about the dream.

He could visibly feel the damp patch at his groin and knew very well what he had done in his dream last night…

Just as he was about to get up to change into fresh underwear, he could sense that something was unusual.

With his eyelids half-opened, he saw Gu Anbao kneeling on the bed beside him. She was bending over him, with her long, straight hair cascading past her shoulders. Each time she moved slightly, the hair strands would brush lightly against his thighs and tickle him.

This doesn’t look good…

The robot had woken before him.

In reality, she did not require sleep at all. A robotic body would not be fatigued, however, her soul would still need some downtime. Hence, during the entire night, she had rested peacefully on the bed though that would not be considered sleeping.

When she got up in the morning, she happened to catch the wet patch on his pants. Baffled, her first thought was… Did Chen Yuheng pee in his sleep?

But… this shouldn’t be common at his age, right?

After taking a look closer, she was even more bewildered.

Is he feeling unwell?

Why is there a white-colored substance in his pee?

Gu Anbao had been very well-protected by her family from a young age, hence she had never encountered a need to understand a man’s physiological change. The closest experience she had in this area was her few secret conversations with her sister at night, where she got to know that men differed from women ‘down that place’, and ‘that thing’ could expand…

Out of concern for him, she decided to take a more serious look at the issue.

This doesn’t seem like urine… But if this isn’t urine, then what is it? Or did he wake up last night to drink yogurt and happened to spill some on his pants?

That is impossible, too. I would have known if he got up from the bed. Besides, if this was a spillage, then he would have cleaned up before going back to sleep, isn’t it?

Maybe he’s sick? I heard that some urinary dysfunctions would produce urine of a different color…

Just as she was trying hard to figure out what was wrong with him, something seemed to change in that area…

She panicked, thinking in her heart: I didn’t touch it! Why is there a reaction even though I didn’t touch him?! Has the thing turn sickly?!

What should I do? What should I do?!

After being disturbed in his sleep, he could bear it no longer. He sat up on the bed, flipped over, and pressed her down nicely with him on top of her.

As this scene, juxtaposed with his earlier dream, played out in his consciousness, he could feel an unbearable tight knot arising in his groin again.

He wanted her.

Ace’s words suddenly floated into his mind: You’re already 28, yet you still don’t have a woman by your side. If I don’t add in that function to let you get some action, I’m afraid you would die from your pent-up sexual frustrations! What do I get in return for my good intention…

Robots were produced for humans to use, and sex was just one of their performing functions.

This isn’t a big deal.

But when he looked at her, pinned under him, with her clear and innocent eyes, he could only heave a sigh of resignation inside him. The girl seemed muddled and did not have the slightest idea of his ulterior motive.

He let go of her, rolled over and got off the bed, intending to release his physiological needs in the toilet instead.

She pushed herself up sheepishly, and still thinking about his ‘illness’, decided to open her mouth and ask, “You… Are you okay?”

Startled, he did not get what she meant immediately.

Sipping her lips with embarrassment, she reckoned that seeking medical attention was a priority despite the uncomfortable topic. Hence, she held firmly to his elbow and asked, “Do you want to see a doctor?” After which she stole a glance at that spot with a blush…

This time around, he finally got what she was trying to say. Cracking up, he retorted, “This isn’t an illness.”

“Oh…” She looked lost and confused.

Her dazed expression was so adoringly cute that he decided to tease her further. Hooking his lips into an enigmatic smile, he said, “The thing reacts in this way because it likes Ruan Ruan.”


Within a few seconds, Gu Anbao’s face burned a flaring red.

The man felt utterly satisfied with what he saw, and then casually strode to the toilet.

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