Marvel's The Dark Knight Rises

The "world" of Chapter 12

The "world" of Chapter 12

"Can you tell me why all this is?"

On the bench, Bruce closed his eyes tightly and asked in his mind, but his tightly clenched fists showed the anger in his heart at this moment.

"The tasks issued by the dream machine are unknowable and mandatory. The host can choose to give up, but all unknown consequences will be borne by the host alone."

"Then why did you send me to this world more than ten years ago? What do I have that deserves your 'investment'? Also, where do you come from? What exactly are you? A system? Or An artificial intelligence?"

Silence spread, and the voice of "Zero" in my head was disconnected for a long time.
"The role of the dream machine is to give the host the 'keys' to different worlds, and to provide the host with different growth 'platforms'. During this period, the more tasks the host completes the dream machine, the higher the level of unlocking will be. As for the source of the dream machine. Sorry, the host's current permission level is too low, so I can't answer this question. Of course, you can regard me as a system?"

Bruce listened quietly to "Zero"'s words, and the question in his mouth was immediately blocked by the "too low authority", and finally he had to let out a heavy breath to express his frustration in his chest a little.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask you any other questions! But the last one, please answer me! Why did you choose to send me to such a world? I mean, Marvel's world!"

"Sorry, the host permission is too low."

Bruce: "."

"Okay...then what can you tell me!"

After taking a deep breath, suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, Bruce asked secretly, frowning.

"There is no further information to share at this time."

Choked by the dream machine again, Bruce scratched his head in boredom, ended the conversation with "Zero" simply, clicked on the floating panel that had changed greatly in his mind, and transferred to the personal In terms of attributes:
Hybrid growth template:
Template [-]: Batman (incomplete body)
Template 1: Unknown! (Incomplete body) (Ability 2: Enhanced healing ability. Ability 3: Unknown. Ability [-]: Unknown.)
Stamina: 20
Responses: 16
Attack: 17
Health: 96%

Healing Power: 18
Character Affinity: 4
Physical Defense: 11
Fine Defense: 6
Proficient in: Level [-] Combat Technique, Level [-] Firearms Technique, Level [-] Driving Ability, Danger Perception (incomplete).

General comment: C+ level hero, you have barely gained the ability to protect yourself in the Marvel universe (movie), keep working hard, kid.

Looking down row by row, Bruce's face became more and more puzzled, but when he saw the final general comment, his eyes widened in surprise.

Marvel Universe (movie)?

He turned out to be in the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
What the dream machine didn't answer, actually found the answer here!

"It's not a comic, it's not a comic!"

Bruce suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and the worries that had been born in his heart in recent years were almost swept away.

No matter how many differences he knew about Marvel and DC comics, at least one part of the two is the same, that is, there are so many heroes in the comic world, superheroes can be called perverted, and villains, sometimes Might be more perverted.
Even though he has studied martial arts for more than ten years in the virtual world of his mind, and has become a feared existence in Brooklyn for the dregs of the underworld, his heart has never been truly at ease.

It's just because he is too "weak" now, so weak that he may not be able to deal with any "character" in the comics that pops up randomly in the future!
The ability he has now, not to mention compared with the Batman who has seen in the movie, and the big BUG of Superman, even the "young version" of Batman in the "Dark Knight" series, He may not be able to compare.
Damn it, he is sitting on a well-known large group in the United States, and he is also a great genius. He needs money and brains, and what he has now is just a cannery, and the money is not much. , forget about your own education.
But it's all right now!Although the decent and villain characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe also belong to the "perverted" level, they are much better than those in the comics!
Coupled with the fact that he still vaguely knows some of the "plots" he had seen back then, at least, now he has a little bit of confidence in his heart.

"Alfred seems to have said that I can exchange some equipment at the Dream Machine. Although I am still weak now, in the future, heh, it will be difficult to talk about Batman's equipment."

Imagining that he might be able to wear the Hellbat Armor in the future, Bruce regained his spirits.

But before he could continue his fantasy, a joyous call interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey Bruce, I did it!"

When Bruce heard this, his heart skipped a beat. He looked up quickly, only to see Steve standing at the table in front of the examination room with a somewhat bald, kind-faced old man. Steve was holding a document in his hand, with a relaxed expression on his face He looked at himself and said hello, while the old man looked at himself for a while, and then left the conscription office directly.

"Eventually, you're going to go down this road, Steve"

Bruce sighed secretly in his heart, and the good mood just now was diluted a lot.

Seeing Steve walking towards him with an excited face, Bruce smiled wryly, got up and walked towards him.

"You silly boy."

"What? Bruce, are you speaking Chinese? Please, I don't understand!"

"Nothing, I mean, congratulations, little one."

"Thanks, Bruce, that's what I want, you know, haha! I'll write to you when Bucky and I win the battle in Europe!"

"Well, maybe in the future you will 'fight side by side' with a group of beautiful girls for a period of time, don't expect too much to go to the battlefield for the time being, Steve."

"Are you saying that I will be loved by girls in the future? I like this compliment, Bruce! But I must go to the battlefield, definitely."

Bruce looked at Steve with a firm expression, and couldn't help but silently mourned for him for two seconds.

"When you bring a group of girls to sell war bonds all over the United States, I will comfort you, brother, I promise."

 Something has delayed the update these days, sorry everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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