Marvel’s Journey Begins with X-Men

Chapter 36

Trask Industries is also a customer of Carnegie Alloys, and the company collects its primary data.

It's just that for more secretive information, special people need to be arranged to collect it.

The information in front of me does not involve the secrets of Trask Industrial's core, but it can still be seen that although this company is not large in scale, its background is not simple.

Not only does it have deep cooperation with the U.S. Congress and the military, but it also has deep connections with Europe.

On the surface, they are developing war robots, but in fact they are mostly still researching sentinel robots!

Just one day later, the details of Trask Industries were on Norton's desk.

Including the core secret of Trask Industries, the base where Sentinel robots are researched and produced!

Find what you need most and the rest won’t matter.

Norton put down the document, saw Yuna next to him, and suddenly invited him:"Yuna, please accompany me this time!"

Yuna thought she was just going on a trip, so she casually asked:"Where are you going?"

"Go time travel!"Norton replied casually.

"To... travel in time? Only then did Yuna react and immediately refused:

"Let Ruiwen accompany you! She is more helpful in another world, and I can't help much even if I go there!"

"Ruiwen can't do it. It's not suitable to take her there this time. You are indispensable this time!"Norton looked solemn.

"All right!"Yuna had a bright smile on her face.

There is also a Raven in the time branch that Norton is going to. He doesn't know what impact it will have if the two Ravens meet?

The consequences are unknown and uncontrollable, and Norton is not sure when the time will come. Being able to control the consequences involves time and space after all.

So Norton is not going to take Raven with him this time to completely eliminate the possibility of accidents!

The security of the Trask Industries research base is very tight, especially for mutants.

This research base The research on mutants is very deep, and X-gene detectors are almost everywhere, but these things have no effect on Norton and the others.

Trask Industries' current X-gene detector can only detect active X genes.

And Norton and the others After condensing the law runes, the X gene can be silenced at any time.

Of course, the main reason is that the genetic testing instrument is a remotely controlled technological device!

With Norton's strength, this base cannot stop him, but this time he The purpose is to find things, so there is no need to break in.

The spiritual eye and the door allow Norton to enter the base quietly, and the Phantom and 007 make Norton feel like no one is in the base. The first thing Norton found was the latest generation. Sentry robot.

There is a shadow of the sentry robot in Norton's memory, but the actual combat effectiveness is far from it.

The sentry robot in front of you can already simulate the X ability of mutants, but the switching process is very slow, and there are only a few types. The change is not so much a simulation as it is switching between several fixed modes.

The most important thing is that the sentry robot simulates the X ability of mutants and consumes its own energy. When the energy is exhausted, it will instantly collapse.

Norton watched. In the field experiment, the Sentinel robot collapsed in less than three minutes!

With current energy technology, it is impossible to support the massive energy consumption of the Sentinel robot.

"This is not simulating mutants' X abilities at all, but the effect of simulating mutants' X abilities!"Norton saw through the nature of the sentry robot at a glance.

This kind of thing, even if it develops for another hundred years, will not become a natural enemy that mutants cannot defeat!

Norton continued to wander around the base and took a thorough look at all the secrets of the base..

It wasn’t until the showroom of the research base that Norton found today’s goal!

Norton saw the plot trajectory on the first sentinel robot, as well as the vaguely visible time tributaries. The same reaction was also found in the design manuscript next to it.

This is Key nodes, through which one can accurately travel to the time branch of"X-Men: Days of Future Past".

However, Norton did not take them away. He only first decomposed them and then restored them to their original appearance. In the process, he The contained space-time information is brought out.

This space-time information is what Norton really needs.

With this information, Norton does not have to travel near the node like last time. He can go home and find an absolutely safe place to travel again.

"After Yuna and I leave, Serena will be in charge of the academy and there is no need to make any adjustments; Nova Team, please take care of it, Riven, reduce the frequency of operations and let them all come back to make up lessons.……"Norton explained it again before traveling through time.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of them!"Ruiwen assured.

The science of space and time has not broken through to the fifth level. Norton still cannot make time and space beacons, but can only make information beacons, so the time of return cannot be accurately controlled and can only be guaranteed within one year. The time and space channel is opened again, Norton nodded to Serena and the others, and then pulled Yuna into the passage.

Walking out of the time and space passage, this time traveling on a spacious street, but the street was dilapidated, silent, and there were no lights in sight. It was even worse than an alley. Dim.

Even in the dim night, you can see dozens of high-rise buildings on both sides of the street.

But there are no lights in these buildings.

It all looks very weird!

"This place looks like the ruins of a city after the war. Within ten kilometers, I didn’t feel a single living person!"Yuna worriedly told Norton what she had discovered.

Yuna's level 4 soul protection does not have offensive power, but it is instinctive to feel the fluctuations in the human soul.

There are only two possibilities for not feeling the fluctuations in the soul, or everyone's soul They were all blocked, or there was no living person within ten kilometers.

With the strange environment all around, and Yuna's information, Norton basically determined the node he traveled through:

"This is really a wasteland of war!"

"What war?"Yuna doesn't remember such a tragic war in history.

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