Marvel's Descendants Of Gods And Demons

Chapter 163: Blow Up The Dark Star?

Star-Lord Peter's Flight fighter was about to rush into the large hole under the Dark Star when it was hit by a stray bullet in the tail, making it difficult to control.

After flying into the Dark Star, the shell of Star-Lord Peter's fighter plane scratched the ground and kept emitting sparks, but it still rushed towards Lu Yu at an extremely fast speed.

"Give it! Give it!" Star-Lord Peter, whose face turned pale, saw Lu Yu in front of him, and kept pulling the brake valve in a panic.

When the brake valve was constantly being pulled up, several arcs appeared and it completely lost its function.

"I swear I didn't mean it!" Star Lord Peter threw away the broken brake valve control rod in his hand and glanced around, trying to find other ways to stop the Flight fighter.

Seeing that the Flight fighter was about to hit Lu Yu, he still couldn't find any reliable way. The spare brake valve lever on the passenger seat fell to the ground at some point.

"God bless, no, Goddess of Death has to bless me. I hope I won't be so unlucky in the next life..." Star Lord Peter looked at Lu Yu who was getting bigger and bigger, and simply gave up flying the fighter. With the thought of stopping, I closed my eyes in despair.

He definitely didn't think that the Flight fighter plane would explode and kill Lu Yu when it collided with him.

The reason why Star-Lord Peter is desperate is that even though he had no choice but to crash into Lu Yu in his flight plane, it still undoubtedly meant that he would have a head-on confrontation with Lu Yu, the King of Hell. ah!

In Star-Lord Peter's understanding, Lu Yu is Samael, the King of Hell, an existence that can compete with the Almighty God! And he is just a stronger mortal. How can he still win against the King of Hell? A way to survive?

Star-Lord Peter feels in his heart that even if he immediately becomes a devout believer in God, God probably won’t be able to break him!

"Star-Lord? What the hell is he doing?"

In a small space, facing the Flight fighters approaching him at high speed, Lu Yu quickly regained his composure after the initial shock.

"I said..." Lu Yu slowly raised his hand, and his eyes were suddenly filled with red dotted with golden light.

At this moment, the distance between the Flight fighter and him was less than twenty meters, and the strong airflow had already lifted Lu Yu's clothes, flying wildly.


Words as majestic as an Oracle came out of Lu Yu's mouth. As Lu Yu finished speaking, the Flight fighter plane, which was charging like a runaway beast, suddenly stopped!

It’s no more than ten centimeters away from Lu Yu’s palm!

The roar of artillery fire sounded in the sky. Countless metal debris fell from the sky one after another, and the smoke of war filled the sky above the entire planet Xandar.

"Bang! Bang!"

"I am so wise and powerful that I cannot die in such a remote place." Rocket Raccoon struggled to control the Flight fighter and kept shooting at the surrounding Necron warships, trying to escape from the Necron warship squad that surrounded him.

"Could these sons of bitches split and reproduce? There's no end to this fight!" Big beads of sweat fell from Rocket Raccoon's forehead, and his eyes were full of nervousness.

As time goes by, the range in which Rocket Raccoon's Flight fighter can move becomes smaller and smaller. Every time he destroys an undead warship, more undead warships will rush towards him.

Just when the artillery fire net was about to cover the Rocket Raccoon fighter plane, several bright golden energy balls suddenly shot out from a distance!

In the blink of an eye, the energy balls transformed into golden mesh energy shields, blocking Rocket Raccoon's fighter planes and artillery fire, and withstanding the Necrocannon attacks for Rocket Raccoon's fighter planes.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Golden missiles were launched from a Nova Legion warship, accurately hitting the Necron warships surrounding the Rocket Raccoon fighter jets, exploding all the Necron warships (aded) into flying wreckage!

Black dust filled the sky, mixed with firelight, and it looked even gorgeous at first glance.

"Leave this to us, I hope you won't let us down!"

A proud but not forceful voice came from the communication channel of Rocket Raccoon Fighter H. This is the voice of the commander of the Nova Corps.

Before that, he personally sent Star-Lord Peter, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, and Tree Man Groot to the cosmic prison.

At this moment, facing the accuser Roland's plan to destroy the entire Xandar planet, he, who has always regarded the laws of the universe as his life creed, had to choose to fight side by side with prisoners like Rocket Raccoon who had escaped from prison.

"Hey! Look at it, man!"

Rocket Raccoon, who was almost hit by the Necron Cannon and turned into a roasted raccoon, let out a heavy breath, gritted his teeth and stared at the overwhelming Necromancer warships outside, and shouted in a crazy tone, "I will let the Dark Star The trumpet turns into a ball of blooming fireworks, giving you Xandar people an unforgettable spectacle!"

After saying that, Rocket Raccoon's fighter plane deflected and dived towards Dark Starway!

"That brainless rat, what does he want to do?" Gamora was skillfully manipulating the Flight fighter, shooting down the undead warships one after another, and asked Drax the Destroyer, who was sitting next to him, in confusion. .

"If I remember correctly, he is a raccoon." Drax, who did not know how to operate a fighter plane or use the weapons on the fighter plane, sat in the co-pilot's seat and touched his thigh uncomfortably. , replied with an uncertain tone, "He seemed to have said before that he assembled some kind of particle cannon, the kind that can directly blow up the internal power device of any spacecraft.

"Can you tell me what the power device is?" Drax turned his head and looked at Gamora.

"That's what makes the spaceship run normally!" Gamora suddenly grasped the control column and pushed their Flight fighter downwards rapidly.

Gamora identified the direction in which Rocket Raccoon was flying, and accelerated the speed of the Flight fighter plane's dive. "Peter just entered that spaceship! Does this idiot want to throw Peter to death together?"

Because their Flight fighter had been hit by a Necrocannon before, many auxiliary systems had been damaged, so she was unable to activate the communication channel to talk to Rocket Raccoon.

Groot, the tree man sitting at the back of the Flight fighter, stuck his head to the front and said to Gamora in a dull voice, "I am Groot!"

"The raccoon is not here." Drax pushed Groot's head back and waved his hand helplessly, "No one can translate what you said."

Groot sat back down in frustration. He actually wanted to remind Gamora and Drax that Lu Yu, the big Angel-looking man, was also on the Dark Star. Rocket Raccoon's attempt to blow up the Dark Star's power unit is likely to affect and annoy Lu Yu. .

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