Marvel Universe Template

Chapter 44 Preparations before the war

Chapter 44 Preparation before the war

"Use all your power to find them and contact the government. Hubao believes that they will not just sit back and let these two super villains mess around here." Qin Ge said with a smile.

Norman nodded, "That's true. I'll contact them right away."

"Yes. Determine their location as soon as possible. The tritium element Otto snatched is very large, so the corresponding nuclear fusion reaction instrument will also be very large. The only place in New York City where such a huge instrument can be installed without being easily discovered is along the coast. ." Qin Ge rubbed his thumb and index finger, which was Qin Ge's habit when thinking.

"In other words, we only need to survey the coastal zone," Norman said.

"That's right." Qin Ge nodded.

"I'll contact the government right away."

"it is good."


A deserted island outside of New York City.

Otto got off the speedboat and walked quickly onto the island holding a container containing tritium elements.

After arriving at the base and placing the tritium elements, Otto began to build a huge nuclear fusion reaction instrument.

Not long after Otto started taking action, a torrent of sand and dust flew over. Otto just glanced at it casually and then looked away.

The torrent of sand and dust came to Otto and gathered in the shape of Matt, standing there.

"Did you get the tritium element?" Matt said in surprise.

Otto glanced sideways at Matt, pointed to the tritium element container placed on the table not far away, and said nothing.

Matt looked a little embarrassed. He assured himself that he could get the tritium element, but in the end he lost the chain. Really are……

Although Otto didn't say anything, Matt felt extremely embarrassed.

"They found my weakness and attacked me with a water cannon." Matt tried to defend himself and prove that he was not ineffective.

"It doesn't matter." Otto shook his head. "At least I got the tritium and the results are good, that's all."

Matt's strength is still needed now, and Otto has no intention of falling out with him. Without Matt, he couldn't deal with Qin Ge, let alone the Green Devil and Spider-Man?

It would be an unwise decision to break up with Matt now.

"What do you need me to do?" Matt asked, wanting to make up for his mistakes in other ways.

"Guard the deserted island and kill everyone who is close to the island. The nuclear fusion reaction instrument I need is very large and takes more than a day to make. If it is discovered during this time, a missile will bomb it and it will be all over." Otto He said without looking back.

"Okay." Matt also understood that humans' advanced weapons and missiles were indeed not something they could withstand.

After saying that, Matt turned into a torrent of sand and flew out.

Otto looked back and then concentrated on doing his own thing.


On the other side, Norman, as a giant in the biological field in the world today, the creator of human body enhancement drugs, and the chairman of the Osborne Group, he easily contacted the President of the United States and told what happened. Gained support from the military.

With the support of the army, things will be much easier to handle. Norman asked the army to conduct a blanket search along the coast of New York City, hoping to find the hidden Otto and Matt.

However, a massive sweep of New York City's coastal areas yielded no trace of Otto and Matt.

On the rooftop of Osborne Tower.

"Strange, he couldn't hide in other cities, right?" Norman frowned.

Qin Ge stood aside, also looking puzzled.

It's strange that the army didn't find Otto and Matt wherever they hid.

To be honest, this is something Qin Ge didn't expect at all. Originally, he thought that even if Matt and Otto could hide, they would not be able to hide from the army's search, but judging from the facts, that didn't seem to be the case?

"Are you sure all coastal areas have been searched?"

"I even sent people to the sewers in coastal areas."

Having said this, it shows that these two people are indeed no longer in the coastal area.

"Where will they be?" Qin Ge thought with a frown. Frowning, he looked at the distant sky.

"If I were Otto, where would I hide?" Qin Ge's brain was running rapidly, trying to find some overlooked clues.

Norman also frowned. These two people are a scourge and must be solved as soon as possible. The artificial sun produced by a nuclear fusion reaction instrument half the size of a room almost destroyed the entire Osborne Building. If not controlled, it can even affect To Manhattan Island!

What if it was a nuclear fusion reaction instrument the size of a three-story building? An artificial sun produced by an instrument of this scale could definitely threaten the entire New York!

"Otto's obsession is to complete the nuclear fusion reaction. He doesn't want to destroy New York. Matt just wants to cure his daughter. His daughter has been secretly transferred by the army. He doesn't know where his daughter is now."

"If you want to find his daughter, it's obviously unrealistic to search for it on your own. Moreover, it's obvious that his daughter was secretly transferred by the army and they couldn't hide it from Matt. So how can we get them to hand over their daughter obediently?" Qin Ge Simulate what happened in your mind.

"It is unrealistic to simply rely on force to break into the army. Although Matt has extremely powerful immortality, he is unable to resist weapons of this level such as missiles. Therefore, this method will not work."

"Otto is not very powerful. It is impossible for Matt to join forces with him because of his strength. Matt came to Osborne for the tritium element, which means..."

Qin Ge suddenly paused when he thought of this. He felt as if he had grasped the point.

"Matt is helping Otto make a nuclear fusion reaction instrument. He needs Otto to create an artificial sun. Otto's nuclear fusion reaction formula is wrong, and it is not a problem with the instrument. I mentioned it to Matt and he knows it. , then his purpose..."

Qin Ge's eyes lit up.

"Otto was blinded by obsession and couldn't see himself clearly. But Matt knew it very well, but he still chose to help Otto. In other words, Matt wanted Otto to create an artificial sun. This threatens all of New York. Then it all makes sense."

Qin Ge exhaled.

"Matt teamed up with Otto to help Otto conduct nuclear fusion reaction experiments, so that he could create a huge artificial sun. This artificial sun could threaten the entire New York. Matt could use this as a threat to get the army to release people. "

"It's just that Matt doesn't know that there is no way to stop the artificial sun once it is formed. In other words, Matt doesn't know that the artificial sun is not controllable."

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