Marvel Universe Template

Chapter 140 The mysterious template

Chapter 140 The mysterious template

"...You quite like playing with words." Qin Ge shook his head and said.

"Average." Tony waved his hand, "What's yours?"

"The Avengers plan."

"Yes, the Avengers plan. When will we report?"

"Wait for my notification." Qin Ge said, ignoring the reminder sound in his head.

"Okay, let's go without seeing you off."

Qin Ge raised his eyes and glanced at Tony who was teasing Edith. He was such a rude guy.

He shook his head and turned to leave.


"Rolthas, go to S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Okay, General."

Leaning on the back seat of the car, Qin Ge closed his eyes and rested, but actually contacted the system.

"Ding! Plane mission 1: Restart the Avengers plan and preside over the formation of the Avengers. Completed. Mission reward: a random ability template."

"Do you want to extract the ability template?"


"Extracting ability templates..."

"The ability template extraction is complete."

"please check."


Competency template

Name: God-killing Trident

True Name: Hidden (The name of the artifact is hidden. When you can unlock the true name of the artifact, it will be the time when this artifact shakes the universe again.)

Special abilities: God-killing power (details), hiding

Introduction: The projection of a powerful person's artifact, which can be used three times. The power is extremely powerful, and there is a certain chance of inducing the main body. Host please use with caution.

Origin: Scarab Marvel Parallel Universe

"You were actually able to get this template..." the system said with some surprise.

"What do you mean?" Qin Ge was also confused. Didn't you make this template?

"The core instructions of this system include commands that cannot affect the extraction of templates. Any template extracted by the host is completely random."

"That's right. What about this template?"

"This is a fifth-level template." The system said.

"Fifth level?" Qin Ge was surprised, good guy, he won the big prize!

and many more!

Qin Ge suddenly became excited and his eyes fell on the word projection.

"System...this projection?"

"As the host thought, this template is not the God-killing Trident itself, but the projection of this artifact."


projection? The projection is only fifth level, but what about the body? Isn’t it determined to be the sixth level? Damn it...what kind of luck is this?

Why do I feel like my luck has become so bad since I got the system?

"This system is also surprised that the host can actually draw this template."

"Check the power of killing gods." Qin Ge said with excitement.

God-killing power: The most mysterious power in the known universe. It has the ability to destroy all gods. Even fourth- and fifth-level gods will still fall if they are accidentally injured by weapons with god-killing power. possibility.

God-killing power, as the name suggests, is a power that exists specifically to kill gods.

"Gulu..." Qin Ge blinked. Why does this weapon feel more powerful than the Sun Wukong template... The power of killing gods sounds so powerful.

"The power of killing gods is one of the most powerful forces in the known universe, and it is also the most mysterious force. The host only got this template through bad luck."

"What's going on with hiding this real name?" Qin Ge asked.

"Literally. Artifacts of this level are extremely spiritual. Their intelligence is no less than that of their hosts. And they all have their own names. Ordinary people are not qualified to know their real names. Because only by liberating the real names can we Really unleashing the full power of these artifacts.”

"I'm still an ordinary person..." Qin Ge's mouth twitched, thinking unhappily.

"You haven't reached the strongest level yet, aren't you an ordinary person in front of this divine weapon?"

Well, I'm speechless.

"What does this Scarab Marvel parallel universe mean?" Qin Ge asked again.

"I told you that there are many parallel universes in Marvel, and the host is only one of them."

"Yeah." Qin Ge nodded. The system did say that.

"When a strong person is strong enough to transcend the universe and becomes the controller of this universe, the universe will be named by that strong person's surname."

"You mean, this Scarab is the surname of this powerful man who transcends the universe?" Qin Ge asked.

"Yes. This is also the owner of the God-killing Trident you just extracted. An extremely powerful man."

"Is he the most powerful one in the Marvel universe you said?" Qin Ge asked curiously.

"not him."

"What?" Qin Ge was confused. A super boss with six-level weapons was not the strongest yet. So how terrifying is the strongest one?

"The strongest one is almost on the verge of transcendence." The system spoke of this person with great respect. Although Qin Ge didn't know what transcendence was, judging from his past experience of reading fantasy novels, this was absolutely awesome. He is a super boss.

"It's useless for you to know this now. The Marvel Universe is just a springboard, a springboard that allows you to become a truly strong person. But if you want to become a truly strong person, you still need to... forget it."

Qin Ge's face darkened, this bastard system is like this again. Halfway through, he held it back. What a pinch

"If you don't say it, don't say it." Qin Ge said angrily. "This special ability is also hidden. Does it mean that by freeing my name, I can use other special abilities?"


"How to get the true name of the artifact?"

"do not know."

"What the hell?" Qin Ge opened his eyes wide, wondering?

"The true name release method of each artifact is different, and I don't know the release method of the God-killing Trident," the system said. If it had a physical body, it might spread its arms.

"What's the use of you..." Qin Ge complained speechlessly.

The fifth-level template... has a great chance of reaching the sixth level after liberation. How could Qin Ge resist this kind of temptation? The feeling of using the fifth-level template Sun Wukong at the beginning is still echoing in the body. That kind of powerful power is really intoxicating...

However, although there is no way to liberate the true name for a while, even in the hidden state, there is level 5, which should be enough to deal with ordinary threats.

Facing this battle in Manhattan, Qin Ge felt more confident. At least he won't die from various unknown AoE.

Ignoring the system, Qin Ge slowly opened his eyes.

"Rolthas, how long until we get to SHIELD."

"There are three minutes left, General. We have already entered SHIELD's jurisdiction for four minutes." Rolzas replied meticulously.

"Yeah." Qin Ge responded, turning to look at the scene flashing outside the window.

The Avengers have been formed, and the next year will be full preparation for this crucial Battle of Manhattan.

"The Battle of Manhattan..."

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