Marvel: The Strongest Villain

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 The background music changes when you talk

“Just grab it and run, it’s really exciting!”

Seeing a group of people yelling, screaming, screaming and chasing after him, Su Sheng carried the people with a smile and jumped directly from the police car that had heard the news. The police in the car came down in a hurry and wanted to continue the hunt, but Su Sheng had already got into the alley that he had come out before.

Then… the body vacated and jumped straight up.

Although he still can’t fly, this height is really nothing after copying Diana’s Ability.

A group of people panting and chasing into the alley, dumbfounded!

This is a dead end!

Where did people go?

You look at me, I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes.

With the crowd catching up with Lily, she quietly walked aside and went up to the roof from the building, where she hurriedly ran to the disciple to hide. Although it looked empty, Lilly touched the Disciple. With a long sigh of relief, the hatch slowly opened, and Lilly hurried up.

“I’m home.”

Su Sheng used a mantra lasso to tie the woman to the chair, and Lilly asked.

“Master, you…” Lilly didn’t know what to say.

“Occasionally running helps to keep your body healthy and in shape.” Su Sheng said with a grin. “Too fat, I don’t want you anymore.”

“Uh… I see.” Laili nodded and said yes for a moment.

Because she didn’t know if Su Sheng really didn’t want her, would he send her back to the original era to continue her original destiny or would he kill her altogether? After all, no one likes to use their private things for others, even if they don’t want them.

A grunt sounded from the unconscious woman’s mouth, she opened her eyes first and then shouted with excitement.

“Let go of me, you bastard!”

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not a bad person!” Su Sheng said to her with a smile.

This means that if there is no soundtrack, she will definitely yell to Su Sheng: Don’t lie to me, the background music changes when you talk!

“What’s your name?” Su Sheng asked softly.

“Laura…Laura-Juspek Zach, you, what did you do to me? Why did I…” Lauren looked at the golden light rope in horror, the burning sensation that made me want to answer. She couldn’t control what she was saying.

“Second Generation of Silk Soul?” Su Sheng asked again.

“Yes… how did you know?” Laura felt like schizophrenia, answering and questioning.

“It seems that the wrong person was not found!”

Su Sheng smiled.

The Watchmen is a superhero team composed of Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach, Pharaoh, comedian, Night Owl, and Silk Soul. As the only woman, Laura inherited her mother’s code name, Silk Soul, and became a little red among the green bushes.

“Where is Dr. Manhattan?”

Since the wrong person was not found, Su Sheng naturally asked the question that he most wanted to know the answer.

“He… he… he left the earth, no one… no one knows where he is.” Laura said uncontrollably.

“When did you leave? Why didn’t I see any reports about him.”

“After he became a Manhattan doctor, he… he has the ability to predict the future, knowing… knowing that one day in the future, someone will come to him and will use his ability to cause disaster to the world, so he… He left early. This person is…you, right?” Laura was sweating profusely, almost stumbling through her teeth before she said complete.

Su Sheng frowned.

In Dr. Manhattan’s long Ability list, there is indeed an item of predicting the future. This is not unusual. Gideon on the Multiplier can predict future results, not to mention the organization of the Lord of Time. . However, they only know what effect the deviation will have on the future after the deviation has occurred. Dr. Manhattan’s predictive Ability is even stronger, foreseeing the deviation before it occurs.

It is equivalent to always one step ahead!

Riding on the excitement and returning in defeat, Dr. Manhattan left the earth early because of himself. No wonder there is no news about him.

Originally, Su Sheng wanted Dr. Manhattan to go to the Soviet Firestorm for a while to see if he could blow up Firestorm with a snap of his fingers. After all, his wish was for world peace, but now it seems to be out of play. The ghost knows where he went after he left the earth. ? Go to Mars like a movie? He can leave the moon early, and he can leave Mars early.

Su Sheng uninterestedly took back the mantra lasso on Laura and waved his hand. “You go.”

Laura was so hot-tempered, and after regaining her freedom, she kicked Su Sheng in the past.

If you let me go, I will go?

Let’s not talk about the kidnapping. He may have something to do with Dr. Manhattan and Laura could not just leave like this.


The black high heels hit Su Sheng in the arm, and Su Sheng grabbed her and threw her out.


Laura slammed heavily on the ground and snorted, staring at Su Sheng who was a few meters away from her with an indifferent expression.

This person has a lot of strength

“Who the hell are you!” She got up and asked in a vigilant manner.

“Ask! What do you ask, you don’t even know me. You can’t do everything you hope to do, so you should do everything you can do!” Su Sheng was impatient Said.

“What, what do you mean?” Laura was a little confused.

“You can’t beat me, get out!” Su Sheng translated.


Laura unbuttoned angrily and took off her coat directly.

Su Sheng squinted. “What? I want shirtless to do it with me!”

Shirtless…follow me…

The sound of high 0.0 heels kicking on the ground, Laura rushed to Su Sheng instantly.

Laura was trained by her mother to fight with bare hands since she was a child. After adding the watchman, she participated in many missions, so she asked herself whether she was weaker than anyone. But she hasn’t met anyone who can sit down and block all her attacks with one hand, especially this person looks careless and boring!


Another blow came back in vain, Laura took a few steps back and stared at Su Sheng angrily.

“Do you know what life is?” Su Sheng suddenly asked Laura, but before Laura could speak, he answered by himself. “Life is, slap after slap, and then wake people up.”

“Are you awake?”

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