Marvel: The Strongest Villain

Chapter 530

Chapter 530 Invade Wakanda!

Wakanda will cease to exist?

Su Rui’s words stunned everyone. They were very clear about Su Rui’s ability in technology. Since she said that, it was definitely not alarmist.

“Is there a way to stop it?” T’Challa asked hurriedly.

Su Rui said solemnly: “I can try to create an energy insulating force field to see if I can cut off the control of the nanoworms or their actions.”

“Then hurry up, I’ll go to the mine!” T’Challa hurriedly turned around after speaking.

The king’s face was heavy.

Vibranium mine.

The appearance of a hundred Kryptonians and the magnetic red girl is simply a disaster for the guards of the mine. Wakanda retains the ancient customs. Although the technology is advanced and even more advanced than the outside world, the soldiers here still like to use cold weapon.

Definitely even using thermal weapons is useless. Kryptonians are steel bodies. After such a long time of training by the Big Bada, they can’t resist the wolf entering the sheep pen. In a blink of an eye, the guards here are completely resolved.

The magnetic red girl throws out something that looks like a toy. When it hits the ground, it turns into 15 huge amounts of transport ship. Some Kryptonians began to guard, some began to carry it, and they proceeded in an orderly manner.

T’Challa got on the plane and left the palace to go to the Vibranium Mine. It took a long time to see the fire on the ground, which was the wreckage of a transport ship. T’Challa looked angry, this damn invader, no matter who he was, he would let the blood pay for it.

“Help, help me…” A soldier struggled back from the wreckage and waved towards the plane in the air.

T’Challa decided to land after hesitation. Although he should rush to the Vibranium mine first, he can’t help his people. The plane fell slowly, and T’Challa ran out of it in a hurry, ran to the soldier’s side and helped her up.

“Are you okay? Also, is there anyone alive?”

“No, no more.” The soldier said weakly.

T’Challa’s expression dimmed slightly and just wanted to help the soldier get on the plane, but suddenly a strange smile appeared on the soldier’s face, which made T’Challa instantly have a bad premonition and hurriedly wanted to avoid it, but… Too late!


He felt the other party buckle a bracelet on his wrist, and the rapid change of the bracelet was like handcuffs, fixing his hands and spreading his whole body. In the blink of an eye, he was trapped and plunged into darkness. With the infusion of calming gas, T’Challa only felt that his thinking became more and more blurred, more and more blurred, and finally did not know anything.

Raven took the plane and sent T’Challa to the transport ship, and then prepared to go to the direction of the heart-shaped grass according to the position provided by General Hale. When she arrived, Fiora had already captured a priest, and at the same time he had almost collected the heart 550-shaped grass.

“The master ordered that Vibranium and the heart-shaped grass should be brought back. You can destroy this place but don’t destroy it. He has to use Wakanda to do other things.” Fiora said to Raven.

Raven nodded.

T’Challa was arrested, Su Rui was in a coma, and the king and the princess were also in a coma under the influence of Nanoworms. The only person who can preside over the overall situation is the captain of the guard. She has to organize people to disperse the people and deal with the invaders. It can be said to be busy. The duplication was lacking, and when she finally took people to the Vibranium mine, she was easily solved by the Kryptonians.

It’s messed up!

Wakanda was completely messed up.

Nanoworms are eating, and Wakanda’s people are panicking. Even if someone comes to the mine occasionally, there is no way to stop it.

“Almost there?”

Fiora and Raven came to the mine and asked.

“It’s still early. This is only partly mined, about one-tenth. It takes more transport ships and time to transport all of it, and it takes too long.”

“Enough, blow up the traces of this mine to bury the mining. The owner said that there is time for the rest to come and fetch it.”

“My task has been completed and I am ready to accept the team.”

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