Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 99 – Where it all began [2]

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The day after the presentation, Tony Stark's disappearance was officially announced. For Prime, the speed at which this happened wasn't surprising. After all, Tony Stark wasn't just a genius considered the 'Einstein' of the century, but also the leader of one of the world's most influential and wealthy companies.

Prime was still at the meeting location, specifically inside his private jet, where there was a small room for him to rest. Though keeping the jet parked longer was costly, it was nothing Prime couldn't easily afford. During this time, he did nothing but observe Tony Stark.

To be honest, Tony Stark was one of the reasons Prime had managed to amass so much wealth. A few hours after Stark's abduction, Prime felt strongly tempted to rescue him immediately. However, upon realizing Tony didn't seem to be in immediate danger, Prime decided to wait a bit longer. He wanted to observe and identify the hideouts of the group responsible for the kidnapping.

As Prime had predicted, Tony Stark was taken to a cave and forced to work for his captors, building more missiles. The most shocking moment for Prime was when he realized the kidnappers already had some Jericho missiles, the same ones Tony had recently showcased. This revelation raised a disturbing question in Prime's mind: how exactly did these criminals acquire such technology?.

As much as Prime pondered the situation, his thoughts always returned to the same name: Obadiah Stane. Prime didn't have concrete evidence initially, but Tony Stark's kidnapping made him suspect Obadiah even more. Determined to uncover the truth, Prime secretly deployed a small symbiote to monitor Obadiah.

And, as he suspected, Obadiah was indeed involved in Tony's kidnapping. Despite this discovery, Prime chose not to act immediately. He preferred to wait and see how Tony would react upon discovering the betrayal before taking any action against Obadiah.

Either way, Tony had no choice but to do what the terrorists demanded. He began working on manufacturing more missiles, while Prime closely watched his movements. For a few days, Prime wondered if Tony would really surrender so easily. He knew Tony wasn't a fighter, but Tony's apparent submission seemed odd.

It didn't seem like the Tony Prime knew at all. Something was wrong. Moreover, another man was with Tony in the cave, someone who seemed to be there before Tony's arrival. Initially, Prime didn't understand the language the kidnappers spoke, but within a few hours, he managed to decipher it completely. With this new understanding, Prime discovered that Tony's cellmate was named Ho Yinsen.

(I wonder how long they'll be able to hide that they're not really building the missile) thought Prime, a playful smile forming on his lips.

Regardless, Prime was prepared to intervene if things went wrong. His gaze slowly turned to the jet's window, which was now at a slightly higher altitude. Prime had decided to head home; after all, if he really needed to save Tony, he couldn't do it without Sara nearby, especially with all the weaponry the terrorists possessed.

As these thoughts passed through Prime's mind, he continued to observe Tony and Ho Yinsen. Tony was clearly engaged in creating something, though Prime wasn't sure what it was. He was sure it wasn't related to the missile the terrorists were demanding. As he watched, Prime noticed Tony focused on assembling a complex structure, a project that seemed to have been ongoing for some time.

But it finally seemed to be coming together, whatever it was he was doing. Prime watched closely as Tony's invention, which seemed to be some kind of core, took shape. Prime didn't exactly know what Tony would use it for, but it was clear it wasn't for the terrorists' demanded missile. Moreover, the device seemed to generate a significant amount of energy.

Prime was genuinely surprised by that. How exactly had Tony managed to assemble that device using only scraps? Prime wasn't exactly a physicist or anything; if asked, he was more inclined towards medicine. Of course, he didn't have standard medical knowledge anyway.

As it seemed Tony's plan would take some more time, Prime decided to focus on other matters, switching off his little bat symbiote's view. Prime pondered his next steps. Even if Tony managed to escape on his own, he still risked being captured again. He decided, then, to help him at this moment, assuming Tony's plan succeeded.

But that also raised another question: how would he explain being there at that exact moment? That would certainly be extremely suspicious and would equate to revealing himself completely. However, Prime wasn't particularly concerned about that. It's not like he wanted to live his whole life hidden. Moreover, from what Prime could observe of Tony's personality, he didn't seem like the type to just spill secrets.

(Furthermore, Tony seems to be acting a bit different compared to before)

Prime might be mistaken, but it seemed that Tony was gradually changing. Of course, anyone would change after going through what Tony was facing. However, ironically, even while maintaining his indifferent attitude, Tony seemed to be starting to care about what was happening around him.

From Prime's perspective, this change was positive. After all, the Tony Prime knew was superficial and seemed not to care about what was happening around him — someone who, despite having everything, seemed to have nothing. It was a paradox that intrigued Prime.

Some time later, Prime was back home, and New York seemed exactly as he remembered. His car was already waiting for him in the airport parking lot. Without wasting time, Prime began to drive quickly towards his apartment, where Sara, Annie, and Ema awaited him. With a slight smile on his lips, Prime pressed on the accelerator.

A few minutes later, standing outside his apartment, Prime entered and headed for the elevator. As he waited for the doors to open on his floor, he briefly closed his eyes, connecting once again to the senses of the bat symbiote. An image formed in his mind, the sharp vision of the bat.

Tony was in the cave, hammering away at something with determination. Prime instructed the bat to fly closer, attempting to see what Tony was building. As the bat moved, Tony picked up his project and carried it over to a water reservoir. He placed it on the table where Ho Yinsen seemed to be working on something. Watching closely, Prime focused his vision on what was happening.

It was a mask made of metal. Prime wasn't sure of the material, but at first glance, it seemed like just scrap. However, an idea started to form in Prime's mind about what Tony was creating. A small smile crept onto the corner of his lips.

As the elevator opened, Prime stepped out and walked to his apartment door. Entering the passcode, he walked in to find Sara and Annie on the couch: Sara absorbed in her phone as usual, while Annie seemed focused on her studies.

Annie and Sara immediately noticed Prime's presence as he entered, almost as if they had sensed his return to New York. Turning to him, Sara was the first to speak.

"I thought you wouldn't be back so soon. Did you change your mind suddenly?" Sara asked.

"I didn't change my mind suddenly, just the situation required a new approach. Anyway, get ready, we're going out" Prime said with a smile on his lips.

Upon hearing this, Annie became curious and interested in going as well, especially now that she also possessed the same powers as Sara and her father.

"Can I come too?" Annie asked, with evident interest in her voice.

Hearing Annie's question, Prime pondered for a few seconds before responding.

"Normally I wouldn't see a problem, since you have the Scream, but it'll be better if you stay with Ema for now" Prime explained.

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