Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 96 – Future demonstration

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Prime was sitting on the couch in the middle of his living room, typing away on his notebook at superhuman speed. Annie, Ema, and Sara were at school, leaving Prime alone in the spacious apartment. However, he didn't mind. He had spent much of his life alone, as far back as he could remember.

Despite being accustomed to solitude throughout his life, Prime couldn't help but notice the strangeness of being alone after spending so much time in the company of Sara, Annie, and Ema. He enjoyed the peace, but he had to admit he preferred when the house was full and lively with Sara and the two new additions to the family.

Speaking of which, Prime usually couldn't stray far from Sara due to the symbiotic bond they shared. However, he had recently discovered that this limit had expanded. Though they still couldn't be in different countries, Prime now realized they could maintain a significantly greater distance than before, almost covering the entire city.

Currently, Prime continued to focus on his project of building a pharmaceutical company. However, there was another matter that also captured his attention. On the table, a newspaper headline featured an upcoming demonstration that Tony Stark would be conducting in a few days to showcase one of his new inventions. Prime couldn't help but pay attention to this.

There weren't many details beyond the headline about Tony Stark's demonstration. However, it was widely known that Stark was heavily associated with weapon creation. The public often referred to him as the "Merchant of War" a nickname that reflected his reputation. At least, that's what most ordinary people knew about him.

As one of the top investors, Prime had access to additional information about Tony Stark's demonstration. Besides being one of the major backers, he had also received an invitation to attend the presentation.

Honestly, Prime wasn't particularly interested, but with nothing better to do, it seemed sensible to take the opportunity to see firsthand what he was investing in.

Prime leaned back on the couch, briefly reflecting on the information he had received. Although it wasn't a topic he usually discussed with the girls, considering it probably wouldn't generate much interest, there was something notable: Obadiah Stane, one of the founders of Stark Industries, had been trying to hire Prime for some time.

Prime used to ignore Obadiah Stane's invitations, always claiming to be busy or giving similar excuses. However, Obadiah's persistence seemed suspicious in Prime's eyes.

While Stane wasn't explicit about his intentions, it was quite obvious he was trying to outmaneuver or undermine Tony Stark. Prime didn't know the details, but something seemed off, as if there were hidden motives or shady maneuvers behind Stane's constant invitations.

Prime's suspicion heightened upon receiving the location of Tony Stark's next demonstration. For someone who typically held events in major cities, it was strange that this time the presentation was in the middle of nowhere.

Prime couldn't imagine Tony choosing such an isolated location willingly. This left Prime with only one possible conclusion, which he didn't like. He sincerely hoped his thoughts were wrong.

Prime sighed lightly and decided to set the matter aside for now. He thought it best to focus on his work. At the moment he made that decision, the sound of the front door unlocking echoed in his ears, despite the distance his heightened senses clearly picked up the noise.

"I'm home!" Sara announced as she entered the living room. Quickly, she tossed her backpack on the floor next to the couch and flopped down.

"Welcome back. Where are Annie and Ema? You usually come back together" Prime asked, without pausing his typing on the notebook.

Upon hearing Prime's words, Sara let out a brief yawn and then, as she stretched on the couch with a radiant smile, replied.

"They went to a new ice cream shop that opened up. Ema seemed excited, and Annie wanted to take her. I decided to let them have some time together since I was tired" Sara shrugged.

Upon hearing this, Prime paused his typing and turned his gaze to Sara. He found her smiling at him, with a suggestive expression on her face, but that wasn't the topic he was going to address.

"You rarely seem tired. Since we became symbiote and host, I've never heard you complain about fatigue" Prime said, raising an eyebrow.

"I know, but they two don't know that yet. Annie is still getting used to this whole symbiote thing. Soon she'll realize that no matter how much effort she puts in, she won't get tired" Sara said, stretching again.

Prime sighed at Sara's words and ignored her, returning to what he was doing. Sensing this, Sara turned to him with a curious look and asked.

"What are you doing?" innocently.

"It's nothing much, just work stuff... Well, I'm prepping for it" Prime said as he grabbed the newspaper and tossed it to Sara.

Taking the newspaper, Sara quickly identified the main headline. After setting the newspaper aside, she grabbed her phone and began researching more about the topic. Watching this, Prime sighed briefly.

Even with the effort to bring the newspaper, Sara always ended up resorting to her phone. Thinking about it, a laugh escaped Prime's lips, finding the contrast between her addiction and her exemplary academic performance amusing.

"I guess I tried" Prime reflected, letting the matter drop with a slight sigh.

A few minutes passed as Sara examined her phone, absorbing all the available information on the subject. Without taking her eyes off the screen, she then asked.

"Seriously, are you going? I don't think you'd be looking into this if you weren't thinking of going"

"I received some additional information about it" Prime shrugged. "It's not like I'm particularly interested, but I also don't have anything better to do at the moment. Oddly enough, I learn pretty quickly, so practically any knowledge is easily absorbed by me. Figured I might as well take a look at what I'm investing in, just to pass the time"

Hearing Prime's words, Sara let out a small laugh, finding it typical of him. She reflected that most of the time, Prime invested in something without a real interest in its progress, merely aiming for potential profit.

"Well, have fun" Sara simply said.

Hearing Sara's words, Prime raised an eyebrow, expecting another personal reaction from her.

"Aren't you going to ask if you can come along?" Prime questioned.

"No, I mean, it would be weird if I did, wouldn't it? And in the middle of the desert, on top of that. I really don't want to go to such a remote and random place" Sara explained with a sigh.

Though he didn't express it, Prime entirely agreed with her thoughts. In fact, he also suspected something was amiss in the situation. However, Prime saw no significant reasons to interfere. From his perspective, Tony Stark was narcissistic and egocentric. Despite this, Prime acknowledged there were solid reasons for such self-assessment; after all, Stark was practically a genius.

In light of all this, Prime saw no reason not to attend. In the end, he decided to go and check out the location. Besides, it would be his first public appearance at one of the companies he invested in. Prime's thoughts were all focused on the expectation that this would be at least an interesting experience, or at least that's what he hoped for.

As all these thoughts flowed through his mind, Prime heard the door being unlocked again. This time, two distinct sets of footsteps echoed through the room, and Prime didn't have to think long to know who had arrived.

"Hey, Daddy!" exclaimed Ema, excited as always, upon spotting Prime on the couch.

A slight smile lit up Prime's face, anticipating that the house would become lively again in the coming hours.

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