Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 9 – The possible new mutant

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Sara didn't know why Prime seemed so confident in his words, but she decided to follow them nonetheless. In the end, if it didn't work out, she would just... not make it. What harm would it do to just try? With these thoughts in mind, Sara fixed her blue eyes on the stairs and prepared herself.

After taking a deep breath, Sara leaped and was surprised to realize the height she managed to jump. With a perplexed look on her face, she landed smoothly on the stairs, displaying superhuman strength. Initially, Sara barely thought she could reach halfway, but now that she had indeed succeeded, she could only hold her breath.

(Impressive, isn't it?)

Prime's words made the situation even more palpable. Slowly, a smile began to form on Sara's lips as she inquired.

"What else can I do?"

Upon hearing these words, Prime smiled playfully as his voice echoed in Sara's mind.

(Why don't you find out?)

Upon hearing these words, Sara quickly jumped towards the window next to the stairs. With agile movements, she began to climb, making small leaps from side to side until she reached the roof. Sara felt her body incredibly light, and with each jump, she experienced a sense of freedom, as if she were discovering what it really meant to be alive.

After that, Sara continued to jump from building to building. Unbeknownst to her, she now found herself in the central part of the city, on top of a ten-story building. Her legs swung gently as she observed the busy traffic below.

People walked back and forth, heading to their jobs, returning home, or meeting others. Nothing out of the ordinary, but still, Sara felt comfortable contemplating this everyday landscape.

"What would happen if I fell from this height?"

Sara suddenly asked while keeping her gaze on the sidewalk where people walked back and forth. It's not like she really wanted to jump, but the question just popped into her mind. Hearing this, Prime remained silent for a few seconds and then responded.

(Your physical strength has increased significantly. Even if you fall from this height, you would probably still come out unharmed)

Hearing these words, Sara let out a brief laugh, finding such a perspective somewhat funny.

"At this point, I don't even know if I should still consider myself human"


In a spacious room, a bald man was sitting in a strategically positioned wheelchair behind a desk, clearly indicating it was his office. At this moment, his eyes remained closed, suggesting that his mind was immersed in deep thoughts.

During this moment, the sound of knocks echoed on the door, breaking the man's concentration. Upon opening his eyes, he immediately directed his gaze to the entrance and uttered his words.

"Come in"

Upon uttering these words, the door gave way, revealing the figure of a athletically built man with unruly hair and a stubble. His gaze was serious and determined as he entered the room.

"Logan, please, have a seat. There's something important I need to discuss with you"

Upon hearing these words, Logan headed towards a chair positioned in front of the desk and settled in. Just like Professor Xavier, he was a mutant and worked at the school for gifted youngsters. Therefore, when summoned to Professor Xavier's office, Logan anticipated that something serious had happened.


Logan inquired, one eyebrow arched as he gazed at Xavier. Upon hearing Logan's words, Xavier pondered quietly on how to approach the matter; after all, he himself wasn't sure of what had happened. After a few brief seconds of silence, Xavier's voice echoed through the room.

"A few minutes ago, I sensed the emergence of a new mutant energy. It was like a candle that briefly lit up but was soon extinguished by the wind. I couldn't accurately gauge the power level of this new mutant, but I have the approximate location of where we can find them"

Upon hearing these words, Logan stood up and headed to the door. Xavier's inability to perceive the power level of this new mutant suggested that perhaps it wasn't an extraordinarily strong ability. However, Logan didn't care about that, the protection of mutants wasn't tied to the degree of power they possessed.

"I'll inform Storm about this and organize the preparation of some kids. It'll probably be easier to have a productive conversation with fewer adults involved"

As he uttered these words, Logan left the room, leaving Xavier immersed in his own thoughts. Frankly, Xavier sensed something beyond the mutant energy that dissipated quickly. It was extremely fleeting, but he detected something beyond the new mutant, although his power was promptly blocked by some unknown force. Xavier was left only with the hope that nothing harmful would occur.


"Why did you suddenly go silent? Did something happen?"

Sara asked, raising an eyebrow with a doubtful expression. They were walking and talking when Prime suddenly fell silent. Upon hearing Sara's question, Prime finally spoke up again.

(I... can't explain. I felt as if something was trying to invade our minds, so instinctively, I blocked the signal)

Prime's words left Sara even more confused.

"What? Do you mean someone just tried to read our minds or something? You know that mind-readers don't exist, right?"

Sara inquired, expressing disbelief. Prime remained silent for a few seconds after hearing Sara's words. Although she was correct, and that was the conventional wisdom, it seemed like Sara had forgotten something crucial.

(... Do you remember that I'm an alien goo capable of granting powers to you, right?)

Prime replied, emphasizing the extraordinary aspect of its own existence. Upon hearing these words, Sara simply wiped the smile off her face, remembering that the existence of something like an alien was also technically improbable.

(Anyway, we better keep walking. We need to find a place for you to stay, and you need to eat)

said Prime. Hearing these words, Sara resumed walking the sidewalks of New York.

"Easier said than done"

murmured Sara to herself.

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