Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 88 – Not option [3]

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(That sure can't be a good sign) Sara commented in Prime's mind.

As Sara had predicted, the shockwave hit the cart, causing it to dangerously sway. The people inside the cart were at risk. Although Prime didn't intend to create such a situation, it would be hypocritical to deny his responsibility in what happened.

In the end, Prime couldn't be careless. He wasn't going to take a beating for nothing, but he also couldn't let those people die. With an ironic smile on his face, Prime wondered when exactly he started to care so much about others. Initially, on the day he woke up in this body, he didn't even flinch after killing one of the scientists.

Prime first needed to get rid of the obstacle in front of him. Although he wasn't sure if his action would be effective, it was worth a try. With that thought in mind, Prime made two tentacles grow from his back, quickly grabbing Ross's arms, each one firmly holding one arm.

Although the difference compared to the past was minimal, it was enough for Prime to act. Within seconds, like a spider, Prime jumped over Ross, landing on his back. Fangs protruded from Prime's mouth, and as he bit Ross's neck, he began to inject his venom.

It's worth noting that Prime didn't know where the venom came from or what it was composed of. Although he was sure the venom was produced by his own body, he didn't exactly understand how this occurred. Furthermore, Prime wasn't sure about the lethality of the venom, but he imagined that by injecting a smaller amount, it would be less lethal.

Of course, Prime also considered that Ross probably had exceptional natural resistance and immunity to this type of attack. Therefore, theoretically, Prime could only paralyze him for a few minutes, but that would already be enough to resolve the current situation.

"What are you doing? Get off me!" Ross shouted as he tried to get rid of Prime.

However, Prime continued to inject his venom. After a few seconds, he realized that Ross was starting to weaken. Concluding that he had injected enough, Prime stopped the injection and jumped back onto the ride tracks, watching Ross fall.

"Go take a nap and see if you cool off, Mr. Tomato" Prime said as he watched Ross fall to the ground.

(Mr. Tomato? Are you serious? That was the best joke you could come up with?) Sara commented mentally to Prime, while struggling to contain her laughter.

Although he felt tempted to retort Sara's taunts, Prime chose to set that aside, as there was a more urgent issue at hand. It wasn't just because he couldn't think of a good excuse. With that reflection in mind, Prime jumped onto the tracks and quickly positioned himself in front of the cart, which was approaching at high speed.

(Okay, but now that we're in this situation, how exactly are we going to solve this?) Sara inquired, echoing in Prime's mind.

Unfortunately for Sara, her warning came too late for Prime. After all, Prime hadn't thrown himself in front of the cart with some premeditated plan. Although he was confident he could stop the cart with his physical strength, it would likely result in the carts derailing, which could trigger an even more serious accident.

The next scene unfolded with the cart running over Prime, dragging him along. Looking ahead of him, Prime found himself faced with two wide-eyed, surprised children, their eyes widened fixedly towards him.

(This must be the weirdest ride for them) Sara commented in Prime's mind.

Ignoring Sara's internal monologues, Prime advanced, climbing onto the edge of the cart. From his back, several tentacles emerged, slowly extending towards the passengers, tearing off the restraints holding the children. Prime's tentacles began to wrap around them, in a gradual action.

Of course, many children and teenagers were completely terrified by the situation. The prospect of death seemed to hover over them, especially with the cart swaying and trembling, on the verge of derailing in seconds. It was as if the reaper had arrived early to take them away.

(I feel like they're scared of you) Sara commented.

"You think? If a scary monster, almost two meters tall, suddenly appeared in front of me out of nowhere and started grabbing me with tentacles, I'd be terrified too" Prime retorted, with evident sarcasm.

After uttering these words, Prime carefully began to lift everyone. As soon as he confirmed they were all suspended and secure, he prepared to leap towards the ground. However, in the next instant, Prime's senses went into overdrive. He swiftly spun his body, raising his arms forward to form an improvised shield.

At that exact moment, Prime felt a powerful impact hit him head-on, breaking through his defense. As he was thrown backward, he caught a glimpse of Ross as the assailant. But something was off; Ross's body seemed incandescently red, his veins bulging, and his expression anything but welcoming.

(Is it just me, or does he seem extremely pissed off?) Sara asked, her voice conveying concern in Prime's mind.

"I honestly wish I could deny your words. Besides, do you think he's still in control?" Prime inquired, his arms transforming into hammers.

(He's completely out of control) Sara concluded.

As if reading Prime and Sara's thoughts, as if he were aligned with both, Ross advanced toward Prime with clenched fists. At the first impact, Prime felt an intense heat run through his arms, as if blazing rocks had struck them. Though Prime didn't doubt his resilience, he knew it wouldn't be wise to take many of those blows.

As Ross attempted to strike Prime, he skillfully evaded his blows, perhaps indicating that Ross was losing control. However, Prime noticed that Ross's attacks were becoming more straightforward and predictable, albeit paradoxically more powerful.

Despite Prime hearing the distressed cries of the children and teenagers ensnared by his tendrils, regrettably, he found himself powerless to reverse the situation. He recognized that even he was facing a tough dilemma.

"Sara, I'll transfer control of the tendrils to you. Set them down while I deal with our red friend" Prime said urgently in his voice, while defending against Ross's attacks.

(Uhhh... I'm not very good with control, so if someone breaks a leg, it won't be my fault) Sara mentally responded to Prime.

Leaving the matter for Sara to handle, Prime focused his attention entirely on Ross. After skillfully dodging another of Ross's attacks, Prime opened his mouth, seeing a purple, flaming flame begin to take shape before him. With a quick motion, Prime shot a beam of flames in Ross's direction.

Meanwhile, Sara skillfully controlled the tendrils, releasing the teenagers and children one by one. External observers might see the tendrils as a separate entity from Prime's body, given the drastic change in their behavior.

Returning to Prime, his energy beam persisted in pressing against Ross, or at least that was Prime's initial expectation. However, unlike last time, Ross seemed to be holding his ground.

It was as if Prime's ray was colliding against an invisible barrier around Ross's body. Quickly, Prime realized that Ross was generating enough heat to create some sort of thermal shield around him, or something similar.

Furthermore, as time passed, it was evident that Ross was losing control. Prime recognized the urgency of stopping him as quickly as possible, and more importantly, doing so without causing fatal harm. Though Prime had initially considered the idea of reprimanding Ross, now he found himself concerned about the possibility of being the one to end up taking a beating.

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