Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 79 – Red Menace [5]

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From where Prime stood, he could feel the intense heat radiating from the Red Hulk. With his daughters safe and most civilians at a distance, Prime had no reason to hold back any longer. With no alternative but to face the challenge head-on, he decided to launch himself with all his might, determined to confront the enemy boldly and impactfully.

One of the factors that worried Prime was the intense heat emanating from the Red Hulk. However, Prime soon realized it wasn't ordinary heat; upon feeling its impact on his body, he identified it as radiation, more precisely gamma radiation.

(How is he handling all this heat?) Sara mentally queried Prime, perplexed by the sight of the Red Hulk's flaming body.

"Maybe because he's the bearer, he's not being affected? Just like how I'm unaffected by most external attacks, it must be the same with him... Although, in his case, it seems to be something internal. Still, there's no source of power without a price" Prime pondered on the matter.

From Prime's perspective, the Red Hulk seemed to be growing hotter with time passing. It was unrealistic for Prime to think this wouldn't come with a cost; perhaps it was physically draining for him. Although Prime didn't believe he would die or anything, there was a sense that this constant heat was slowly sapping his strength.

"Anyway, let's see how far he can endure" Prime remarked as he opened his mouth.

Soon after, dark energy began to gather rapidly before Prime. Within seconds, a flaming purple energy ball emerged, hovering in the air. With a swift gesture, Prime shot the energy towards the Red Hulk. The attack resembled a controllable laser, allowing Prime to manipulate the dark energy at will, adding or removing intensity as needed.

As Prime's attack collided with the heat radiated by the Red Hulk, he noticed a slight resistance, as if an invisible shield protected the opponent. However, upon closer analysis, Prime realized it was simply the intense heat around the Red Hulk causing this barrier sensation.

Nevertheless, Prime's attack continued its trajectory towards the target, and the Red Hulk quickly raised his hands to intercept it. Though pushed back by the impact, it was only a momentary setback. Prime sincerely admired the Red Hulk's resilience; his attack was formidable, yet the adversary managed to hold his ground.

It's not like Prime was giving it his all, like ramping up his power from 30% to 80%. The Red Hulk began to retreat, showing signs he wouldn't hold out much longer. However, to Prime's surprise, the heat around the Red Hulk intensified.

"ARRRRRHHHHH!!!" roared the Red Hulk.

Though it didn't seem enough to repel the attack, it was enough for him to evade. And evade he did. As soon as Prime's blow was diverted, the Red Hulk leaped among the cars, while Prime attempted to strike again.

(Prime, here he comes) Sara warned in Prime's mind.

"I know, I'm already on it" replied Prime as he ceased his long-range attack and transformed his arm into a shield.

Seconds later, Prime felt an impact coming at him. Though considerable, it didn't push him back much, and he still felt unyielding. The Red Hulk's body was exuding intense heat, and Prime felt as if he were inside an oven.

But his body was holding up. Though the heat was intense, Prime felt his resilience gradually adapting to it. He wondered if this adaptability had any relation to Sara's power or if it was simply a result of his own endurance.

"I'm starting to think our little game has been going on for too long" Prime commented as he defended against the Red Hulk's furious onslaught.

After his words, Prime acted swiftly, using his powers to create something akin to a whip that extended from his foot to the back of the red Hulk, passing under the bridge. With precision, Prime wrapped the whip around the red Hulk's neck, distracting him for a crucial moment. It was exactly the opening Prime needed.

Prime quickly undid his shield and, in a swift motion, grabbed the red Hulk's head. With his hand and the symbiotic whip wrapped around the monster's neck, Prime applied enough force to bring him down to the ground.

Next, while still maintaining his firm grip on the red Hulk's head, Prime hurled him towards a nearby car. The impact caused the monster to collide with the vehicle, and as he tried to recover, he was caught off guard when another car was thrown in his direction.

Seizing the opportunity, Prime used his tentacles to entangle the red Hulk's limbs, securing his feet and hands. With precision, he used two additional tentacles to suspend himself above the red Hulk, as if he were floating in the air.

Then, Prime opened his mouth again, allowing the purplish fiery energy to condense in front of him. This time, Prime gathered an impressive amount of this energy, feeling it pulsate in his symbiotic form.

Even unsure of his own magnitude of power, Prime was determined to test his current limit. With determination burning in his eyes, he unleashed the energy towards the red Hulk. After all, if there was something capable of facing a powerful being like the Hulk, that something was Prime.

As the energy beam struck the red Hulk, he was thrown towards the concrete of the bridge. Try as he might to gather his strength, the red Hulk couldn't move a single muscle. It seemed like gravity had become his enemy, as if all the weight of the universe was now being pushed upon him.

The bridge couldn't withstand the power of the battle; the ground began to crack and soon, a hole formed beneath the red Hulk, thrown by Prime's hands and compressed under the purplish power. The sea opened to receive him, but upon contact with Prime's energy, the water turned into a burning mass, inhospitable to any marine creature. It was as if the ocean was turning into lava before their eyes, in an almost instantaneous transformation.

(... I think we overdid it) Sara commented in Prime's mind.

Of course, it wasn't like Prime wasn't aware of his power, but even for him, the scene before him seemed completely surreal. It was as if an asteroid had fallen there. Prime remained silent at Sara's response, after all, even he recognized that he had gone too far.

But it wasn't how much power he could unleash that impressed Prime. No matter how much he looked, he couldn't see or feel the slightest sign of the red Hulk. It was as if he had simply teleported.

(He... escaped?) Sara asked mentally to Prime.

"... Seems like it" replied Prime, as he slowly detransformed until a confused Sara emerged.

"Anyway, what exactly did that guy want with us? He just kept talking about power and control" Sara asked, releasing a short sigh.

(I honestly don't know. Anyway, I don't think this will be our last encounter, though, honestly, I don't want to meet him again. Anyway, let's go back. Annie and Ema must be getting worried about our delay) Prime replied mentally to Sara.

Nodding, Sara turned and began walking towards home. Around them, only destruction could be seen, but Sara seemed to regard it as inevitable. Anyway, Prime had previously mentioned that he would provide financial assistance in rebuilding the bridge.

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