Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 56 – Prime in fury [2]

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I'm recommending two stories for Litrpg fans, one by me and one by another writer who seems to be off to a promising start.

Deaths Return (A Litrpg Story)

The Last Loud (A Litrpg Story)

Logan, Jean, and Scott kept their eyes fixed on Sara. No matter how they observed her, she didn't seem to be in her right mind. Moreover, it seemed impossible to talk to her at that moment to get details of what happened. Somehow, it was as if Sara had regressed to a bestial version of herself.

"Are we really going to fight her? She beat Jean" Scott asked, turning his gaze to Logan.

"It's not like she's giving us any other options. Plus, we just need to contain her until Kurt and Kitty find Xavier" Logan replied.

The trio watched Sara cautiously when suddenly they were startled by a monstrous roar that echoed as tentacles grew from her back.


Scott and Jean watched the scene cautiously, initially thinking that Prime was controlling her. However, they soon realized that this Prime seemed much more irrational than the Prime they knew from the training room. In light of this, both were sure that something had happened.

"She's going to attack!" exclaimed Logan, raising his claws forward to intercept, at the exact moment, one of Sara's tentacles.

Scott was the first to react, firing a powerful red beam from his eyes towards Sara. However, without even moving, Sara blocked Scott's beam with one of her tentacles, which manifested in the form of a red shield.

Jean seized the opportunity and quickly created a mental dome around Sara. However, unlike last time, Sara easily shattered Jean's shield with a roar, causing the dome to shatter like glass.

"This isn't good. She's much more powerful than when we trained. Our powers seem to have no effect" explained Scott, while continuing to fire red beams from his eyes, trying to find a weakness in Sara.

Shortly thereafter, while blocking Scott's attacks and attacking Logan, Sara opened her mouth. The trio, once again, became cautious, awaiting her next attack, which didn't take long to happen. A flaming purple energy began to form inside Sara's mouth, leaving the three awestruck as they tried to understand what was happening. Scott, being the first to realize, quickly shouted to Logan.

"Quick, behind me, both of you!" exclaimed Scott.

Logan didn't question why and simply dodged Sara's tentacle, advancing towards Scott. Then, the flaming purple energy Sara was concentrating on was shot towards the trio. Scott reacted immediately, firing his beam and intercepting Sara's attack.

"Kid, hold steady! If you go down, Jean and I will be in trouble!" exclaimed Logan.

"I'm doing my best!" exclaimed Scott, increasing the power of his beam even more.

Although Scott was deeply confused by Sara's new attack, he didn't have time to reflect on it. In fact, he was struggling to block Sara's attacks with difficulty. Moreover, it seemed like she wasn't even taking it seriously, as if she were playing with her prey.

In the end, Scott managed to withstand Sara's attack, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Sara chose to let them live. Either way, Scott was completely exhausted after using a considerable amount of energy. On the other hand, Sara seemed capable of launching another attack of that magnitude without feeling the slightest sign of fatigue.

"It doesn't seem like she's tired. Honestly, I don't know if we'll be able to hold out until Kitty and Kurt bring Xavier here" said Logan as he watched Sara, noticing that she showed no signs of fatigue.

"What would our other options be? Run away? Sorry, but that's something I refuse to consider. Even if we're facing death here, we can't just abandon it like that. I don't even want to imagine what she could do to the other kids in the mansion" said Scott, his tone heavy with seriousness.

Sure, Logan and Jean felt the same way, but they recognized that mere words wouldn't solve the situation, especially with Sara in that state. So, the trio had to revert to their previous strategy: find a way to incapacitate Sara.

"You think if she had less resistance, your attacks could hold her down?" Logan asked, directing his gaze straight at Jean.

"Not sure... Maybe?" Jean replied, her voice laden with uncertainty.

"Well, looks like we'll have to figure it out for ourselves" Logan responded, flexing his shoulders.

Upon realizing Logan's intentions, Scott and Jean exchanged worried glances.

"Are you sure about this? Doubt she'll just stand there. Plus... her attacks are mighty painful" Jean said.

Logan, with a smirk on his face, looked at Jean and said. "I noticed"

Then, turning his attention back to Sara, Logan extended his claws and lunged towards her. Sara reacted immediately, hurling several tentacles towards Logan. However, to everyone's surprise, Logan didn't retreat. Instead, he started slashing through every attack coming his way, increasing his speed even more.

It didn't take long for Logan to confront Sara head-on. Swiftly, she transformed her arm into a sword in an attempt to strike him, but Sara had to momentarily shift her focus when she was hit by a beam from her back. At some point, Scott had moved and was now behind her. That was all the distraction Logan needed.

Advancing from behind Sara, Logan grabbed her tightly while plunging his claws into her abdomen. Roaring, Sara writhed, desperately trying to free herself from Logan's grip, but to no avail. Instead, Sara caused several spikes to grow on her back, piercing Logan, who spat out a significant amount of blood.

"Jean, quick!" Logan exclaimed urgently.

Jean quickly pondered how to contain Sara. She realized her attacks weren't having the desired effect and understood she couldn't allow Logan to remain in that condition indefinitely. Even with his extremely fast healing factor, if he passed out, it could mean the end for her and Scott.

At that moment, Jean remembered that somehow she could penetrate Sara's mind, although she couldn't read it. Perhaps it was possible to manipulate her. However, the mere thought of delving into that endless darkness again left Jean trembling.

Setting aside that thought, Jean focused and then delved into Sara's mind. Once again, she found herself immersed in that infinite void. As expected, there was nothing there, not even the red eyes she had witnessed last time. Carefully, Jean began to spread her powers throughout Sara's mind.

Outside, Logan and Scott watched as Sara suddenly stopped attacking, seeming to enter a lethargic state. Both presumed this was likely related to whatever Jean was doing.

Unfortunately, this state didn't last long. Jean, who was gradually expanding her mental power within Sara, encountered a barrier, something of extreme strength. The being now directed its gaze towards Jean, the same one she had glimpsed before. Its scarlet red eyes gleamed with curiosity as they watched Jean.

Looking into the eyes of the being, Jean felt fear envelop her again. It seemed that within those red eyes there was only the purest chaos, a being that didn't discern between good and evil. In fact, all of this seemed to become completely meaningless in the presence of the being. For some reason, words began to form in her mind naturally as she stared at the being, as if the being itself were communicating with her.

"From absolute void we came, and to absolute void we shall return" Jean pronounced naturally, as if in a trance.

Outside, Jean suddenly began to scream, grabbing her head. Scott and Logan looked horrified at the scene, not knowing what was happening. Shortly after, a dark mist began to emanate from Sara, a mist so dense that it seemed to defy the penetration of light.

Logan quickly released himself from Sara, returning to Scott's side, who had already run towards Jean. Now, he held her in his arms after she had fainted.

"Jean! Jean, wake up!" Scott called, gently shaking her. Then, he turned his gaze to Sara. "What's going on, anyway?" he asked, confused.

As they watched the mist, Logan and Scott noticed something viscous crawling out of it. It was a thin arm with three fingers, followed by a relatively hairy face, adorned with two sharp canine teeth. More and more of these creatures began to emerge, and soon after, they opened their wings, taking flight and circling around the group.

"This mist... it's birthing monsters?" Scott wondered, puzzled by his own realization.

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