Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 45 – Suppositions

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"So, how are you liking school so far?" Gwen asked with a friendly smile on her face.

Hearing these words, Sara turned her gaze to Gwen. She didn't have a solid impression of the place yet, after all, it was her first day. However, she could list the interesting points she had observed so far.

"It seems like a great school to me" Sara replied, bringing the straw of her juice to her mouth. "Everyone seems quite intelligent, by the way. Plus, somehow, I feel included in the environment"

These were Sara's sincere thoughts. Well, it's not like she could compare in any way, after all, this was the first school she attended. Prime, who listened to everything, just thought that the three seemed to be good kids, but Peter was still a mystery to him.

(By the way, Prime, how's your work going? You previously told me you were investing in some companies, right?)

Prime's internal thoughts were interrupted when Sara called him. Reflecting on the matter, Prime realized he hadn't explained this subject in detail to Sara yet. Moreover, since it was break time, it would be a good opportunity to fill her in on his plans.

(Oh, about that, so far, so good. I've invested in two companies that seem to have great future potential: one called Frost International and Stark Industries. By the way, Stark Industries will have a meeting with investors soon)

Upon hearing Prime's words, Sara mentally pondered if this wouldn't be a problem. Although she wasn't a business expert, she knew that at an investor meeting, it was generally expected to attend in person. However, given the current circumstances of both, this seemed somewhat impossible.

(Don't worry about it, I had already considered that possibility and made it clear that you would go in my place) reassured Prime. (I also asked them not to underestimate you, as you're very smart)

Listening to Prime's words, Sara let out a small sigh and then formulated a sincere question in her voice.

(Prime, do you really believe this will work?)

Sara's words made Prime reconsider the plan once again, and to be honest, he wasn't even sure of the answer to that question himself.

(Let's hope it works out. Anyway, I'll be by your side there, so you just need to follow my instructions and everything will be fine... probably)

Ignoring Prime's not very optimistic words, Sara noticed that the cafeteria had become noticeably livelier. When she looked around, she finally understood why, which wasn't very difficult since everyone was looking in the same direction.

Sara observed the scene for a moment before commenting, to no one in particular. "They seem to be quite popular at this school"

Naturally, Sara was referring to none other than Scott and Jean. Although she wasn't sure about Kitty and Kurt's whereabouts, it was an undisputed fact that Scott and Jean were quite popular. This also reminded her that Gwen and Jean were considered two of the prettiest girls in school.

(Hahaha, funny you think so, since you're not far behind them)

Listening to Prime's words, Sara tilted her head, looking truly confused by the suggestion.

(What exactly do you mean by that?) Sara asked, uncertainty painted on her face.

Upon hearing Sara's question, Prime pondered the possibility, but considering Sara's indifference to such matters, he concluded it would be quite possible.

(You haven't noticed? Since we arrived at school, several boys have been looking at you. And right now, boys from other tables are throwing glances at you and Gwen)

Upon hearing this, Sara turned her head to look around and, as Prime had mentioned, noticed several boys watching them, though quickly looking away when she stared at them.

(Well, I'm not surprised, you're quite pretty. And, to be honest, your white hair is quite unusual, which naturally attracts a lot of attention)

Prime's words caught Sara by surprise. To be honest, she had never subjectively analyzed herself, never considered herself beautiful or ugly. She just saw herself as a girl, although that was quite obvious.

"Oh, they're waving at us!" exclaimed Ned, excitement evident in his voice.

Upon hearing this, Sara turned her gaze to Jean and Scott's table and noticed that both were waving toward their table, especially at her. Without hesitation, Sara returned the gesture with a wave.

"I didn't know you knew them" Gwen said curiously.

"Well, I guess I do" Sara replied, shrugging.

After that, time passed, and everyone returned to their classrooms. Sara found herself surprised again to realize that she was understanding all the subjects presented in class, although it wasn't an instant thing.

Shortly after, the bell rang, signaling the end of the day's classes. As she chatted with Peter, Ned, and Gwen, Sara made her way through the school corridors among other students heading home or somewhere else in the city after school.

As they exited the school door, the sunset was already coloring the horizon, signaling that the day was nearing its end. While waiting for the bus on the sidewalk, a car pulled up in front of the group.

"Is this really what I'm seeing? The two nerds are hanging out with Gwen and the cute new girl?" said the boy from inside the car, sporting a wide grin.

Sara raised an eyebrow, internally questioning the boy's identity.

"Flash" Peter muttered, clearly displaying discomfort.

"By the way, we haven't been properly introduced" said Flash, directing his gaze towards Sara.

"My name's Flash Thompson, but I guess you already know that, huh? Hope to hit it off with a cutie like you" Flash said, winking at Sara, who only responded with a disgusted expression.

(Can I kill him?)

Upon hearing Prime's question, Sara just sighed. In truth, it wasn't something that bothered her much, but there were plenty of witnesses around.

"So, do you two ladies prefer hanging out with me instead of these two losers?"

Upon hearing this, Sara sighed. She was torn between admiring the confidence of this jerk or simply destroying his car. Either way, Sara's response was clear from the start; after all, she never really got along with this kind of person.

"Sorry, dude, I have plans at home" Sara said, shrugging and feigning superficial sadness.

"Seriously? That's too bad. And you, Gwen?"

Upon hearing this, Gwen glanced quickly at Peter before forcing a smile. "Sorry, Flash. Promised my mom I'd be home early today"

At first, Sara thought Flash, as Peter called him, would be upset or something, but he just shrugged and put on his sunglasses.

"Suit yourselves. In the end, you're the ones missing out on all the fun" Flash said, stepping on the accelerator, leaving a cloud of smoke behind. From the brief interaction she had with Flash, Sara's only thought was that he would surely be an excellent stress reliever.

"Who was that jerk?" Sara asked, pointing in the direction where Flash had sped off in his car.

"That doesn't matter much. He's just a conceited jerk" said Peter.

"Peter's right. Besides, he has this strange illusion that he's Spider-Man's best friend" Ned added.

Ned's words caught Sara's attention, although she normally wouldn't pay much attention. Sara had heard of this so-called Spider-Man before; according to her memories, he was a masked guy who shot webs and saved people, something like that.

(Spider-Man? This is the first time I've heard of it)

Upon hearing this, Sara quickly remembered that Prime was an extraterrestrial being, and, to be honest, she had never broached this subject before.

(Spider-Man is a masked individual with abilities similar to those of a spider. We've never seen his real face, but there are several theories about his true identity)

Upon hearing this, Prime quickly recalled the sensation when Sara and Peter touched hands. The fact that Peter's DNA was extremely similar also seemed strange to him at the time, but Prime chose not to pay much attention. However, now that the subject had been mentioned, it became practically impossible for him not to be interested in the matter.

(I think I know who Spider-Man might be, although it's just a guess)

Upon hearing Prime's words, Sara raised an eyebrow with a doubtful expression.

(Do you remember when you touched Peter's hand? It was at that moment that my powers, for some reason, were activated) Prime said.

(Oh, at that moment? I also felt something like a shock running through my body. At the time, I just ignored it, but it was quite strange) Sara said, with a pensive expression on her face.

(Yes, at the moment when you held hands, I was able to analyze Peter and his DNA. It was remarkably similar to that of an arachnid)

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