Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 28 – Abominable [1]

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Listening to Blonsky's words, Sterns stared at him with a mixed expression of surprise and curiosity.

"The problem is I don't know what already exists inside you... the mixture could be... abominable"

Hearing these words, without saying a word, Blonsky simply grabbed Sterns by the collar and lifted him off the ground. Breathless, Sterns responded.

"I didn't say I wouldn't do it. I just need you to take responsibility for what might happen... and you just did that"

After that, Sterns began the preparations. With a tube containing Bruce's blood, he would transfer it to Blonsky, resulting in a massive transformation or a painful and horrible death.

As soon as the blood began to be transferred, the changes in Blonsky became visible. His spine protruded from his body, and his muscles grew to an impossible size. Sterns' last sight was that of a green monster, which could only be described as abominable, before being attacked and collapsing unconscious on the floor.


"Since the moment we stepped into that lab, I had a feeling something like this could happen"

Sara watched the chaos unfolding below, currently standing with Prime on top of a building. The broad view they had of the city allowed both of them to have a clear sense of what was happening, and if Sara had to sum it up in one word, it would definitely be "chaos".

People were running in all directions, cars were exploding in the distance, children were crying - all of this was visible from where Sara was.

(Looks like the power got to his head)

Even before Blonsky entered the room, Prime had already detected him. As a precaution, he suggested to Sara to flee before the situation became more complicated. Prime recognized Blonsky from the fight with Bruce at the university. Although not fully understood, it was clear that Blonsky envied Bruce and desired to have the same power he possessed.

(Anyway, we need to stop him)

It's not like Prime was being benevolent or anything. To be honest, the only person Prime really cared about was Sara. Even Prime had to admit he was no longer fully human, considering he didn't care much about humans in general. However, Sara's feelings were transmitted to him all the time.

Although Sara was somewhat indifferent to the situation, she still felt uneasy because she knew she had the power to help. Prime didn't want her to feel guilty later for not helping when she could, after all, Sara was still human.

Hearing Prime's words, Sara gave a small smile, understanding his thoughts to some extent.

"Sure thing, after all, our apartment isn't far from here. Besides, I like New York... you know, despite all its flaws"

Saying this with a laugh, Sara stood up again, and shortly after, her body was enveloped in a red viscous layer.

"It's time to show that monster there's a much worse monster than it"

Saying these words, Prime projected himself from one building to another, moving swiftly and quickly. As he approached the monster close enough, Prime launched himself at it like a bullet, hitting it and making it fly a few meters until it stopped, with its body buried among the debris of a building.

The monster quickly recovered and spat out a broken tooth from its mouth, something Prime had already expected. Of course, he didn't imagine he could defeat it with just one blow.

"You... so now you see me as a worthy opponent? Hahaha, although I was expecting the Hulk, you'll be a good appetizer until he arrives"


While the helicopter carried Bruce farther and farther away. Both Bruce and Elizabeth were calming each other. Bruce wondered where the little girl would be, but at the same time, reassured himself, thinking she would be fine, after all, she managed to fight against him transformed. At that moment, the helicopter pilot caught Ross's attention while holding a phone in his hand.

"General, listen to this"

Ross quickly took the phone and put it to his ear.

"The Hulk is on the street, I repeat, the Hulk is on the street. Moreover, he seems to be fighting again with that monster we saw at the university"

Hearing this, Ross turned his gaze to Bruce for a brief moment, trying to understand the situation, as the Hulk was by his side.

"That's impossible. Stay calm, boy, control yourself. What's your position?"

After a few seconds of silence, a response came from the soldier on the phone.

"Hundred and twenty-first street, heading north on Broadway"

Ross quickly looked at the helicopter pilot.

"Fast, go there"

With that command, the helicopter turned around, which did not go unnoticed by Bruce, who began to look around.

"We're going back. Why are we going back?"

Bruce's questions went unanswered, and Ross became increasingly tense without additional information.

"Darn it, give me visuals"

After that, the mini monitor inside the helicopter began to broadcast in real time the ongoing fight. The weapons didn't work, even the heavy-caliber ones. The only way to contain the monster seemed to be with another monster, and Bruce knew that.

Bruce was confident that the girl could defeat that thing, but still, it would take a long time, and many people would die.

"It has to be me... it has to take me back"

Hearing this, Elizabeth, with a worried look, said.

"What are you saying? Do you think you can control the Hulk?"

Bruce just shook his head in denial.

"Not control, but maybe... give it a purpose"

Hearing this, Ross exclaimed.


Hearing this, Bruce turned to Ross with a serious look on his face.

"We did this, all of us. Please"

Nodding, Ross turned to the pilot.

"Land nearby"

But Bruce quickly interrupted him.

"No, no, no... keep us high and open the rear door"

Although Elizabeth told him not to, Bruce saw no other alternative. So, while kissing her, Bruce jumped out of the helicopter.

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