Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 16 – Symbiote Vs Symbiote [2]

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Just before the attack hit Prime, he dodged to the left, avoiding the blow that struck the ground, forming a small crater. The symbiote persisted in its attack, transforming its other hand into a scythe. Running towards Prime, the symbiote attempted to deliver a blow.

Just before this happened, Prime transformed his hand into a shield, defending himself from the attack.

"Could you always do that?"

Sara asked, surprised. She knew very little about Prime's species, so practically anything he did would be something new and impressive to her.

"Now I can"

Prime replied, keeping his focus on the fight. Every moment, he was pushed by the other symbiote, which, finding an opening, used its claws to scratch Prime's shoulder, eliciting a small groan of pain from his lips.

Pushing the symbiote forward, Prime extended his arm and grabbed its head. Shortly after, Prime slammed the symbiote's head onto the ground with all the force he could muster at the moment. Afterward, he kicked the symbiote in the face, sending it back a considerable distance from its previous position.

Stunned, the symbiote shook its head to regain its senses. Then it focused its gaze on Prime, showing its row of teeth and pronounced.

"You have a strong host, father"

Hearing this, Prime narrowed his eyes, as it didn't seem at all like the symbiote would surrender.

"But it's not enough"

Prime said. Saying these words, the symbiote transformed its two arms into stakes and buried them in the ground. Soon after, sharp spikes emerged from the ground, pursuing Prime. Jumping to the side, Prime avoided the spikes and then clung his claws to the ceiling by jumping on the wall.

Once the spikes ceased, Prime descended, but was quickly surprised by the symbiote, which was already on top of him. Grabbing Prime, the symbiote threw him against the wall. Prime reacted in the same way, changing positions and throwing the symbiote against the wall.

Next, Prime grabbed the symbiote's leg and threw it with all his strength against the wall, which broke upon impact. The symbiote broke several wall sections until it stopped outside the facility, near Drake's rockets.

Prime approached the symbiote and observed the surroundings. Both were outside, near Drake's rockets. However, this moment of carelessness allowed the symbiote to grab Prime's leg, throwing him against some pipes. Then, the symbiote delivered a blow to Prime.

With its hands transformed into claws, the symbiote scratched Prime. In retaliation, Prime punched the symbiote, throwing it to the railing. In an agile move, Prime advanced, tossing the symbiote into the air. Jumping along, Prime grabbed the symbiote's head and threw it towards the rocket. Continuing his attack, Prime ran to the symbiote and squeezed its neck.

"You won't be able to beat me"

Prime growled at the symbiote. However, he forgot that the symbiote's hands were still free. The symbiote tore off one of the pipes from the location and struck Prime with all its strength, sending him to a steep platform with the sea below. Prime recovered from the blow, shaking his head to dispel the dizziness, and muttered.

"Ugh... he's not so strong, but I can't find a decisive way to defeat him"

Hearing this, Sara encouraged.

"Come on, Prime, he's just like you. Isn't there some weakness we can exploit?"

As the symbiote approached slowly, Prime, reflecting on Sara's question.

"Weakness? If there was something like that, I would have used it a long time ago. Even though he's like me, I'm not sure if I have a weakness..."

At that moment, something clicked in Prime's mind, an idea emerged.

"And that. If we don't have a weakness, we just need to create one"

Finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, Prime, while sharing his idea, glimpsed a glimmer of hope. Hearing this, Sara asked hesitantly.

"Can you do that?"

Sara asked. Hearing her words, Prime closed his eyes and began to explain.

"I should be able to. I don't know if it's the same with him, but I can practically change any cell I want in my composition. In theory, I should be able to give myself a weakness"

As Prime spoke, his cells began to transform. Quickly, all cells were replaced by the new ones, and Prime began to feel discomfort with the heat emanating from the rocket, which seemed about to take off.


Said Prime, standing up and preparing again to face the symbiote.

"What do we do now?"

Asked Sara. Prime opened his mouth, and two of his upper teeth grew considerably larger than the others.

"Now we just need to pass the new downgrade to him"

Replied Prime. Saying these words, Prime ran towards the symbiote, which also reacted to Prime's attack by running towards him. As the two symbiotes collided, Prime grabbed the head of the symbiote and threw it to the ground. Then, Prime grabbed the leg of the symbiote and threw it towards the rocket.

The symbiote was briefly stunned by the series of attacks, enough time for Prime to insert his fangs into the viscous neck of the symbiote. In an instant, Prime inserted one of his new cells into the symbiote.

Next, Prime banged the head of the symbiote against the rocket, tossing it upward. The symbiote stopped in the entrance compartment of the rocket, and Prime, wasting no time, appeared in front of it and threw it inside, locking the door.

Inside the rocket, the symbiote banged on the door, but it would take time before it could break it. Outside, the symbiote looked at Prime with hatred in its eyes.

"What did you do?"

Asked. Prime just smiled and said.

"I just installed a new upgrade in you"

Saying these words, Prime made one of his hands turn into a scythe and jumped off the rocket, tearing it apart as he descended. As soon as the fuel came into contact with the fire, the rocket exploded with the symbiote inside, putting an end to it. Prime landed on the ground in a location relatively close to the explosion. Although he was not in danger of losing his life, the explosion still affected him a bit.

"All I want now is to eat a hamburger"

Said Prime, transforming back and revealing a laughing Sara, momentarily forgetting that her body was also sore and injured.

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