Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 122 – New seed [4]

Ema was completely focused on the lesson. As the teacher wrote on the board, she diligently copied the content into her notebook. Although she wasn’t an exceptional student, Ema made an effort and usually managed to stay above average. For her, getting high grades wasn’t the most important thing.

Her true motivation was that whenever she did well on tests, her father would be more affectionate than usual, even buying her favorite treats like cakes and sweets. That’s why Ema always put her best effort into her classes. However, on this particular day, she was a bit distracted.

(I still can’t understand why you humans spend almost all your time in school. From my point of view, the only really useful thing to learn here is other languages)

Ema noticed that, as always, the voice in her head sounded confident. It was the voice of her symbiont, her own symbiont. Whenever she remembered that, a genuine smile would form on her lips. Now, she could finally say she was like her sister, her father, and Sara.

“Alright, I’ll choose one of you to come up here and solve this problem... Ema, come on up”

Called suddenly, Ema was initially surprised. Then anxiety took over. The truth was that Ema hadn’t been paying attention to what the teacher was saying because she was distracted talking to her symbiont. Besides, the topic was new, just started that day.

(Uhh... I really should have paid more attention in class)

With these thoughts in mind, Ema slowly walked to the front of the class. Taking the chalk the teacher handed her, she positioned herself in front of the board. However, no matter how hard she tried, nothing written made sense to her. Without having followed the explanation, Ema had no idea what they were discussing, making it impossible to answer the question.

(You only need to solve what’s on the board? If you want, I can do it with no problems)

Hearing the voice in her head, Ema was caught off guard, almost letting out a strange sound. She felt she would die of embarrassment if she screamed. Realizing it was just a false alarm, she sighed in relief before asking a question mentally, with a curious and hopeful tone.

(Do you know how to solve this?)

(Yes, of course. I’ve gathered a lot of information from your mind, so I know almost all the basics you know. Also, I was listening to the teacher, so after understanding the content, I should be able to solve the problem perfectly)

As always, Ema thought the voice of her symbiont sounded confident, or rather, somewhat arrogant. However, she had no choice but to accept her symbiont's help.

(Alright, I’ll accept your help this time)

(Hehehe, leave it to me. Together, there’s nothing we need to fear)

After these words, something strange happened to Ema’s body. Suddenly, her legs started moving on their own. Ema was surprised, but when her arms also began to move without her controlling them, confusion took over. Then, the problems were solved one after another, and in less than a minute, Ema had completed all the questions.

"Wow, very well done! All the answers are correct"

The teacher seemed surprised, but Ema was even more so. The sensation of having her body controlled was not pleasant at all, and Ema decided, in her heart, to avoid this experience as much as possible in the future.

After returning to her seat, Emma watched the other classes calmly. Before she knew it, lunchtime had arrived. As everyone left the classroom, Emma was still in her seat. Some of her friends had already left because Emma had mentioned she still had some things to do and would stay in the room for a while longer. However, what Emma said wasn't entirely true.

"I already told you no!"

At the moment, Emma was engaged in an internal battle with her other half, so to speak.

(Why? Didn’t I help you today? Trust me. Didn’t you say the break is 30 minutes? That’s enough time for us to leave school and come back; they won’t even notice)

The conversation had been going on for about 15 minutes. No matter how many times Emma said "no" it seemed like the words went in one ear and out the other. At this point, Emma was considering agreeing just to get her to stop talking for a while.

(Besides, aren’t you even a little curious about what the two of us can do? You want to help Dad, don’t you?)

The tempting voice in her head echoed again, this time more persuasive than before. Emma recognized that the voice was right; what she wanted most was to help her dad.

"Okay, but just for 15 minutes. After that, we'll come back"

(Deal. I knew we’d come to an understanding)

With that, Emma climbed out the classroom window. Since the classroom was on the first floor, it was relatively easy for her to sneak out. As she walked across the campus, she noticed there were hardly any students around; most were in the cafeteria or nearby areas. Emma sighed in relief at the tranquility of the place.

Once she left the school, Emma walked through the busy city streets. To be honest, it was her first time doing something like skipping school. However, she thought that when she returned, everything would probably be okay.

(Hey, how about we see the city from a slightly higher vantage point?)

"... what do you mean by that?"

Although she managed to ask her question, the next few seconds were undoubtedly the worst of Emma's life. Her body started moving on its own again, but this time, she ran toward an alley between two buildings. The confusion only grew when her body unexpectedly took a leap.

As she moved from one building to another, Emma quickly found herself on top of one of them. Feeling dizzy and nauseous, her head seemed to spin endlessly.

(We got here in a second. Amazing, right? Feel free to compliment me!)

For the first time, Emma felt a real unhappiness at hearing a voice identical to her own but with such a confident and arrogant tone.

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