Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 120 – New seed [2]

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Ema had a dream just before waking up. Although she couldn't remember the details, a different version of herself appeared in the dream. From Ema's perspective, this other version seemed much braver and more beautiful than she was.

Ema was sure that the two of them had talked in the dream, but unfortunately, she couldn't recall what they had said. What remained was an intense feeling, as if something inside her had awakened. It was like a small flame that had previously been weak and about to go out but was now burning with strength and urgency, clamoring to be set free.

"You look happy, Ema. Did something happen?"

Upon hearing the question beside her, Ema turned her head and met her sister's gaze. To Ema, her sister was everything—her world. However, lately, something different seemed to emerge every time she looked at her. It was a strange feeling, hard to describe. It wasn't the same as what she felt when looking at their father, but it still caused a subtle discomfort, something that made her uneasy without understanding why.

However, at that moment, the strange feeling suddenly disappeared. Ema didn't know why, but since waking up, she felt more motivated than usual. Maybe it was because her father had come to wake her up, which was rare. Besides, to Ema, her father was incredibly strong and fearless. She could hardly wait for the day when she would be like him, like Sara, and also like her sister.

"Dad woke me up today. It's been a while since he last did that"

Upon hearing her sister's innocent words, Annie smiled affectionately. Prime, upon hearing this, also let a smile appear on his face.

"Really? I didn't know waking someone up had become such a rare event. But if that's the case, I guess I can make a special exception for my little girl"

Hearing her father's words, Ema smiled brightly and agreed enthusiastically. As the car continued on its way, she looked at her surroundings with renewed attention. Strangely, everything seemed clearer than usual. The sensation of speed she used to feel on the bus was gone, and now Ema could perceive almost every detail around her with surprising clarity.

(It might be because Dad is driving slowly... Yeah, that must be it)

After a few minutes in the car, Ema finally arrived at school. She attended the same institution as her sister and Sara, and they usually went together. Sara also had some friends who had been introduced to Ema and her sister, but Ema generally found it difficult to join in the conversations.


Upon hearing her name, Ema looked up and saw her sister. Sara was also watching her with a worried expression. Ema felt a bit confused, not understanding the reason for so much concern.

"If you feel weird or anything, call me, okay? I'll come to you as soon as possible"

Hearing these words, Ema tilted her head in confusion. She really couldn't understand what her sister was referring to.

"Weird how? Like, when I need to go to the bathroom, but the teacher doesn't let me because we're still in class?"

After saying this, Ema noticed Annie's gaze shifting towards Sara but decided not to comment. After all, she still didn't understand why her sister had asked that question.

"Anyway, if something strange happens, let me know"

After saying this, Ema watched her sister and Sara walk to the other side of the hall. She shrugged and continued down the corridor, her eyes wandering around the environment.

(So many people here; if we ate a few, probably no one would notice)

Ema stopped instantly upon hearing these words in her mind. No one was speaking to her, and the voice sounded strangely familiar, almost like her own but with a tone of confidence that Ema didn't recognize as her own.

"Who are you?"

Although Ema's voice echoed, most students ignored her. The hallway was crowded with the approaching start of classes, and everyone seemed focused on their own activities.

(This is an interesting question. Although I have a name, I don't think it's the right time to reveal it. However, know that I am you — or, more specifically, I am what you wish to become)

Ema couldn’t fully understand what the voice was saying, but she realized it was coming from inside her head. Her dad had told her about some of the powers she and her sister would gain once their symbiotes awakened. Given this, Ema could only think of one possibility. With a huge smile on her face, she asked mentally.

(Are you my symbiote? Daddy said you’d awaken soon. Why did it take so long?)

Ema’s voice was filled with excitement. She would finally be like her dad and sister, and her dad wouldn’t have to worry about her every time something happened.

(Ding Dong, you got it! Actually, you saw me this morning. Don’t you remember?)

When she heard the symbiote’s question in her mind, Ema was confused. In the dream, she had only seen a slightly different version of herself. Although she thought it was just a dream, it seemed like it was real.

(Why did you look so much like me?)

That was Ema’s first question. She had seen both her dad and her sister transformed. Her sister had a relatively distinct feminine appearance, while her dad, although also having a feminine form, did not have prominent sexual characteristics. If Ema had to describe it, she would say that her dad's transformed form lacked any sexual definition.

(Symbiotic forms can be a bit scary, at least from my point of view. Normal humans would probably panic if they saw something like that. I didn’t want to scare you, so I thought a form similar to yours would be more appropriate for me to introduce myself, even though I couldn’t change my hair color)

Ema nodded as she heard this. Remembering the dream, she realized that her other version had purple hair. At the time, Ema had forgotten this detail because she found the whole situation extremely strange.

(Earlier, you mentioned something about eating humans. What did you mean by that?)

As soon as Ema asked the question, the voice in her mind seemed to reflect for a moment. While waiting for the answer, Ema continued walking through the hallways. The voice finally responded when Ema entered the classroom.

(My species feeds on something in the human brain. I even considered consuming some, but Daddy would be furious, perhaps not so much because of me eating humans, but for drawing unnecessary attention to you. He really cares about us. I don’t want him to be mad at me, so I’ll settle for chocolates)

Upon hearing these words, Ema let out a brief laugh. To her, the symbiote in her mind seemed like a child who adored her dad.

(You seem to admire Daddy a lot)

When she heard these words, Ema just listened as the voice in her head responded with a tone of admiration.

(Of course, Daddy is the creator of our race; in human terms, he would be like a god to us. Anyway, I’m very lucky to be his direct daughter. That means that, unless the symbiote is also his child, I’ll be stronger than anyone else. That puts us in a pretty superior position)

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