Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 110 – New medicine [2]

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Upon arriving at Tony's house, Prime was greeted by Jarvis, who informed him that Tony was waiting for him in the garage. Accompanied by Ema, Prime descended to the garage. Upon reaching the familiar glass door, he entered the password and walked in, finding both Tony and Pepper there.

"Why is there a ring in the garage?" Ema asked, with a surprised look.

Hearing Ema's words, Prime became thoughtful. From his point of view, it did seem surprising. As soon as they both reached the garage, they noticed a ring prominently positioned at the far end. Tony and another man were wrestling in the ring, probably training, while Pepper was talking to another woman whom Prime had never seen before.

Prime didn't pay much attention to the new faces, as he wasn't personally very interested. However, he decided to memorize their features, as it might be important in the future. You never know where life might lead you.

"Look who’s here! I thought you weren't coming anymore" Tony said as he delivered a kick to the man’s abdomen, sending him back a bit.

Tony’s gaze then fixed on Emi, who was observing the surroundings with a curious expression. She was examining every detail of the garage, from the training equipment to the scattered tools, showing a somewhat amusing expression.

“Hey, monster girl, any news?” Tony asked, while taking a sip from whatever was in his bottle.

At the sound of Tony’s voice, Emi naturally turned her face toward him. Her own voice then echoed around the room.

“Daddy says I’ll be able to transform soon, but so far I can’t” Emi said, leaving both the man fighting Tony and the woman next to Pepper with confused expressions.

Prime just gave a wry smile at Emi’s words. She really had no filter. Anyway, he hadn’t asked her to hide anything, nor did he want that, so it wasn’t like she had made a mistake.

“Good morning, Mr. Ryan” Pepper said with a subtle smile, waving to Prime.

In response to Pepper’s words, Prime turned his gaze to the woman standing next to her. His first impression was that she was quite beautiful—extremely attractive, to be honest. Of course, from Prime’s perspective, Sara would be even more beautiful as an adult, but that didn’t diminish the charm of the woman present.

Furthermore, Prime noticed that the woman was watching him with an almost unsettling intensity. Her expression was enigmatic and, in a way, seductive, though Prime couldn’t quite define what he felt. Another detail that caught his attention was that the woman seemed to be missing something, more specifically, her uterus.

Prime didn’t know the woman’s circumstances, and touching on something so personal without knowing her well would likely be disrespectful. So he decided to ignore the issue for now, even though the woman continued to observe him intently.

Deciding to set the matter aside, Prime took Emi’s hand and led her to a nearby couch where Pepper and the woman were sitting. As he passed by the woman, Prime noticed that she inclined her head in a gesture of respect, to which he responded with a simple nod. Then, Prime and Emi settled on the couch. Emi, in particular, was swinging her feet back and forth while her eyes explored the surroundings.

Turning his gaze to Tony, Prime saw him pointing to Natasha and calling her to the ring.

“Tony, I can’t believe you’re going to ask her...” Pepper tried to say, but was quickly interrupted by Tony.

“Sweetheart, I’m the referee, and if I allow it, then it’s allowed” Tony said, with his usual carefree tone.

Prime gave a small, wry smile as he settled on the couch. The woman, now known to him as Natasha Romanoff, gave him one last look before heading to the ring. After a brief conversation with Natasha, Tony stepped down from the ring and sat beside her.

“You know she could accuse you of sexual harassment if you keep looking at her like that, right?” Prime asked, with an ironic smile on his lips.

“Oh, I’d like to see her try. She wouldn’t be the first” Tony said, winking at Prime.

“Well, whatever. Anyway, I came here to show you this” Prime said, pulling a small pill from his pocket.

“What’s this?” Tony asked as he picked up the pill and examined it with curiosity.

“This new drug was developed by me” Prime explained with a shrug. “You can call it a general medicine because it can cure almost anything. Of course, it doesn’t cure complex diseases like cancer or Alzheimer’s”

Technically, Prime could develop a drug capable of such miracles. However, it would be unwise to launch such a high-caliber product before establishing a solid market position. Who would believe in a drug that appeared out of nowhere without a proven track record? Certainly, if the product was approved, some people might be willing to buy it, after all, you never know until you try. But that’s just speculation, and the approval for commercialization would still be a matter to resolve.

“What’s it made of?” Tony asked as he opened the pill capsule to examine its contents.

When Tony opened the capsule, a tiny, slimy creature appeared. It seemed unable to leave the capsule due to its tiny size and nearly imperceptible movements. Once it realized it was being watched, the creature became completely still.

“It’s a symbiote, like me” Prime said, catching Tony’s attention. “Of course, it’s not exactly the same. It doesn’t have intelligence; its only function is to enter the human body, cause diseases, and then self-destruct” Prime explained with a shrug.

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Tony asked with a skeptical expression. “I can list several reasons for my concern, but the main one is: are you sure it’s safe to put another being like you in someone else’s body? Or, more specifically, in the bodies of thousands of people?”

Hearing Tony’s words, Prime acknowledged that his concerns were valid. He had had similar questions at the beginning of the drug’s development, but in the end, the solution proved to be simpler than it initially appeared.

“Don’t worry about it. These symbiotes don’t have true intelligence; their only function will be to heal the host and then disappear. They have just enough intelligence to identify and address the problem, but nothing more. Generally, they have a high chance of working as I planned. Of course, they haven’t been tested on humans yet, but that step is approaching” Prime explained, nodding to himself.

“Not tested on humans yet?” Tony asked, his gaze revealing he was contemplating something. “I’ve got a bit of a shoulder ache. How about testing it to see if it works?”

After saying that, Tony swallowed the pill, surprising Prime. Honestly, Prime didn’t believe Tony would actually take it. However, he was confident it would work. And, as Prime had predicted, seconds later, Tony moved his shoulders slightly.

“Wow, it seems to have actually worked! Impressive. Although I could also create something similar” Tony said with a smirk while looking at Prime.

At that very moment, a loud crash echoed through the room. Turning towards the source of the sound, Prime was surprised to see the man who had been training with Tony now lying on the floor, while Natasha watched them with a subtle smile on her face.

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